
发布时间 2024-01-04 21:48:40作者: CalvinChu
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
import numpy as np

#y = (10 ln(x+1)+30)x^0.5
def inverse_function(y_val):
Approximate the inverse of the function y = (10 * ln(x + 1) + 30) * x**0.5.
This function takes a y value and returns the corresponding x value.
# Define the function to solve
def equation(x):
return (10 * np.log(x + 1) + 30) * np.sqrt(x) - y_val

# Initial guess for x, can be adjusted based on the range of expected x values
initial_guess = 1

# Solve for x
x_val = fsolve(equation, initial_guess)

return x_val[0]

# Example usage 12,295 10119
y_example = 12295
x_result = inverse_function(y_example)