语法another other the


1. 前言 myql的INSERT INTO...ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE语句,简单点来说,就是如果记录不存在,则插入,如果记录存在,则更新。 那怎么判断记录存在否?—— 主键、唯一键。 那不是可以使用replace语句吗?—— 原理上可以,但是sqlalchemy orm中的 ......

The subtleties of proper B+Tree implementation

Ref https://ayende.com/blog/198241-B/the-subtleties-of-proper-b-tree-implementation ......
implementation subtleties proper Tree The

"firmwarepasswd": MacOS Firmware Password Management: CHECK and DELETE Macbook Pro Firmware Password from the command line.

Abaels-MacBook-Pro:~ abaelhe$ su Password: bash-3.2# firmwarepasswd -check Password Enabled: Yes bash-3.2# firmwarepasswd -delete Delete Firmware Pass ......

20.Explain how the following reasoning fails to address the complexity of the issue involved, and rebut it. “Sanya is warm all year round and has beautiful beaches,

Round 1: Identifying the Failure in Reasoning Speaker 1 (Student A): Hello, everyone! Let's kick off our discussion by examining the reasoning: "Sanya ......
the complexity following and beautiful

19.Some people say:Face-to-face classes are a better option for college students than online classes. Present possible counterarguments to the claim, rebut it and reaffirm the argument.

Round 1: Presenting Possible Counterarguments Speaker 1 (Student A): Hello, everyone! The claim that face-to-face classes are a better option than onl ......

18.In the academic world, there is a popular phrase "publish or perish." Academics, therefore, always work hard to keep themselves academically alive through publications.

Round 1: Expressing Initial Opinions on "Publish or Perish" Speaker 1 (Student A): Hello, everyone! The phrase "publish or perish" is quite intense, i ......

15.Please retell the parable of The Blind men and An Elephant. What is the moral of the parable? What can we learn from the parable when it comes to critical thinking?

Round 1: Retelling the Parable and Extracting the Moral Speaker 1 (Student A): Hey everyone! So, let's dive into the parable of "The Blind Men and the ......
parable the What Elephant critical

16.What are the basic elements of an argument according to Toulmin Model? How do you evaluate evidences with the intellectual standards?

Round 1: Understanding the Basic Elements of Toulmin Model Speaker 1 (Student A): Hello, everyone! Let's start by discussing the basic elements of the ......

13.How do you understand the statement: Clear thinking is the key to clear writing? 你如何理解这句话:清晰的思维是清晰写作的关键?

Round 1: Interpreting "Clear Thinking is the Key to Clear Writing" Speaker 1 (Analyst A): Greetings, everyone. Our topic today is the statement, "Clea ......
understand the statement thinking 这句话

11.Demonstrate the essentials concerning "Abstract" in research papers,such as features, types, and components.

11.Demonstrate the essentials concerning "Abstract" in research papers,such as features, types, and components. 演示研究论文中关于“摘要”的要点,如特点、类型和组成部分。 Round 1: ......

12.How do you understand the three “C”s(Concise,Clear & Coherent)in an academic Abstract writing?Why are they so important and worthy of a careful study?

Round 1: Understanding the Three "C"s in Academic Abstract Writing Speaker 1 (Researcher A): Greetings, everyone. Today, we're delving into the signif ......


文档: https://solidity-by-example.org/ 视频教程: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv9OmztShIw&list=PLO5VPQH6OWdVQwpQfw9rZ67O6Pjfo6q-p 说明: 本文内容: Function Modi ......
语法 Solidity


判断语句 if…then形式 类似于C/C++中的if-else语句。 单层if 命令格式: if condition then 语句1 语句2 ... fi 示例: a=3 b=4 if [ "$a" -lt "$b" ] && [ "$a" -gt 2 ] then echo ${a}在范围内 ......
语法 Linux shell 03


表达式运算命令expr 概述 expr命令用于求表达式的值,格式为: expr 表达式 表达式说明: 用空格隔开每一项 用反斜杠放在sh特定的字符前面(发现表达式运行错误时,可以试试转义) 对包含空格和其他特殊字符的字符串要用引号括起来 expr会在stdout中输出结果。如果为逻辑关系表达式,则结 ......
amp 语法 printf Linux shell


语法制导定义 Syntax-Directed Definition,SDD 语法制导的翻译 Syntax-Directed Translation,SDT 基本知识 通过向一个文法的产生式附加一些规则或程序片段 1.继承属性 inherited 父结点、本身、兄弟结点 2.综合属性 synthesi ......

