
InternImage: Exploring Large-Scale Vision Foundation Models with Deformable Convolutions 可变形卷积v3

InternImage: Exploring Large-Scale Vision Foundation Models with Deformable Convolutions * Authors: [[Wenhai Wang]], [[Jifeng Dai]], [[Zhe Chen]], [[Z ......

(15-418) Project 1: Exploring Multi-Core and SIMD Parallelism

Program 1: Parallel Fractal Generation Using Threads 加速比与线程数并不成正比: thread nums serial thread speedup 1 395.95 395.234 1.00x 2 394.42 201.087 1.96x 4 3 ......

Exploring Recursion in Convex Optimization

Recursion in optimization In this blog post, I aim to provide a overview of the various recursive methods I have seen in convex optimization. Optimiza ......
Optimization Exploring Recursion Convex in

Exploring the Role of Preclinical Toxicology Tests in Vaccine Development

The difficulty of drug safety evaluation in vaccines is that the vaccine does not directly exert preventive or therapeutic effects but acts by inducin... ......

Exploring the Use of Humanized Mouse Models in Drug Safety Evaluation

However, there are differences between animals and humans, safety studies cannot be conducted on animal models alone, and normal animals do not respon... ......
Evaluation Exploring Humanized Models Safety


**发表时间:**2020(ICLR 2020) **文章要点:**这篇文章说现在的planning方法都是在动作空间里randomly generated,这样很不高效(其实瞎扯了,很多不是随机的方法啊)。作者提出在model based RL里用policy网络来做online planning ......

Exploring Pyramids UVA - 1362

给出一棵树的 dfs 序,求可能的构成方案数。 A______A_______ f[l ][ r] =sum{ f[l+1][k-1] *f[k][j] } #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <sstream> using namespa ......
Exploring Pyramids 1362 UVA

《Exploring in UE4》Unreal回放系统剖析(下)

本篇分为上下两篇,上篇内容请关注:《Exploring in UE4》Unreal回放系统剖析(上) 四、死亡回放/精彩镜头功能的实现 在FPS游戏里,一个角色被击杀之后,往往会以敌方的视角回放本角色被定位、瞄准、射击的过程,这就是我们常提到的死亡回放(DeathCameraReplay)。类似的, ......
Exploring Unreal 系统 UE4 in

《Exploring in UE4》Unreal回放系统剖析(上)

回放,是电子游戏中一项常见的功能,用于记录整个比赛过程或者展示游戏中的精彩瞬间。通过回放,我们可以观摩高手之间的对决,享受游戏中的精彩瞬间,甚至还可以拿到敌方玩家的比赛录像进行分析和学习。 从实现技术角度来讲,下面的这些功能本质上都属于回放的一部分 精彩瞬间展示:FIFA / 实况足球 / NBA2 ......
Exploring Unreal 系统 UE4 in
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