经验failed to push

Oracle-TableSpace Move To

SELECT owner, segment_name, partition_name, tablespace_name , 'ALTER TABLE '||a.segment_name||' move PARTITION '||a.partition_name||' tablespace TESTD ......
Oracle-TableSpace TableSpace Oracle Move To

报错Array to string conversion

### 报错Array to string conversion 原因:数组格式无法存储进数据库 technologies是字段名 ``` use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class App extends Model { protected $cas ......
conversion string Array to

refusing to merge unrelated histories

直接点下面的合并非相关历史,然后就能拉取了。 从网上查的资料: 如果git merge合并的时候出现refusing to merge unrelated histories的错误,原因是两个仓库不同而导致的。可以通过上面来拉取或者通过下面来实现: $git pull origin master – ......
histories unrelated refusing merge to


Linux系统-部署-运维系列导航 日志管理目标 日志的管理,一般包括两大部分 日志内容,合理的日志内容(日志锚点,内容格式,等)可以为应用服务的执行记录、问题排查提供最有力的帮助 日志存档规则,包括日志分割方式(按日期、按文件大小,等),日志存档数量,如只保存最近一个月,等 对于自行开发的应用服务 ......
logrotate crontab 经验 Linux 日志

npm ERR! code ERESOLVE npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree

npx -p npm@6 npm i 参考:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_40461281/article/details/115543024 ......
ERESOLVE dependency npm ERR resolve

I Asked ChatGPT How to Become a Millionaire as a Developer

> My friend Josh and I finished our collage together. Even though we worked at different places, our income and designation were more or less similar. ......
Millionaire Developer ChatGPT Become Asked

遇到的错误之“Could not copy property 'repositoryId' from source to target; nested exception is java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException”

[ERROR][2023-09-03 21:54:10] | Combination收入费用数据导出异常 org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException: Could not copy property 'repositoryId' from source ......

Failed to start bean 'documentationPluginsBootstrapper'; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException 转载哈!!

2023-09-03 22:53:53.622 WARN 20788 [ main] ConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext : Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling ......

k8s安装etcd出现Job for etcd.service failed......"journalctl -xe" for details.

### 错误如下 ![image](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/2045410/202309/2045410-20230903205418854-1623317359.png) **先按照提示,输入 `journalctl -xe` 看一些详细信息** ![im ......
etcd quot journalctl for details


# 专业级通关经验 ## 前言 其实我是一个不自律而且逻辑性较弱的人,平时最讨厌的就是悬疑小说,还有点完美主义。编程这种需要高度自律和专注,还有推理与演绎的事情,对我来说简直就是灾难。 但是我知道去公司面试这是基本技能,我想达到面试自由的水平,是完全可以的。 我觉得能克服自己对编程的恐惧是我最有成就 ......
经验 专业

doc to docx ;docx to doc

import zipfile import os import shutil import hashlib import send2trash ''' 假设所有的word文档存放在某路径中,这个路径中包含各种杂七杂八的玩意 使用Everything,或者"筛选文件.py"把所有的docx文件移动到C ......
docx doc to

【转】How to Effectively Remember 10,000 English Vocabulary in Less Than 120 Days

原文: https://www.derekwei.com/2012/07/how-to-effectively-remember-10000-english-vocabulary-in-less-than-120-days/ How to Effectively Remember 10,000 En ......
Effectively Vocabulary Remember English Days

代码扫描提示:java: Compilation failed: internal java compiler error

检查Idea中编译的版本和项目的是否一致 ......
java Compilation compiler internal 代码

How to automatically run a scheduled task every hour in Node.js All In One

How to automatically run a scheduled task every hour in Node.js All In One 如何在 Node.js 中每间隔一小时自动运行一个定时任务 ......
automatically scheduled every Node hour

how to use R2023a_Doc_Windows.iso

reference page: https://www.mathworks.com/help/install/ug/install-documentation-on-offline-machines.html mpm install-doc --matlabroot="C:\Program File ......
a_Doc_Windows Windows 2023 how Doc

disconnected: unable to send message to renderer (failed to check if window was closed: disconnected: not connected to DevTools) (Session info: chrome=115.0.5790.110)

用的 selenium/standalone-chrome 镜像没有做任何的更改,一访问 提示如下: disconnected: unable to send message to renderer (failed to check if w ......
disconnected to connected DevTools renderer

