(15-418) Project 1: Exploring Multi-Core and SIMD Parallelism

发布时间 2023-12-18 19:14:37作者: Kyoz1

Program 1: Parallel Fractal Generation Using Threads


thread nums serial thread speedup
1 395.95 395.234 1.00x
2 394.42 201.087 1.96x
4 395 168.894 2.34x
8 395.28 101.748 3.84x

当thread nums为4时,观察每个线程的运行时间,发现有明显的负载不均衡。thread0和3处理的是矩阵的上下两侧,这部分的计算时间小于中间部分。


采用一个简单的策略:原来的版本是每个线程处理矩阵的连续的行,现在改为每个线程处理间断的行,以步长为thread nums来处理矩阵行,代码如下:

extern void mandelbrotStep(
    float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1,
    int width, int height,
    int startRow, int totalRows, int step,
    int maxIterations,
    int output[])
    float dx = (x1 - x0) / width;
    float dy = (y1 - y0) / height;

    int endRow = startRow + totalRows * step;

    for (int j = startRow; j < endRow; j += step) {
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i ++) {
            float x = x0 + i * dx;
            float y = y0 + j * dy;

            int index = (j * width + i);
            output[index] = mandel(x, y, maxIterations);
void workerThreadStart(WorkerArgs * const args) {

    // TODO FOR CS149 STUDENTS: Implement the body of the worker
    // thread here. Each thread should make a call to mandelbrotSerial()
    // to compute a part of the output image.  For example, in a
    // program that uses two threads, thread 0 could compute the top
    // half of the image and thread 1 could compute the bottom half.

    double startTime = CycleTimer::currentSeconds();

    mandelbrotStep(args->x0, args->y0, args->x1, args->y1, args->width, args->height, args->threadId, args->height / args->numThreads, args->numThreads, args->maxIterations, args->output);

    double endTime = CycleTimer::currentSeconds();
    printf("thread %d : %.3f ms\n", args->threadId, (endTime - startTime) * 1000);


thread nums serial thread speedup
4 396.021 109.021 3.62x
8 393.221 54.048 7.28x
16 394.174 28.187 13.98x

Program 2: Vectorizing Code Using SIMD Intrinsics


先看一下abs示例,abs示例不能正确处理N%VECTOR_WIDTH!=0的情况,因为最后剩下的元素并没有被处理。从abs示例可以看出,向量化一个串行程序时,用mask代替if-else语句。clampedExpVector的代码是对照clampedExpSerial一条条转换来的,为了实现clampedExpSerial中的while循环,_cs149_cntbits函数统计掩码maskCountGtOne中1的个数,maskCountGtOne表示既在else语句中又满足while循环条件(count>0)的元素,只要至少有一个元素满足这样的条件,向量都会进入到while循环中进行乘法运算,那么如果VECTOR_WIDTH比较大,即使只有少量元素满足循环条件,也必须进入到while循环,这也是当VECTOR_WIDTH递增时,Vector Utilization递减的原因,令数组大小为10000,分别设置VECTOR_WIDTH为2、8、4、16:






void clampedExpVector(float* values, int* exponents, float* output, int N) {
  int i;
  __cs149_vec_float x;
  __cs149_vec_int y;
  __cs149_vec_int count;
  __cs149_vec_float result;
  __cs149_vec_float floatOne = _cs149_vset_float(1.0f), floatZero = _cs149_vset_float(0.0f), floatMax = _cs149_vset_float(9.999999f);
  __cs149_vec_int intOne = _cs149_vset_int(1);
  __cs149_vec_int zero = _cs149_vset_int(0);
  __cs149_mask maskAll = _cs149_init_ones(), maskExpIsZero, maskExpIsNotZero, maskCountGtOne, maskResultGtMax;

  for (i = 0; i + VECTOR_WIDTH <= N; i += VECTOR_WIDTH) {
    maskResultGtMax = _cs149_init_ones(0);
    _cs149_vload_float(x, values + i, maskAll);
    _cs149_vload_int(y, exponents + i, maskAll);
    _cs149_veq_int(maskExpIsZero, y, zero, maskAll);
    _cs149_vadd_float(result, floatOne, floatZero, maskExpIsZero);
    maskExpIsNotZero = _cs149_mask_not(maskExpIsZero);
    _cs149_vload_float(result, values + i, maskExpIsNotZero);
    _cs149_vload_int(count, exponents + i, maskExpIsNotZero);
    _cs149_vgt_int(maskCountGtOne, count, intOne, maskExpIsNotZero);
    while (_cs149_cntbits(maskCountGtOne) > 0) {
      _cs149_vmult_float(result, result, x, maskCountGtOne);
      _cs149_vsub_int(count, count, intOne, maskCountGtOne);
      _cs149_vgt_int(maskCountGtOne, count, intOne, maskCountGtOne);
    _cs149_vgt_float(maskResultGtMax, result, floatMax, maskExpIsNotZero);
    _cs149_vadd_float(result, floatMax, floatZero, maskResultGtMax);
    _cs149_vstore_float(output + i, result, maskAll);
  // process the tail 
  if (i != N) {
    i -= VECTOR_WIDTH; 
    clampedExpSerial(values + i, exponents + i, output + i, N - i);

arraySumVector的实现里,我没有用interleave函数,时间复杂度是(N / VECTOR_WIDTH + VECTOR_WIDTH),实现很容易,直接把原来的单个元素累加改为向量累加,代码如下:

float arraySumVector(float* values, int N) {
  float res = 0;
  float v[WINT_WIDTH] = {0.0f};
  __cs149_vec_float result = _cs149_vset_float(0.0f), tmp, tmp_h;
  __cs149_mask maskALL = _cs149_init_ones();
  for (int i=0; i<N; i+=VECTOR_WIDTH) {
    _cs149_vload_float(tmp, values + i, maskALL);
    _cs149_hadd_float(tmp_h, tmp);
    _cs149_vadd_float(result, result, tmp_h, maskALL);

