
发布时间 2023-10-11 10:42:28作者: 郝hai

1 试给出下述博弈的纳什均衡

:由划线解得知有一个纯纳什均衡(D,R )。再看看它是否有纳什均衡,设B的混合策略为\((\gamma,1-\gamma)\),则有

\[\begin{aligned} & V_A(U)=1 \cdot \gamma+2(1-\gamma)=2-\gamma . \\ & V_A(D)=4 \cdot \gamma+6(1-\gamma)=6-2 \gamma . \\ & 2-\gamma=6-2 \gamma \end{aligned} \]

\(\gamma=4>1\), 这是不可能的, 故无混合纳什均衡, 只有这一个纯纳什均衡。

2 修改题1中的收益值使其有混合纳什均衡

将博弈改成上述模型, 则

\[\begin{aligned} 5 \gamma+2(1-\gamma)=4 \gamma+6(1-\gamma) . & \\ 2+3 \gamma & =6-2 \gamma . \\ \text { 得 } \gamma & =\frac{4}{5} . \end{aligned} \]

同样, 设 \(A\) 的混合策略为 \((\theta, 1-\theta)\), 则

\[\begin{gathered} 6 \theta+1 \cdot(1-\theta)=5 \theta+2(1-\theta) . \\ 1+5 \theta=2+3 \theta . \\ \theta=\frac{1}{2} . \end{gathered} \]

于是混合纳什均衡为 \(\left\{\left(\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{2}\right),\left(\frac{4}{5}, \frac{1}{5}\right)\right\}\)

3 Mixed strategy equilibrium of Hawk-Dove

An extension of Hawk-Dwe (left panel) and the players' best response functions when randomization is allowed in this game (right panel). The probability that player 1 assigns to  is  and the probability that player 2 assigns to  gxnessine is . The dishs indicate the Nash equilibria (two pure, one mined).

Denote by \(u_i\) a payoff function whose expected value represents player i's preferences. The conditions in the problem imply that for player 1 we have

\[u_1(\text { Passive }, \text { Passive })=\frac{1}{2} u_1(\text { Aggressive, Aggressive })+\frac{1}{2} u_1(\text { Aggressive, Passioe }) \]


\[u_1(\text { Passive, Aggressive })=\frac{2}{3} u_1(\text { Aggressive }, \text { Aggressive })+\frac{1}{3} u_1(\text { Passive, } \text { Passive }) . \]

Given \(u_1\) (Aggressive, Aggressive \()=0\) and \(u_1\) (Passive, Aggressive \(=1\), we have

\[u_1(\text { Passize, } \text { Passive })=\frac{1}{2} u_1(\text { Aggressize, } \text { Passive }) \]


\[1=\frac{1}{3} u_1(\text { Passive, Passive }), \]

so that

\[u_1(\text { Passive, Passive })=3 \text { and } u_1(\text { Aggressive, Passive })=6 \text {. } \]


\[u_2(\text { Passive, Passive })=3 \text { and } u_2(\text { Passive, Aggressive })=6 . \]

Thus the game is given in the left panel of Figure 25.1. The players' best response functions are shown in the right panel. The game has three mixed strategy Nash equilibria: \(((0,1),(1,0)),\left(\left(\frac{3}{4}, \frac{1}{4}\right),\left(\frac{3}{4}, \frac{1}{4}\right)\right)\), and \(((1,0),(0,1))\).

4 Checking for subgame perfect equilibria
The Nash equilibria \((C H, F)\) and \((D H, E)\) are not subgame perfect equilibria: in the subgame following the history \((C, E)\), player 1's strategies \(C H\) and \(D H\) induce the strategy \(H\), which is not optimal.

The Nash equilibrium ( \(D G, E)\) is a subgame perfect equilibrium: (a) it is a Nash equilibrium, so player 1's strategy is optimal at the start of the game, given player 2's strategy, (b) in the subgame following the history \(C\), player 2's strategy \(E\) induces the strategy \(E\), which is optimal given player 1's strategy, and \((c)\) in the subgame following the history \((C, E)\), player 1's strategy DG induces the strategy G, which is optimal.
The proper subgames of the game

5 用逆向归纳法求解不完全信息动态博弈的子博弈完美纳什均衡

:设在 1 的第二个信息集上, 1 认为 2 选 \(a\) 的概率为 \(P\),则 1 选 \(L^{\prime}\) 的支付 $$=5 P+2(1-P)=2+3 P$$;1 选 \(R^{\prime}\) 的支付 $$=6P+3(1-P)=3+3 P>2+3P$$,故1必选 \(R^{\prime}\)
即得\(\Rightarrow\) 给定 1 在第二个决策结上选 \(R^{\prime}, 2\) 在左边决策结上会选 \(a\), 故子博弈完美纳什均衡为\(\left\{L, R^{\prime},(a, d)\right\}\)

6 Cournot's duopoly game with imperfect information
The best response \(b_0\left(q_L, q_H\right)\) of type 0 of firm 1 is the solution of

\[\max _{q_0}\left[\theta\left(P\left(q_0+q_L\right)-c\right) q_0+(1-\theta)\left(P\left(q_0+q_H\right)-c\right) q_0\right] . \]

