Global Warming

发布时间 2023-11-01 21:28:24作者: 星星摩卡

    Sea level rise: The issue of global warming leading to sea level rise has been raised for a long time. Global warming is causing a significant amount of glaciers to gradually melt and flow towards the sea. Rising sea levels may inundate coastal lowlands, increase underground water levels, and lead to swamping or salinization of land.

    Increased extreme weather: Global warming can lead to an increasing number of extreme weather events such as droughts and typhoons. Taking typhoons as an example, the magnitude and frequency of typhoons have shown an increasing trend year by year in recent years. Moreover, if global warming continues in the future, it may lead to even more droughts in arid areas, and more flooding disasters in mountainous areas.

    Glacier melting: Glacier melting is well understood. As temperature rises, natural ice will melt. Glacier melting will carry a large amount of water into the sea, causing sea level rise and threatening coastal areas.
    Shortening of cold season: Due to global warming, the cold season will be shortened, and the warm and hot seasons will be extended. Loving you warmly will accelerate the process of crop cultivation. But high temperatures can also cause crop yields to decrease in crops such as wheat, barley, and wheat.

    Impact on human health: Global warming can lead to an increase in ozone concentration, and low altitude ozone is often dangerous, damaging lung tissue and causing lung diseases such as asthma. At the same time, global warming will also cause the spread of some infectious diseases.