  _cs149_vstore_float(v, result, maskALL);
  for (int i = 0; i < VECTOR_WIDTH; i += 2){
    res += v[i];

  return res;

Program 3: A Few ISPC Basics

Part 1


Part 2





ISPC task和program1中thread的区别

ISPC task主要关注数据间的并行,每个task执行相同的指令,但在不同的数据间操作。而thread更为通用,每个thread都能独立执行不同的任务。

启动10000个ISPC task,如果数据并行性较好,ISPC task能够充分利用SIMD指令,而管理10000个thread可能导致较大的开销。

Program 4: Iterative sqrt



根据关系图知,初始数据越靠近3.0fsqrt中的迭代次数越多, 把数组中的每个元素都设置为2.999f使负载均衡,可以获得最大加速比:




每条AVX2指令可以处理8个数据,即使把每个元素都设置为1.0f还不能够达到最低的加速比,为了让sqrt ispc的加速比最低,利用mask的性质,每8个元素中,有7个1.0f和1个2.999f,测得加速比如下,可以看到sqrt ispc的效率比sqrt serial更差:



void sqrt_avx(int N, float initialGuess, float values[], float output[]) {
    static const float kThreshold = 0.00001f;
    __m256 threshold = _mm256_set1_ps(kThreshold);
    __m256 one = _mm256_set1_ps(1.f);
    __m256 zero = _mm256_set1_ps(0.0f);
    __m256 half = _mm256_set1_ps(0.5f);
    __m256 three = _mm256_set1_ps(3.0f);

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i += 8) {
        __m256 x = _mm256_loadu_ps(&values[i]);
        __m256 guess = _mm256_set1_ps(initialGuess);
        // compute (guess * guess * x - 1.f)
        __m256 in_abs = _mm256_sub_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(guess, guess), x), one);
        __m256 mask_abs = _mm256_cmp_ps(zero, in_abs, _CMP_LT_OS);
        __m256 in_abs_negative = _mm256_sub_ps(zero, in_abs);
        __m256 tmp1 = _mm256_and_ps(mask_abs, in_abs);
        __m256 tmp2 = _mm256_andnot_ps(mask_abs, in_abs_negative);
        // compute abs(in_abs_negative)
        __m256 pred = _mm256_or_ps(tmp1, tmp2);
        __m256 mask_pred_gt_kThreshold = _mm256_cmp_ps(pred, threshold, _CMP_GT_OS);
        // while mask_pred_gt_kThreshold is not all zero
        while (!_mm256_testz_ps(mask_pred_gt_kThreshold, mask_pred_gt_kThreshold)) {
            __m256 tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
            __m256 guess_cubic = _mm256_mul_ps(guess, _mm256_mul_ps(guess, guess));

            __m256 guess_in_while = _mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_sub_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(three, guess), _mm256_mul_ps(x, guess_cubic)), half);
            tmp1 = _mm256_and_ps(mask_pred_gt_kThreshold, guess_in_while);
            tmp2 = _mm256_andnot_ps(mask_pred_gt_kThreshold, guess);
            guess = _mm256_or_ps(tmp1, tmp2);
            __m256 pred_positive = _mm256_sub_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(guess, guess), x), one);
            __m256 pred_negative = _mm256_sub_ps(zero, pred_positive);
            __m256 mask_while_abs = _mm256_cmp_ps(zero, pred_positive, _CMP_LT_OS);
            // in while loop but (guess * guess * x - 1.f) is not positive
            __m256 mask_while_nabs = _mm256_andnot_ps(mask_while_abs, mask_pred_gt_kThreshold);
            // in while loop and (guess * guess * x - 1.f) is positive
            mask_while_abs = _mm256_and_ps(mask_while_abs, mask_pred_gt_kThreshold);
            tmp1 = _mm256_and_ps(mask_while_nabs, pred_negative);
            tmp2 = _mm256_and_ps(mask_while_abs, pred_positive);
            tmp3 = _mm256_andnot_ps(mask_pred_gt_kThreshold, pred);
            pred = _mm256_or_ps(tmp3, _mm256_or_ps(tmp1, tmp2));
            mask_pred_gt_kThreshold = _mm256_cmp_ps(pred, threshold, _CMP_GT_OS);
        __m256 res = _mm256_mul_ps(x, guess);
       _mm256_storeu_ps(&output[i], res);





Program 5: BLAS saxpy



计算内存带宽时,乘4的的原因是:写result涉及两个访存操作,当写入result时,首先从内存将cache line加载到内存中(cache未命中),向该cache line写入数据,当该cache line被替换时,该cache line被写回到内存。