
Shape search in Visio doesn't work

from This problem is as old as Visio itself I guess :- Visio shape search depends on Windows search ( ......
search Shape Visio doesn work

"the tx doesn't have the correct nonce":使用hardhat调用ganache上部署的合约遇到的一个错误

完整的报错 >查询存证请求 存证请求内容, datahash:0xaad2171441bd73b773e9a9e062753909360bdfcabbddbe93c6c58b13c5c0feaa, 创建人:0xF7A1938Fecc594aaF126d46fd173cE74A659ad9A, 附加信 ......
quot 合约 the 错误 correct

ubuntu18.04.6 配置Busybox make -C buildroot busybox-menuconfig 遇到提示LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment varilable. This doesn't work

可以先在终端执行下面命令让LD_LIBRARY_PATH 变量的内容变为空白 然后再继续,这时会提示 安装g++ 输入 sudo apt-get install g++ 又提示权限不够,那就在make 命令的前面加上sudo即可: 这样 busybox的界面就会出现: ......

【解决方案】adb server version (41) doesn't match this client (36);

【GiraKoo】adb server version (41) doesn't match this client (36); 环境 夜神模拟器无法与Android Studio连接。使用命令行连接时会提示adb server version (41) doesn't match this cli ......
解决方案 version 方案 server client

关于服务迁移后测试接口发现的SQLSyntaxErrorException:Table'XXXXX表' doesn't exist 错误

首先,这是我这种粗心的小白经常的犯错内容,作为日常记录,警醒自己避免大意 先来看报错 报错很明显,查询的表不存在,但是我要查询的是t_industry表,表名字都不一样,也对比了数据库名字没有写错. 多方测试后无果,紧接着找配置文件application-test,查看数据源也是以前配置好的,好像没 ......

部署项目 Failure obtaining db row lock: Table ‘XXX.qrtz_LOCKS‘ doesn‘t exist

系统环境 centos7 MySQL5.7 原因: mysql对表大小写有要求,但是当时创建表的时候都是小写,所以说就查不到qrtz_LOCKS这张表,所以就报错了 解决办法: 找到mysql的配置文件 my.cnf 路径在etc/my.cnf cd etc vim my.cnf 此时点击A键触发编 ......
qrtz_LOCKS obtaining Failure 项目 Table

ubuntu下mysql有表却提示table doesn't exist

linux里面的mysql是区分大小写的,windows下的mysql不区分。 在mysql的安装目录里面找到mysqld.cnf文件, 在[mysqld]的下面(可以看到还有别的配置信息) 添加 lower_case_table_names=1 就行了。 我的这个配置文件的目录是/etc/mysq ......
ubuntu mysql doesn exist table

\1146 - Table 'performance_schema.session_variables' doesn't exist

Mysql无法正常连接: 错误原因:Navicat Premium :\1146 - Table 'performance_schema.session_variables' doesn't exist 解决办法 [root@zookeeper1 usr]# mysql_upgrade -u roo ......

Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Field 'id' doesn't have a default value Field 'id' doesn't have a default value; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Field 'id' doesn't have a default value

报错内容: 是因为实体类文件中设置主键自增的类型不对导致的,建议再温习一下逐渐自增的类型以及使用方式 我自己的实体类里面设置的IdType为auto,但是主键id是char类型的,还不是int数值类型,所以无法设置为自增 这里需要换成 IdType.ID_WORKER_STR @ApiModelPr ......
39 default SQLException Field doesn

帝国CMS Table '***.phome_ecms_news_data_'doesn't exist

解决办法 delete from `phome_ecms_news_index` where id not in(select id from phome_ecms_news) ......
phome_ecms_news_data 39 Table phome doesn

使用Echarts时报 Implementation of registerMap doesn't exists 错误解决办法

最新的echarts在使用时,如果使用按需加载的方式引入依赖。在使用 `registerMap` 函数时会报错 如果出现这两个错误: ``` Implementation of registerMap doesn't exists. ``` 或者 ``` Map xxx not exists. Th ......

java 操作 mysql -报错 LockException: Failure obtaining db row lock: Table 'xxx' doesn't exist

