
Port XXX is already in use. xxxx..解决办法-gradio退出可用

原因:端口被占用,程序启动后关闭但端口依然存在 解决办法:手动杀死端口 1.安装工具(已经有的不需要安装,直接跳到第二步) yum install net-tools -y 命令介绍: yum:自动化简单化地管理rpm包的命令。 install:安装 net-tools:网络工具 2.安装完毕,执行 ......
already 办法 gradio Port xxxx

grep - useful options

The “ -c ” option counts the number of occurrences of a string: even though has no matches, it still counts them and returns zero: grep –c abc ......
options useful grep

use iproc to config tdr during bscan

1. case description when running bscan, a serials of pins need to be controlled to 1 by tdr; a static dft signal with default value1 was registered by ......
config during iproc bscan use

AccountController and SignOut method when using Microsoft.Identity.Web.UI

The signout html code located at <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link text-dark" asp-area="MicrosoftIdentity" asp-controller="Account" asp-action= ......

报错:This generated password is for development use only. Your security configuration must be updated before running your application in production.

项目报错:This generated password is for development use only. Your security configuration must be updated before running your application in production. 导 ......

Github - Clone a Github repository using Github CLI

Step 1: Install Github CLI following the instructions provided on page . Step 2: Run 'gh auth login' to login. ......
Github repository Clone using CLI

kernel: oracle (xxxx): Using mlock ulimits for SHM_HUGETLB is deprecated

Oracle 数据库运行在linux6/7中,启用大页之后,我们经常在/var/log/messages里面会看到类似这样的记录: Jul 31 09:46:27 p1erpdb01 kernel: oracle (6444): Using mlock ulimits for SHM_HUGETLB ......

Python报错 | ImportError: To be able to use evaluate-metric/seqeval, you need to install the following dependencies['seqeval'] using 'pip install seqeval' for instance'

**报错信息** 使用`metric = evaluate.load("seqeval")`的时候,报如下错误: ```python ImportError: To be able to use evaluate-metric/seqeval, you need to install the fol ......

Quantitative Approach of Management Science:(better decision making by using quantitative techniques)

Which is the use of **quantitative techniques to improve decision making**. Also known as _management science_. **Better decision making by using quan ......

Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use

![]( 编译打包报错,Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use ......
EADDRINUSE address already listen Error

Cisco switches useful commands

useful show commands 34 COMMAND DESC sh log Will show the log sh run Will show the switch config sh run int g0/1 Will show the config for g0/1 sh int ......
switches commands useful Cisco

【Java异常】Variable used in lambda expression should be final or effectively final *lambda表达式中使用的变量应该是final或者有效的final*,也就是说,lambda 表达式只能引用标记了 final 的外层局部变量,这就是说不能在 lambd ......
final effectively expression Variable lambda

'GridViewDeletedEventArgs '末包含' RowIndex "的定义,并且找不到可接受第一 个"GridViewDeletedEventArgs类型参数的扩展方法RowIndex "(是否缺少using指令或程序集引用?)

页面中设置了“ OnRowDeleting="List_RowDeleting" DataKeyNames="id"”后台代码为:行 178: protected void List_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeletedEventArgs e)行 17 ......

ERROR: database "server" is being accessed by other users DETAIL: There is 1 other session using the database.

根据错误消息,删除数据库 "server" 失败,原因是有其他用户的会话正在使用该数据库。在 PostgreSQL 中,如果有其他会话正在访问或连接到数据库,那么将无法删除该数据库。 为了成功删除数据库,需要确保没有其他会话正在使用该数据库。 以下是可能的解决方法: 1. 断开所有连接:在尝试删除数 ......
database other quot accessed session

Using PL/SQL Object Types for JSON

``` # ......
Object Using Types JSON SQL

kettle连接数据库报错:Error connecting to database: (using class Could not create

kettle连接MySQL报错 但已经把相应的包放到kettle的lib目录下时,仍然报连接不上的错误,那可能是MySQL时区的问题。解决如下:登入MySQL修改为东八区的命令:方法一: mysql> set global max_allowed_packet=1024*1024; mysql> s ......
connecting database 数据库 数据 kettle

error 'fun' is assigned a value but never used @typesc

在vue3+ts 的项目中在进行eslint 配置之后 在main.ts 进行测试 出现了 error 'fun' is assigned a value but never used @typesc 错误’fun’被分配了一个值,但从未使用过没有未使用的变量 在 package.json 的 ru ......
assigned typesc error value never

在cmd中使用pip命令出现报错Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using

1. 我找到了之前安装python的安装包,进行了修复 2. 然后在cmd中输入了where pip 看看是否有重复的pip路径 发现没有 3. 重新尝试打开cmd后输入命令 问题就解决了 ......
launcher 命令 process Unable create

Linux - Check If File Is Empty Or Not Using Shell Script

## Linux - Check If File Is Empty Or Not Using Shell Script How do I check if a file is empty or not using bash or ksh shell script under a UNIX / Lin ......
Script Linux Check Empty Using

__use_no_semihosting 与调用C库函数冲突

在已经移植freetype代码(使用了大量的C库函数)中,将printf硬件重定向到串口后,#pragma import(__use_no_semihosting_swi)与调用C库函数冲突,错误如下: ERROR:L6915E:Library reports error:__use_no_semi ......
use_no_semihosting semihosting 函数 use no

[CSS] Using `inset` to replace `top, right, bottom, left`

When working with positioned elements, you often write code like this: .some-element { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; } Thi ......
replace bottom Using inset right

Linux系统Apache报错httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using localhost.localdomain. Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message

解决办法: 在配置文件中加一句ServerName localhost:端口号 # echo "ServerName localhost:8068" >> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 重启Apache即可解决。 ......

QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection ‘myConnection’ is still in use, all queries will cease to work

1. 解决QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection ‘myConnection’ is still in use, all queries will cease to work的问题该问题主要是因为没有关闭之前的数据库连接,然后又需要创建新的数据 ......

Learn about some useful truck diagnostic scanner tools

Have you ever experienced the frustration of unexpected breakdowns with your truck? Or maybe you’re tired of paying expensive diagnostic fees at your ......
diagnostic scanner useful Learn about

[未解决] vue transform-blocks解析源代码报错:Illegal tag name. Use '&lt;' to print '<'.

报错内容: [vite] Internal server error: Illegal tag name. Use '<' to print '`标签后报错,但其他vue文件可以正常读取和展示。 报错的文件,去掉``标签就可以正常加载。报错的方法是vue-compiler的`baseParse()` ......

使用node开发脚手架报错:Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module

在使用 node 开发脚手架的时候,每次执行命令都会报错 :Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module 经过排查发现,原因为 chalk 包为 5 版本以上导致的。 const chalk = require('chalk') ......

红帽报错:This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register.

原因:Red Hat Subscription Manager订阅管理器未订阅注册 解决:禁用 配置文件: /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/subscription-manager.conf # vim /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/subscription-manager ......

Add a self-signed SSL certificate using OpenSSL

```bash sudo apt-get install openssl cd /etc/nginx sudo mkdir ssl sudo openssl req -batch -x509 -nodes -days 365 \ -newkey rsa:2048 \ -keyout /etc/ngi ......
self-signed certificate OpenSSL signed using

checking whether to use .ctors/.dtors header and trailer... configure: error: missing __attribute__ ((constructor)) support??

001、问题:checking whether to use .ctors/.dtors header and trailer... configure: error: missing __attribute__ ((constructor)) support?? [root@PC1 build]# ......

Abp Blazor WebAssembly - Polymorphic DTO Deserialization using System.Text.Json

@@abp 4.0 dto jobject 1 Abp ......