界面 任务to do


有时候需要写一个定时触发的任务,例如设置公告定时发送 这里使用了spring中的定时任务类,很轻松的就完成了所需要的功能 1、定时任务,按照自己需求进行业务逻辑编写 /** * 定时任务 * @Author:tzl * @Date:2023/12/20 17:47 */ @Service publi ......
任务 时间

2002 - Can't connect to server on '54.xxx.xxx.xxx' (36)

远程连接mysql数据库的时候显示Can't connect to MySQL server (10060) 如下图所示 可以从以下几个方面入手,找出错误的原因: 1.网络问题 网络不通时会导致这个问题 检查下是不是能ping通 2.mysql账户设置 mysql账户是否不允许远程连接 -- mys ......
xxx 39 connect server 2002

WepApi TaskCanceledException A任务已取消--async+await的方案替代task.Wait()可有效解决高并发问题

在.net Core中httpClient添加配置超时时长也没用 services.AddHttpClient("PPHttpClient", config => { config.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "*/*"); config.DefaultR ......

报错: Failed to execute ‘append‘ on ‘FormData‘: 2 arguments required, but only 1 present.

未能对“FormData”执行“append”:需要2个参数,但仅存在1个参数。 let formData=new FormData() 本来 formData.append(‘list’,JSON.stringify(arr)) 改成下边这样了,就报错了 formData.append(JSON. ......
arguments FormData required execute present

How to Enable Root Login Via SSH on Ubuntu 23.10

* [How to Enable Root Login Via SSH on Ubuntu 23.10 - Devtutorial](https://devtutorial.io/how-to-enable-root-login-via-ssh-on-ubuntu-23-10-p3230.html# ......
Enable Ubuntu 23.10 Login Root

界面控件DevExpress WinForms PDF Viewer,让应用轻松显示PDF文档(一)

DevExpress WinForms的PDF Viewer(查看器)控件使用户可以轻松地在Windows应用程序中直接显示PDF文档,而无需在最终用户的机器上安装外部PDF阅读器。 DevExpress WinForms有180+组件和UI库,能为Windows Forms平台创建具有影响力的业务 ......
控件 DevExpress PDF WinForms 界面


task4 #include <stdio.h> int main() { FILE *fp; int n=0; char a ; fp = fopen("data4.txt","r"); if(fp == NULL) { printf("fail to open file \n"); return ......

Github Actions - Error: The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?

Run kubectl apply -f eks/aws-auth.yaml kubectl apply -f eks/aws-auth.yaml kubectl apply -f eks/deployment.yaml kubectl apply -f eks/service.yaml shell ......
connection the localhost Actions refused


大家好,我是皮皮。 一、前言 前几天在Python白银交流群【菜🐤】问了一个Python环境配置的问题,一起来看看吧。问题如下: 问题:下载安装nodejs,然后在pycharm专业版里面也下载了nodejs的插件,配置好运行路径后,运行js文件,会弹出一个python解释器的界面,怎么解决呢? ......
解释器 界面 文件 python

How can I do to protect the Environmental

How can I do to protect the Environmental Protecting the environment is an important responsibility that we all share. Here are some simple steps you ......
Environmental protect How can the

What do you think of Crazy Shopping on Novermber?

What do you think of Crazy Shopping on Novermber? As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or feelings about shopping on November or a ......
Novermber Shopping Crazy think What

Do cars need smart devices?

Smart devices are becoming increasingly common in modern cars, and they can provide several benefits for drivers. However, whether or not cars need sm ......
devices smart cars need Do

What do you think of Online and Classroom Class advantages and disadvantages?

What do you think of Online and Classroom Class advantages and disadvantages? Online and classroom classes each have their own set of advantages and d ......

Should be the workers need to dress uniform for work?

The need for workers to dress in uniforms for work depends on the specific industry, company, and job role. In some cases, uniforms may be required fo ......
workers uniform Should dress need

Why the developed country choose the countries of southeast Asia to build processing factory used their labour force?

The developed countries choose countries in Southeast Asia to build processing factories and utilize their labor force for various reasons. Some of th ......
processing the developed countries southeast

关于C#定时任务 job

////创建调度单元 //Task<IScheduler> tsk = StdSchedulerFactory.GetDefaultScheduler(); //IScheduler scheduler = tsk.Result; ////2.创建一个具体的作业即job (具体的job需要单独在一个 ......
任务 job

An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms, Neil C. Jones and Pavel Pevzner, the MIT Press, 2004.