1.背景 Java 使用mybatis plus 操作mysql 报错 原因是 mysql 开启了 表明区分大小写 MySQL在Windows下都不区分大小写,但是在Linux下默认是区分大小写的。 在mysql 执行指令 show variables like '%lower_case%'; 需要 ......
LockException obtaining 39 Failure Table

x509: cannot validate certificate for xxx because it doesn't contain any IP SANs

项目中有时候需要访问https网站,但如果该网站使用的是自建证书,那client端验证server端证书时,有时候会报错: > x509: cannot validate certificate for xxx because it doesn't contain any IP SANs 碰到这种情 ......
certificate validate because contain cannot

MYSQL设置密码时显示Failed! Error: SET PASSWORD has no significance for user 'root'@'localhost' as the authentication method used doesn't store authentication d

​ 用这个命令进入mysql sudo mysql 在sql命令行输入以下命令回车,你就可以把密码改成mynewpassword ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password by 'mynewpassword ......

MYSQL设置密码时显示Failed! Error: SET PASSWORD has no significance for user 'root'@'localhost' as the authentication method used doesn't store authentication d

​ 用这个命令进入mysql sudo mysql 在sql命令行输入以下命令回车,你就可以把密码改成mynewpassword ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password by 'mynewpassword ......

Git拉取代码报错:Can't Update No tracked branch configured for branch dev or the branch doesn't exist.To make your branch track a remote branch call

错误: 解决方法: 第一步: git pull origin(远程仓库名称) develop(远程分支名称) --allow-unrelated-histories 第二步: git branch --set-upstream-to origin(远程仓库名称)/develop(远程分支名称) de ......
branch configured tracked 代码 Update

遇到的问题之"数据库编写SQL-》子查询中加入limit报错:This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'LIMIT & IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery'"

一、问题 > 1235 - This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'LIMIT & IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery' 二、原因/解决方案 这个错误通常是由于MySQL版本太旧导致的。在旧版本的MySQL中,无法在子查询中使用LIMIT和 ......
quot 39 subquery version support

解决:Visual Studio Code - Target of URI doesn't exist 'package:flutter/material.dart'

flutter clean flutter packages get flutter packages upgrade ( Optional - use if you want to upgrade packages ) Restart Android Studio or Visual Studio ......
39 material flutter package Visual

解决Python中报错RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.9) or chardet (5.1.0)/charset_normalizer (2.0.12) doesn't match a supported version!

在运行requests包时,出现了以下报错信息: RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.9) or chardet (5.1.0)/charset_normalizer (2.0.12) doesn't match a supported version! ......

Plugin ‘Android WiFi ADB’ is compatible with IntelliJ IDEA only because it doesn’t define any explicit module dependencies

Plugin ‘Android WiFi ADB’ is compatible with IntelliJ IDEA only because it doesn’t define any explicit module dependencies Android Studio 中安装 Android ......

ERROR 658 (HY000): Proxy ERROR: Join internal error: Table 'mysql.proc' doesn'texist

ERROR 658 (HY000): Proxy ERROR: Join internal error: Table 'mysql.proc' doesn'texist 迁移数据库至TDSQL ,版本5.0到8.0,执行sql报错 现象 查了资料发现mysql8.0的mysql的proc表确实淘汰 ......
ERROR 39 internal texist Proxy

部署ruoyi二开项目出现 Failure obtaining db row lock: Table ‘XXX.qrtz_LOCKS‘ doesn‘t exist

部署后端项目的时候遇到Failure obtaining db row lock: Table ‘XXX.qrtz_LOCKS‘ doesn‘t exist,百思不得其解,一开始以为是数据库版本问题,后来经过测试不是版本问题,于是乎查阅资料发现是mysql对表大小写有要求,但是当时创建表的时候都是小 ......
qrtz_LOCKS obtaining Failure 项目 ruoyi

创建用户报错Field 'ssl_cipher' doesn't have a default

创建用户报错Field 'ssl_cipher' doesn't have a default value 因为当时使用了这条语句直接插入用户表 insert into user (Host,user,authentication) values('%','zc','123'); 提示ssl_cip ......
ssl_cipher 39 default 用户 cipher
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