The best response \(b_{\ell}\left(q_L,q_H\right)\) of type \(\ell\) of firm 1 is the solution of

\[\max _{q_{\ell}}\left(P\left(q_{\ell}+q_L\right)-c\right) q_{\ell} \]

and the best responese \(\mathrm{d}(\mathrm{fu}, \mathrm{fu})\) ef bype hit of firme 1 is the solutice of When \(P(Q)=a-Q\) foe \(Q \leq a\) and \(P(Q)=0\) for \(Q>a\) we tind, after weme reviring algera, that
When \(\pi=0\) we hure enerciue
Whes \(\pi=1\) we have

\[\begin{aligned} & \phi-\frac{1}{3}\left(\alpha-2 \alpha+c_M-\theta\left(c_H-\sigma_L\right)\right\} \\ & \text { ff }=\frac{1}{3}(a-2 x+5) \\ & \text { dif }=\frac{1}{3}(a-2 x+c a) \\ & 4_i-\frac{1}{3}(a-2 x+c) \\ & A_i=\frac{1}{3}\left(a-2 c_H+4\right) \text {. } \\ & \end{aligned} \]

wo thes \(q_1\) and of are the same as the equilbrium outputs when thene is perfect ane \(c\) and \(6 \mathrm{~s}\).
Now, for an arbitrary value of \(\pi\) we have

\[\begin{aligned} & 4 i=\frac{1}{3}\left(a-2 c_2+c-\frac{2(1-\theta)(1-\pi)\left(c_\mu-a_2\right)}{4-\pi}\right) \\ & v_w=\frac{1}{3}\left(\alpha-2 r_N+\epsilon+\frac{2 y[1-\pi)\left(c_H-\sigma_L\right)}{4-\pi}\right) \text {. } \\ & \end{aligned} \]

To show that foe \(0<a<1\) the values of these variatles lis between their value when \(z=0\) and when \(z=1\), we novd so show that

\[0 \leq \frac{2(t-\sigma)(1-\pi)(\sigma \omega-\sigma)}{4-\pi} \leq \frac{(t-\sigma)\left(\sigma_2-\sigma \theta\right)}{2} \]


\[0 \leq \frac{2 e(-\pi)(c \alpha-\alpha)}{4-\pi} \leq \frac{\theta(\alpha-\alpha)}{2} \]

3 巴什博弈
\(n=m+1\)时,由于一次最多只能取\(m\)个,所以无论先取者拿走多少个,后取者都能一次拿走剩余的物品,后取者取胜;当\(n=(m+1)×r+s\)(其中\(r\)为任意自然数,\(s \leq m\)),如果先取者要取走\(s\)个物品,如果后取者取走\(x(x \leq m)\)个,那么后取者只要取走\(m+1−x\)个,结果剩下\((m−1)(r−1)\)个,以后保持这样的取法,那么先取者肯定获胜,总之,要保持给对手留下 \((m+1)\)的倍数,就能最后获胜。


4 威佐夫博弈
首先,我们定义\((a_i, b_i) (a_i \leq b_i, i = 1, 2, ..., n)\)表示两堆物品的数量并称其为局势,如果甲面对\((0,0)\),那么甲已经输了,这种局势我们称为奇异局势。前几个奇异局势,前几个奇异局势为\((0,0)、(1,2)、(3,5)、(4,7)、(6,10)、(8,13)、(9,15)、(11,18)、(12,20)\)。任意给定一个局势\((a,b)\),如下公式可以判断其是否为奇异局势:
\(a_k = \lfloor \frac {k \times (1 + \sqrt{5})}{2} \rfloor, b_k = a_k + k \quad (k = 0, 1, 2, ..., n)\)

5 斐波那契(Fibonacci)博弈
(1)若\(y \geq 34\)颗(也就是89的向前两项),那么一定后手赢,因为89−34=55=34+21<2∗34。

6 Nim博弈
例如,如果现在有\(n=3\)堆物品,而每堆分别有2,5,4 个,那么可以取走第1堆中的2个物品,局面就变成了0,5,4;或者也可以取走第2堆的4个物品,局面就变成了2,1,4。如果现在的局面为0,0,5,甲取走了第3堆的5个物品,也就是取走了最后一个物品,此时甲获胜。
首先回顾“博弈图”。我们通过绘画博弈图,可以在 \(O\left(\prod_{i=1}^n a_i\right)\) 的时间里求出该局面是否先手必赢。
定义 \(\operatorname{Nim}\)\(=a_1 \oplus a_2 \oplus \ldots \oplus a_n\)。那么当且仅当 Nim 和为 0 时,该状态为必败状态;否则该状态为必胜状态。
如何证明Nim和的正确性? 为什么异或值会和和状态的胜负有关?
定理 1: 没有后继状态的状态是必败状态。
定理 2: 对于 \(\mathrm{a}_1 \oplus \mathrm{a}_2 \oplus \ldots \oplus \mathrm{a}_{\mathrm{n}} \neq 0\) 的局面,一定存在某种移动使得 \(\mathrm{a}_1 \oplus \mathrm{a}_2 \oplus \ldots \oplus \mathrm{a}_{\mathrm{n}}=0\)
定理 3 : 对于 \(\mathrm{a}_1 \oplus \mathrm{a}_2 \oplus \ldots \oplus \mathrm{a}_{\mathrm{n}}=0\) 的局面,一定不存在某种移动使得 \(\mathrm{a}_1 \oplus \mathrm{a}_2 \oplus \ldots \oplus \mathrm{a}_{\mathrm{n}}=0\)
对于 定理 1 ,没有后继状态的状态只有一个,即全 0 局面。此时 \(\mathrm{a}_1 \oplus \mathrm{a}_2 \oplus \ldots \oplus \mathrm{a}_{\mathrm{n}}=0\)
对于 定理 2 ,不妨假设 \(a_1 \oplus a_2 \oplus \ldots a_n=k \neq 0\) 。如果我们要将 \(a_i\) 改为 \(a_i^{\prime}\) ,则 \(a_i^{\prime}=a_i \oplus k\)\(\mathrm{k}\) ,因而这也是个合法的移动。
对于 定理 3 ,如果我们要将 \(a_i\) 改为 \(a_i^{\prime}\) ,则根据异或运算律可以得出 \(a_i=a_i^{\prime}\) ,因而这不是个合法的移动。