
发布时间 2023-08-17 11:01:17作者: xuyuntong
#include "main.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "GPIO.H"
#include "DR70X.h"
#include "Drive_time.h"
#include "drive_spi.h"

void delay(uint16_t n)
	uint32_t i = 25;
	while(i --);

void DR70x_Init(void)
	SLEEP_HIGH;           //nSleep high to power on DR70xQ
	MODE_LOW;             //Control Interface: Mode_0: PH/EN;  Mode_1:Independent PWM Control Interface; Mode_2 Hiz: Standard PWM
	TimePwm.Instance = 14;//PC12 IN2_EN
	TimePwm.Period = 0x5dc0; 
	TimePwm.Pulse = 0x32;
	Timex_Init(TimePwm.Instance);//24khz 50%pulse
	TimePwm.Instance = 16;//PB8 IN1_PH

/*Mode_0: Take PH/EN control (MODE_LOW) as an example. other mode, pleaes refer to Table 14/15 in datasheet*/
void DR70x_Mode0_Brake(void)
	TimePwm.Instance = 16;//PC12 IN2_EN
	TimePwm.Pulse = 0;

void DR70x_Mode0_Reverse(uint8_t pulse)
	TimePwm.Instance = 14;//PB8 IN1_EN
	TimePwm.Pulse = 0;
	TimePwm.Instance = 16;//PC12 IN2_EN
	TimePwm.Pulse = pulse;

void DR70x_Mode0_Forward(uint8_t pulse)
	TimePwm.Instance = 14;//PB8 IN1_EN
	TimePwm.Pulse = 100;
	TimePwm.Instance = 16;//PC12 IN2_EN
	TimePwm.Pulse = pulse;


void DR70x_Transmit(uint8_t addess, uint8_t data)
		uint8_t buff[2] = {0,0},buff1[2];

		buff[0] = (addess << 3);
		buff[1] = data;

uint8_t DR70x_Recive(uint8_t addess)
		uint8_t buff[2] = {0,0},buff1[2];

		buff[0] = (addess << 3) + 0x80;
		return buff1[1];
#ifndef _DR70X_H_
#define _DR70X_H_

// Register Define
//status registers
#define REG_FaultStatus                            0
#define REG_VDSAndSDFStatus                    1
//control registers
#define REG_MainControl                            2
#define REG_IDRIVEAndWDControl            3
#define REG_VDSControl                            4
#define    REG_ConfigControl                        5

#define BIT_FAULT                                        0x80
#define BIT_WDFLT                                        0x40
#define BIT_GDF                                            0x20
#define BIT_OCP                                            0x10
#define BIT_VM_UVFL                                    0x08
#define BIT_VCP_UVFL                                0x04
#define BIT_OTSD                                        0x02
#define BIT_OTW                                            0x01
#define BIT_H2_GDF                                    0x80
#define BIT_L2_GDF                                    0x40
#define BIT_H1_GDF                                    0x20
#define BIT_L1_GDF                                    0x10
#define BIT_H2_VDS                                    0x08
#define BIT_L2_VDS                                    0x04
#define BIT_H1_VDS                                    0x02
#define BIT_L1_VDS                                    0x01
#define LOCK                                                0X30
#define UNLOCK                                            0x18            

#define TDEAD_120ns                                    0x00
#define TDEAD_240ns                                    0x40            
#define TDEAD_480ns                                    0x80
#define TDEAD_960ns                                    0xc0
#define WD_EN                                                0x20
#define WD_DIS                                            0x00
#define WD_DLY_10ms                                    0x00
#define WD_DLY_20ms                                    0x08
#define WD_DLY_50ms                                    0x10
#define WD_DLY_100ms                                0x18
#define IDRIVE_000                                    0x00
#define IDRIVE_001                                    0x01
#define IDRIVE_010                                    0x02
#define IDRIVE_011                                    0x03
#define IDRIVE_100                                    0x04
#define IDRIVE_101                                    0x05
#define IDRIVE_110                                    0x06
#define IDRIVE_111                                    0x07
#define SO_LIM_DEF                                    0x00
#define SO_LIM_3_6V                                    0x80
#define VDS_0_06V                                        0x00  //0.06V
#define VDS_0_145V                                    0x10
#define VDS_0_17V                                        0x20
#define VDS_0_2V                                        0x30
#define VDS_0_12V                                        0x40
#define VDS_0_24V                                        0x50
#define VDS_0_48V                                        0x60
#define VDS_0_96V                                        0x70
#define DIS_H2_VDS                                    0x00
#define EN_H2_VDS                                        0x08
#define DIS_L2_VDS                                    0x00
#define EN_L2_VDS                                        0x04
#define DIS_H1_VDS                                    0x00
#define EN_H1_VDS                                        0x02
#define DIS_L1_VDS                                    0x00
#define EN_L1_VDS                                        0x01
#define TOFF_25us                                        0x00
#define TOFF_50us                                        0x40
#define TOFF_100us                                    0x80
#define TOFF_200us                                    0xc0
#define CHOP_IDS_DIS                                0x00
#define CHOP_IDS_EN                                    0x20
#define VREF_SCL_100                                0x00
#define VREF_SCL_75                                    0x08
#define VREF_SCL_50                                    0x10
#define VREF_SCL_25                                    0x18
#define SH_DIS                                            0x00
#define SH_EN                                                0x04
#define GAIN_CS_10                                    0x00
#define GAIN_CS_19_8                                0x01
#define GAIN_CS_39_4                                0x02
#define GAIN_CS_78                                    0x03

void DR70x_Init(void);
void DR70x_Mode0_Brake(void);
void DR70x_Mode0_Reverse(uint8_t pulse);
void DR70x_Mode0_Forward(uint8_t pulse);
void DR70x_Transmit(uint8_t addess, uint8_t data);
uint8_t DR70x_Recive(uint8_t addess);

