excel 处理:pandas openpyxl 单元格嵌入图片

发布时间 2023-04-17 11:01:34作者: 记不起的回忆
  • 单元格嵌入图片 使图片随单元格变化缩放

openpyxl 官方文档

You can position charts using one of three different kinds of anchor:

OneCell – where the top-left of a chart is anchored to a single cell. This is the default for openpyxl and corresponds to the layout option “Move but don’t size with cells”.
TwoCell – where the top-left of a chart is anchored to one cell, and the bottom-right to another cell. This corresponds to the layout option “Move and size with cells”.
Absolute – where the chart is placed relative to the worksheet’s top-left corner and not any particular cell.



pip install openpyxl
pip install pandas
pip install requests


from io import BytesIO 

import requests 
from openpyxl import load_workbook 
from openpyxl.drawing.image import Image 
from openpyxl.drawing.spreadsheet_drawing import AnchorMarker, TwoCellAnchor 
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter 
from pandas import read_csv


def write_export_excel(filepath, file_name, header):

    :param filepath: 
    :param file_name: 
    :param header: 
    # csv 转xlsx
    df = read_csv(filepath, header=header, index_col=1) 
    col = len(df.columns) 
    data = df.loc[:, ["Id"]].values 
    df.to_excel(file_name, index=False)

    # 根据列的标号 获取列头标识 比如 0 -- A
    col_name = get_column_letter(col)

    # 读取excel
    wb = load_workbook(file_name, data_only=True)
    # 获取激活的 Sheet 默认第一个
    sheet = wb.active
    # 设置指定列的宽度
    sheet.column_dimensions[col_name].width = 30.0 
    for index, item in enumerate(data):
        # 获取 Excel 数据标识 Id 
        row = Series(item, index=["Id"])
        # 图片网络地址
        image = 'url'
        if image:
            # 设置行高
            sheet.row_dimensions[index + 2].height = 100 
            # 加载网络图片
            response = requests.get(_image) 
            image_bytes = BytesIO() 
            img = Image(image_bytes)
            # 左上角固定到一个单元格,
            _from = AnchorMarker(col - 1, 50000, index + 1, 50000)
            # 右下角固定到另一个单元格
            # AnchorMarker(列,微调,行,微调)
            to = AnchorMarker(col, -50000, index + 2, -50000) 
            img.anchor = TwoCellAnchor('twoCell', _from, to) 