The 2nd Universal Cup Stage 13: Shenyang A

赛时没有过又为队友拖后腿了。 考虑原限制具有什么性质,可以发现 \(j\) 能接到 \(i\) 后面仅当 \(\text{max}_{S_{i}} \leqslant \text{max}_{S_{j}}\),而当 \(\text{max}_{S_{i}} = \text{max}_{S_{j}}\ ......
Universal Shenyang Stage The 2nd

Play a Melody using the tone() function

原文:Play a Melody using the tone() function | Arduino Documentation Play a melody with a Piezo speaker. LAST REVISION:2023/12/05 22:33 This example sho ......
function Melody using Play tone

Linux_3 shell语法

1 概论 shell是我们通过命令行与操作系统沟通的语言。 shell脚本可以直接在命令行中执行,也可以将一套逻辑组织成一个文件,方便复用。 AC Terminal中的命令行可以看成是一个“shell脚本在逐行执行”。 Linux中常见的shell脚本有很多种,常见的有: Bourne Shell( ......
语法 Linux shell


概论 shell是什么 shell是我们通过命令行与操作系统沟通的语言。 shell脚本可以直接在命令行中执行,也可以将一套逻辑组织成一个文件,方便复用。 AC Terminal中的命令行可以看成是一个“shell脚本在逐行执行”。 Linux中常见的shell脚本有很多种,常见的有: Bourne ......
语法 Linux shell 03


文档: https://solidity-by-example.org/ 视频教程: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv9OmztShIw&list=PLO5VPQH6OWdVQwpQfw9rZ67O6Pjfo6q-p 说明: 本文内容: Enum, struct, ......
语法 Solidity

用 C/C++ 编写一个 C 语言的语法分析器程序

任务描述 本关任务:用 C/C++ 编写一个 C 语言的语法分析器程序。 相关知识 为了完成本关任务,你需要掌握:1.DFA NFA,2.C/C++ 编程语言基础。3. C 语言的基本结构知识 自动机 在编译原理课堂上已经教授了大家相关知识。在完成本实训前,一定要先设计相关自动机,再开始相关功能的实 ......
分析器 语法 语言 程序


1、函数返回值的作用 所谓返回值,就是程序中函数完成的事情后,最后给调用者的结果 2、函数返回值的定义语法 def 函数名(参数...): 函数体 return 返回值 使用关键字:return来返回结果 3、注意: 函数体在遇到return后就结束,写在return后的代码不会执行 # 定义一个函 ......
语法 函数 Python


1、函数的定义语法: def 函数名(传入参数): 函数体 return 返回值 2、函数的调用: 函数名(参数) 3、函数使用步骤: 先定义函数 后调用函数 4、注意事项: 参数不需要,可以省略 返回值如不需要,可以省略 函数必须先定义后使用 # 定义一个函数,输出相关信息 def say_hi( ......
语法 函数 基础 Python

初中英语优秀范文100篇-021Sophia the Robot-机器人索菲亚

PDF格式公众号回复关键字:SHCZFW021 记忆树 1 When it comes to AI , Sophia the robot is mentioned again and again. 翻译 说到人工智能,总是会反复提到机器人索菲亚。 简化记忆 反复 句子结构 句子结构分析: 主句:So ......
机器人 范文 初中 机器 Sophia

ICBCB 生物信息学与计算生物学国际会议(The 10th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology,ICBCB 2022)

十届生物信息学与计算生物学国际会议(ICBCB 2022)成功举办 编辑:张谊 来源:生命科学学院 时间:2022年05月20日 访问次数:2197 2022年5月13-15日,由浙江大学生命科学学院主办的第十届生物信息学与计算生物学国际会议(The 10th International Confe ......

Redis报错:(error) DENIED Redis is running in protected mode because protected mode is enabled and no password is set for the default user

一、报错内容 (error) DENIED Redis is running in protected mode because protected mode is enabled and no password is set for the default user. In this mode c ......
protected Redis mode is password

Redis报错:WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128

报错内容: 1:C 08 Dec 2023 05:47:33.348 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo 1:C 08 Dec 2023 05:47:33.348 # Redis version=7.0.5, bits=64, commit ......
somaxconn enforced WARNING backlog setting

Calculate the geometric mean of inputs a and b. The geometric mean of two numbers is the square root of a * b.

计算输入a和b的几何平均值。两个数字的几何平均值是a * b的平方根。 import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.math.*; /** * Auto-generated code below aims at helping you pars ......
geometric mean Calculate the of

The kexec-based Crash Dumping Solution (翻译 by chatgpt)

原文:https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/kdump/kdump.html 这份文档包括概述、设置、安装和分析信息。 概述 Kdump 使用 kexec 快速引导到一个转储捕获内核,每当需要对系统内核的内存进行转储(例如系统发生崩溃) ......
kexec-based Solution Dumping chatgpt Crash
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