OGG-01496 Failed to open target trail file ./dirdat/ra000002, at RBA 2179

1.问题描述 在启动OGG源端的投递进程时,报错:OGG-01496 OGG-01496 Failed to open target trail file ./dirdat/ra000002, at RBA 2179 2.原因分析 目标端trail文件丢失,查看目标端的${OGG_HOME}/dir ......
000002 Failed dirdat target 01496

Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log: 'Client requested master to start replication from position > file size', Error_code: 1236

MySQL主从复制报错,MySQL主主复制结构,MySQL版本5.7.32 2023-08-31T09:08:29.316553+08:00 1 [ERROR] Error reading packet from server for channel '': Client requested mas ......
from master 1236 replication Error_code


调试tja1145 记录 1.配置选择性唤醒功能,配置id范围时,全0的寄存器也要触发一次写。才能配置成功 2.tja1145不支持 canfd格式唤醒,只支持can唤醒。canfd容忍度的配置是,可以无视canfd格式的报文,这样可以做成混合网段,相同id的can和canfd报文可以共存 不无视c ......

[LeetCode] 2240. Number of Ways to Buy Pens and Pencils

You are given an integer total indicating the amount of money you have. You are also given two integers cost1 and cost2 indicating the price of a pen ......
LeetCode Pencils Number 2240 Ways

Apple script to show or hide window

https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/98123/what-is-the-applescript-command-to-show-or-hide-iterm2-window Here are several options (none of them h ......
script window Apple hide show

how to get the SVG document content that inside a object tag in javascript

# how to get the SVG document content that inside a object tag in javascript > object tag & SVG document content in javascript ## demos ```js ``` ![im ......
javascript document content inside object

OpenALMusicPlayer.cpp:164:22: error: invalid conversion from ‘char’ to ‘const char*’ [-fpermissive]

编译时报错: OpenALMusicPlayer.cpp:164:22: error: invalid conversion from ‘char’ to ‘const char*’ [-fpermissive] 手动修改: 改为: const char* error = "\0"; 修改后效果: ......

How to Disable Suspend and Hibernation Modes In Linux

参考:https://www.tecmint.com/disable-suspend-and-hibernation-in-linux/sudo systemctl mask sleep.target suspend.target hibernate.target hybrid-sleep.targ ......
Hibernation Disable Suspend Modes Linux


1、当dialog弹窗出现在遮罩层下面时,如这种情况: 2、解决办法就是,加个:append-to-body="true" 属性,效果如下: 。 ......
层级 quot append-to-body el-dialog dialog

fail-fast & fail-safe

# ==fail-fast & fail-safe== 先放一篇大佬的文章:[一文彻底弄懂fail-fast、fail-safe机制(带你撸源码) - 知乎](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/261705671) 在学习Java的ArrayDeque原理实现的时候,查的资料 ......
fail fail-fast fail-safe fast safe

2023-08-31 chooseMedia:fail d.lookup(...).indexOf is not a function ==》图片类型不支持导致

小程序上传图片调uniapp的api:uni.chooseMedia 报错:chooseMedia:fail d.lookup(...).indexOf is not a function==》chooseMedia:fail d.lookup(…).indexOf不是函数 盲猜:我选择了一张该ap ......
chooseMedia function indexOf 类型 lookup

DMHS报错:exec lob write file fail, system halt.

# 问题 DMHS运行中异常停止。 ## 现象 服务器启动即停止。 ### 目的端日志 PUB[ERROR]: os file write by offset error! handle: 13, code: 2, offset: 101468602368 PUB[ERROR]: os file w ......
system write DMHS exec file

mongodb报错not authorized on testdb to execute command

用户反馈说没有权限,报错如下: not authorized on testdb to execute command { find: "Schedule", filter: {}, skip: 0, limit: 20, maxTimeMS: 60000, lsid: { id: UUID("41 ......
authorized mongodb execute command testdb

pytorch报错IndexError: invalid index of a 0-dim tensor. Use tensor.item() to convert a 0-dim tensor to a Python

该错误消息表示您正在尝试索引其中只有一项的数组。例如, In [10]: aten = torch.tensor(2) In [11]: aten Out[11]: tensor(2) In [12]: aten[0] IndexError Traceback (most recent call l ......
tensor IndexError dim pytorch invalid