Istio从入门到精通—— 流量治理的原理 —— VirutalService —— L4MatchAttributes

发布时间 2023-12-18 16:32:55作者: 左扬

流量治理的原理 —— VirutalService —— L4MatchAttributes

L4 connection match attributes. Note that L4 connection matching support is incomplete.


Field Type Description Required
destinationSubnets string[]

IPv4 or IPv6 ip addresses of destination with optional subnet. E.g., a.b.c.d/xx form or just a.b.c.d.

port uint32

Specifies the port on the host that is being addressed. Many services only expose a single port or label ports with the protocols they support, in these cases it is not required to explicitly select the port.

sourceLabels map<string, string>

One or more labels that constrain the applicability of a rule to workloads with the given labels. If the VirtualService has a list of gateways specified in the top-level gateways field, it should include the reserved gateway mesh in order for this field to be applicable.

gateways string[]

Names of gateways where the rule should be applied. Gateway names in the top-level gateways field of the VirtualService (if any) are overridden. The gateway match is independent of sourceLabels.

sourceNamespace string

Source namespace constraining the applicability of a rule to workloads in that namespace. If the VirtualService has a list of gateways specified in the top-level gateways field, it must include the reserved gateway mesh for this field to be applicable.