An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms, Neil C. Jones and Pavel Pevzner, the MIT Press, 2004. This introductory text offers a clear exposition o ......

vs .csproj会丢失<SubType>导致代码无法显示设计界面

突然某天打开vs代码,点击某个页面,无法显示可视化设计界面,直接进入代码; 和之前版本对比发现.csproj丢失许多<SubType>。 解决办法:debug模式下重新生成,然后关闭vs,再打开就可以了。 貌似是vs的bug。 ......
界面 SubType 代码 csproj vs

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge 解决方案

团队其他成员修改了某文件并已提交入库,你在pull之前修改了本地该文件,等你修改完代码再pull时,这时会报错如下错误 根据是否要保存本地修改,有以下两种解决方案 2.1 保留修改执行以下三条命令 git stash #封存修改 git pull origin master git stash po ......

Derivative norm vector repect to time 《PBM by Pixar》 Appendix D.2 code

目录1 Derivative normal vector repect to time1.1 Derivative vector norm repect to timeX Ref Vector Calculus 1 Derivative normal vector repect to time Le ......
Derivative Appendix vector repect Pixar

How to Read a Paper

paper.dvi http://ccr.sigcomm.org/online/files/p83-keshavA.pdf https://jyywiki.cn/ISER/2023/1-intro/index.html https://jyywiki.cn/ISER/2023/1-intro/ind ......
Paper Read How to

Could not build wheels for pillow, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects 解决方案

参考来源,致敬大佬。 ERROR: Could not build wheels for Pillow, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects-CSDN博客 报错: Could not build wheels for ......

安装 deepspeed 报错 | 【CUDA_HOME does not exist, unable to compile CUDA op(s)】

原因是因为 deepspeed 需要安装 cuda toolkit (runtime cuda), 不能使用 torch 内置的 cuda toolkit。 安装完成之后使用 nvcc -V, 输出版本则证明安装cuda toolkit 成功。 参考:[https://github.com/micr ......
CUDA deepspeed CUDA_HOME compile unable

界面控件DevExpress v23.2全新发布 - 官宣正式支持.NET 8

DevExpress拥有.NET开发需要的所有平台控件,包含600多个UI控件、报表平台、DevExpress Dashboard eXpressApp 框架、适用于 Visual Studio的CodeRush等一系列辅助工具。屡获大奖的软件开发平台DevExpress 今年第一个重要版本v23. ......
控件 DevExpress 界面 全新 23.2

Unable to negotiate with ip port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss

一、解决 cd ~/.ssh vim config # 添加以下内容 Host * HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa ......
negotiate ssh matching ssh-rsa ssh-dss

WMTS . WMS focuses on flexibility in the client request enabling clients to obtain exactly the final image they want.

WMTS - Introduction — OGC e-Learning 2.0.0 documentation https://opengeospatial.github.io/e-learning/wmts/text/main.html WMTS - Introduction Introduct ......
flexibility the enabling focuses clients

Rails ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile to File

RailsでFileをActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFileに変換する方法 require 'mime/types' File.open(path) do |file| filename = File.basename(file.path), ActionDispatc ......
ActionDispatch UploadedFile Rails Http File


本文参考博主:Flink Web UI不能访问_flink启动后web页面打不开-CSDN博客 首先我在finallshell上运行成功flink之后长这样: 然后再web界面上输入:localhost:8081显示无法进入: 然后我把防火墙关闭了: hdfs dfsadmin -safemode ......
界面 flink linux webUI

任务调度处理系列之 Spring源码分析-【SchedulingConfigurer实现原理】转

一、可能的场景在做业务平台的时候我们经常会遇到,某些跟时间打交道的需要修改状态,比如说在时间区间之前,属于未生效状态,区间之内属于有效期,区间之后,属于过期,或者需要每天 每周 每月,甚至是年为单位的做一些固定的操作。通过定时任务可以通过开启定时任务来完成这些需求。 我做合同管理模块,合同有未生效, ......


建议使用,这里说明一下,使用QApplication类或者QGuiApplication类进行设置都可以,因为QApplication继承自QGuiApplication from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from PyQt5.QtGui import QGuiApplicat ......
视图 再不 分辨率 界面 字体