
An attempt has been made to start a new process before the current process has finished its bootstrapping phase.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1, in <module> File "E:\Eprogramfiles\Anaconda3\lib\multiprocessing\", line 116, in s ......
process bootstrapping has finished attempt

市场规模超百亿 低代码与传统IT开发有何不同

近年来,低代码开发作为软件开发方法的趋势十分显眼。据统计低代码开发市场到2025年预计将实现28.1%的大幅增长率,达到455亿美元的价值。这一显著增长表明各种行业和各种规模的应用对低代码平台的青睐十分明显。 与此同时,关于低代码的话题甚嚣尘上,不少人将低代码开发与传统IT开发相提并论,他们或认为低 ......
传统 规模 代码 市场

linux - 报错 Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit... -解决

报错截图 执行指令 rm -f /var/run/ 然后再执行需要的指令即可 ......
currently Another holding waiting linux

webpack报错处理:The extension in the request is mandatory for it to be fully specified.

完整的报错提示如下: BREAKING CHANGE: The request './module2' failed to resolve only because it was resolved as fully specified(probably because the origin is s ......

x509: cannot validate certificate for xxx because it doesn't contain any IP SANs

项目中有时候需要访问https网站,但如果该网站使用的是自建证书,那client端验证server端证书时,有时候会报错: > x509: cannot validate certificate for xxx because it doesn't contain any IP SANs 碰到这种情 ......
certificate validate because contain cannot

UVA1514 Piece it together 题解

图论题还是在于建图 ## 题意 给定一个长度为 $n \times m$ 的网格图,有的地方是白方块,有的是黑方块,有的啥也没用。 给你如下四种 $L$ 形方块,询问是否存在方法,让这些方块正好就是给出的图的形状。 $ L $ 形方块如下 ![]( ......
题解 together Piece 1514 UVA


我一直觉得**IT行业** 程序员行业。甚至觉得**程序员**人群 是一个特殊存在的群体。 >入门到放弃,是真的,IT门槛高嘛。 其实吧,IT编程门槛,是有的,但是对于感兴趣的,想学习IT编程同学来说,也是一件容易事情其实。 我突然想讲一下我学编程的第一课,也是最难的。。。。。最近又经常遇到这种问题 ......

The MySQL server is running with the --skip-grant-tables option so it cannot execute this statement

The MySQL server is running with the --skip-grant-tables option so it cannot execute this statement 默认情况下,启动MySQL数据库实例期间,会读取所有的权限表条目到内存中,后续被缓存到内存中的权限条 ......

