
003Square(n)Sum(8kyu)from codewars

Square(n)Sum Complete the square sum function so that it squares each number passed into it and then sums the results together. 完成平方和函数,对每个传入其中的数字平方并相 ......
codewars Square 8kyu from 003

002Is He Gonna Survive(8kyu)from codewars

Is He Gonna Survive? A hero is on his way to the castle to complete his mission.However,he's benn told that the castle is surrounded with a couple of ......
codewars Survive Gonna 8kyu from

001Sentence Smash(8kyu)from codewars

Sentence Smash(8kyu) Write a function that takes an array of words and smashes them together into a sentence and returns the sentence.You can ignore a ......
Sentence codewars Smash 8kyu from
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