
SQLC - Change Parameter Name

If not using sql.arg(), the parameter names would be Balance and ID. ......
Parameter Change SQLC Name

SQLC - Problem: can't recognize the numeric data type in PostgreSQL

Problem: sqlc can't recognize the numeric data type in PostgreSQL, it makes it string. The default sql_package database/sql can't overwrite the "numer ......
PostgreSQL recognize Problem numeric SQLC

SQLC - ERROR: relation "accounts" does not exist

Copied the example of sqlc.yaml generated by 'sqlc init' from https://docs.sqlc.dev/en/stable/tutorials/getting-started-postgresql.html# . Changed it ......
quot relation accounts ERROR exist

SQLC - Installation

go install github.com/sqlc-dev/sqlc/cmd/sqlc@latest zzh@ZZHPC:~$ sqlc version v1.24.0 ......
Installation SQLC


## 简介 在 Go 语言中编写数据库操作代码真的非常痛苦!`database/sql`标准库提供的都是比较底层的接口。我们需要编写大量重复的代码。大量的模板代码不仅写起来烦,而且还容易出错。有时候字段类型修改了一下,可能就需要改动很多地方;添加了一个新字段,之前使用`select *`查询语句的地 ......
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