The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.

``` org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException: ### Error querying database. Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnection ......

It does not have HTTP ok status.

# It does not have HTTP ok status. has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: It does not have ......
status HTTP does have not

1043 Is It a Binary Search Tree (附测试点7分析)

题目: A Binary Search Tree (BST) is recursively defined as a binary tree which has the following properties: The left subtree of a node contains only no ......
Binary Search 1043 Tree Is


上一篇,我们围绕着亿万研发工程师的梦想,考察了市面上几乎所有类型的工业仿真平台,深度评测了他们本质究竟是什么,适用场景有哪些,分别能给研发和IT工程师们减轻多少工作量。 据此,我们搭建了一个工业仿真平台【心累指数】金字塔模型。 戳这里回顾金字塔模型与基本设定:八大类主流工业仿真平台【心累指数】终极评 ......
视角 工程师 结果 工程 平台


您好!学习 Git 和 Docker 的最佳方法是通过实践和阅读文档。这里是一些资源,可以帮助您快速入门和进阶: Git Git 官方文档: Git 入门教程: ......

使用EventBus 3.0 报 Subscriber class com.example.test.MainActivity and its super classes have no public methods with the @Subscribe annotation

代码如下: public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanc ......

230509 TI- Engineer It - How to test power supplies - Measuring Stability

Hi, my name is Bob Hanrahan, Application Engineering at Texas Instruments, and this is a series on measuring performance of power supplies. Here we'll ......
Measuring Stability Engineer supplies 230509

【五期邹昱夫】CCF-A(NeurIPS'19)Inverting gradients-how easy is it to break privacy in federated learning?

"Geiping J, Bauermeister H, Dröge H, et al. Inverting gradients-how easy is it to break privacy in federated learning?[J]. Advances in Neural Informat ......


高考报志愿的时候有这么一句话,你报志愿的时候脑子进了多少水,毕业找工作的时候就会流多少的泪,有位同学的分数超过了名牌985高校的录取线,但是有人劝他改写上海海关学院,这学校很多人连听都没有听说过,但是人家的理由很霸道,读大学不就是为了以后找工作吗?以后到海关当公务员比你名牌大学的牌子要强。他的建议您 ......
建议 金融 专业 class path resource [bean.xml] cannot be opened because it does not exist

出现这个报错 Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: IOException parsing XML document from class path res ......

关于Kubernetes-v1.23.6-初始化时报错[kubelet-check] It seems like the kubelet isn't running or healthy

笔者今天在对k8s,v1.23.6版本的的master节点使用如下命令进行初始化时 [root@k8s-master qq-5201351]# kubeadm init \ > --apiserver-advertise-address \ > --image-repos ......

20230507 TI Engineer It - How to test power supplies - Measuring Noise

Hi. I'm Bob Hanrahan application engineering at Texas Instruments.This is a series on measuring performance of power supplies .we will be measuring no ......
Measuring 20230507 Engineer supplies Noise

WEB|[Zer0pts2020]Can you guess it?

源码 <?php include 'config.php'; // FLAG is defined in config.php if (preg_match('/config\.php\/*$/i', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { exit("I don't know what ......
guess 0pts 2020 Zer0 WEB


【IT老齐020】接口幂等性 传统方案 业务代码增加前置判断 if(数据未更新){ 更新数据 } 缺点 判断因素过多 技术问题干扰业务代码 通用方案 幂等表 架构方案 nginx+lua+redis 请求经过nginx转发到redis,redis查找幂等表是否存在请求id(uuid或请求hash)对 ......
接口 020


【IT老齐019】Seata分布式事务解决方案 Seata 是一款开源的分布式事务解决方案,致力于在微服务架构下提供高性能和简单易用的分布式事务服务。在 Seata 开源之前,其内部版本在阿里系内部一直扮演着应用架构层数据一致性的中间件角色,帮助经济体平稳的度过历年的双11,对上层业务进行了有力的技 ......
分布式 解决方案 事务 方案 Seata


【IT老齐018】Redis高可用Sentinel架构方案 主从复制 master主要负责写入,slave负责读取。有读写分离的功能 主从同步原理 slave执行命令向master建立连接 master执行bgsave(后台存储),生成rdb快照(redis备份方式,data以二进制方式保存在本地) ......
架构 Sentinel 方案 Redis 018


【IT老齐016】MySQL高可用MHA架构方案 MHA是日本程序员yoshinorim开发的MySQL高可用方案 采用Perl语言开发 MHA是最成熟MySQL高可用方案 场景:主服务器挂了,从服务器不会切换到主服务器,从而引出高可用MHA方案 。 MHA故障发现与转移 故障发现 启动:前置检查 ......
架构 方案 MySQL 016 MHA


①学习和实践: 作为IT人,无论你是做软件开发、数据库开发、软件设计还是做测试、产品设计、运维、网络等。专业知识就是在这一行混的基础; 通过参加在线课程、阅读技术书籍和博客、创建和开发项目等方式 不断学习和实践。 ②寻求导师或指导者(三人行必有我师): 找到具有经验和知识的人来指导自己,在学习和开发 ......

PAT Advanced 1005. Spell It Right

PAT Advanced 1005. Spell It Right 1. Problem Description: Given a non-negative integer $N$, your task is to compute the sum of all the digits of $N$, ......
Advanced Spell Right 1005 PAT

IT工具知识-18: ADB操作笔记(自用)

Linux下的常用命令(持续更新) 终端使用bash shell 查询安卓设备当前活动的APP包名和活动窗口名 adb shell dumpsys window windows | grep -E 'mCurrentFocus|mFocusedApp' 启动指定app下的指定窗口 app包名和活动窗 ......
笔记 工具 知识 ADB 18

230501 TI - Engineer It - How to test power supplies - Overview

Hi, I'm Bob Hanrahan, Application Engineering at Texas Instruments. This is the first on a series on testing power supplies. We'll be talking about so ......
Engineer Overview supplies 230501 power

【TypeScript】 TS 报错 Cannot assign to 'style' because it is a read-only property.ts(2540)

报错信息 解决方法 style对象提供了一个cssText属性,支持设置多种CSS样式: = `width:${targetX}px; height:${targetY}px; transform: scale(${scaleRatio}) t ......
style TypeScript read-only document property