
Un jour comme mille ans et mille ans comme un jour

Plusieurs mois se sont écoulés et je n'ai rien écrit ici... honte à moi ! En résumé, nous avons passé un long été tous les trois à Pékin et avons pû v ......
comme mille jour ans Un

题解 Gym 104077I【[ICPC2022 Xi'an R] Square Grid】

题解 Gym 104077I【[ICPC2022 Xi'an R] Square Grid】 problem 二维棋盘,边界是 \((0,0)\) 到 \((n,n)\)。 对于某个棋子,单次移动可以朝着上下左右四个方向之一移动一格。 对于 \(q\) 个独立的棋子,分别问时间 \(T\) 秒以后: ......
题解 104077I 104077 Square 2022

# [Codeforces Round 898 (Div. 4)] E. Building an Aquarium

Codeforces Round 898 (Div. 4) E. Building an Aquarium You love fish, that's why you have decided to build an aquarium. You have a piece of coral made ......
Codeforces Building Aquarium Round 898

Go - Run an application using systemd

The systemd tool fits our simple case of requiring the application to start on server boot-up as well as ensuring that the application is restarted in ......
application systemd using Run Go

PHP 导出 Excel 报错: Formula Error: An unexpected error occurred

1. 问题描述一个项目中用到了需要将用户手机号导出到 Excel ,最初写完测试是正常的,如下图所示 在后来的某一天,导出手机号突然出现了报错,如下图所示 通过提示我们将问题定位在了 B 列 4867 行。 这是因为在 excel 中,单元格中的值如果是以 “=” 开头,则说明这个单元格是根据其他单 ......
unexpected occurred Formula Excel Error

springBoot 启动报错: If you want an embedded database (H2, HSQL or Derby), please put it on the classpath.

原因 其实这个异常在SpringBoot中是一个比较常见的异常,一般是因为SpringBoot自动配置时,检测到我们添加了MySQL、Oracle、Mybatis等和数据库相关的依赖包,结果我们的配置文件中却没有添加数据库相关的配置,比如: spring: datasource: driver-cl ......

HBase-Hbase启动异常java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring class

1、问题描述 HBase启动时异常如下: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring class at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0( ......

安装 MyEclipse 出现 "An error occurred while copying software to your machine" 的一个解决方法

安装 MyEclipse 时出现 An error occurred while copying software to your machine 字样,有部分文章提出可能是因为之前安装没有完全卸载。比如 MyEclipse(不论版本是啥)卸载后重新安装,提示:拷贝到计算机时出错;问题解决方案:。 ......
quot MyEclipse occurred software copying

C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\include\stdint.h contains an incorrect path.

1.问题 在使用Keil uvison5打开例程代码进行学习时,发现部分.h文件无法读取 2.解决方法 1.找到如图的设置按钮(小锤子) 2.根据自己所用的是C/C++还是ARM选择(我这里是C/C++) 3.在include path这里加入内容 4.找到你自己安装目录下的如图目录 5.将其中的i ......
incorrect contains include Keil_v stdint

【ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies】【ERROR: No matching distribution found for】【ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError:】

pip包安装出错 真是把我烦死了,在yt上学东西,结果一直出这样的错,之前我都是把包下载到本地安装的,这也不是长久之计。 然后我试了使用 -i,使用--trusted-host,使用--user,使用--upgrade pip...全都不管用。 后来我想,究竟是什么时候出现这个问题的,好像很久之前就 ......
ERROR Could distribution not satisfies

CF671C Ultimate Weirdness of an Array

区间 max gcd 计数显然没有任何性质,考虑倒序枚举,转化为计算 \(\sum_i\sum_{l,r}[f(l,r)\ge i]\)。 考虑用一个线段树维护这个东西。\(x\) 节点上存最小的满足 \(f(x,r)<i\) 的 \(r\)。那么一次操作只需要全局求和。 我们考虑 \(i+1\to ......
Weirdness Ultimate Array 671C 671

解决方法:ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

在使用windows系统用pip命令安装ipyparallel时,出现了这种错误: ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\Users ......

部署错误解决(An error occurred while processing your request.)

An error occurred while processing your request. Request ID: 00-613112becd7848f0226b77690eb71d00-3769cb0d7144d878-00 Development Mode Swapping to Deve ......
processing occurred 错误 request error

SpringBoot项目启动报错:An incompatible version [1.1.22] of the Apache Tomcat Native library is installed, while Tomcat requires version [1.2.14]

问题解释: “安装了不兼容的Apache Tomcat原生库版本[1.1.22],而Tomcat需要版本[1.2.14]” 解决方法: ① 打开网页 ② ③ ④ ⑤ 复制到 ......

Vue编译出现This file is being treated as an ES module because it has a '.js' file extension错误

问题描述 在编译前端项目时出现下面的问题: Failed to load PostCSS config: Failed to load PostCSS config (searchPath: D:/WebProject/imooc-front): [Failed to load PostCSS co ......
file extension 错误 because treated

CF1718F Burenka, an Array and Queries

显然先考虑把每个 \(a_i\) 只因数分解,令 \(S(x)\) 表示 \(x\) 只因子的集合。 令 \(S_{l,r}=S\left(\prod\limits_{i=l}^ra_i\right)=S(a_l)\cup S(a_{l+1})\cup\cdots \cup S(a_r)\)。假如我 ......
Burenka Queries 1718F Array 1718

关于更换SSL证书后,springboot项目启动报错ObjectIdentifier() -- data isn‘t an object ID (tag = 48)

前提:SSL证书一年一换,我是在阿里云上买的。按照以往的经验去更换 更换方法可查看之前的文章: 更换完成后,启动项目报错: 1 Caused by: ElasticsearchException[faile ......

pytest运行警告问题解决:DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API

# 前言 最近在运行pytest的时候,经常出现这个警告DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API See from ......

evil-winrm:An error of type OpenSSL::Digest::DigestError happened, message is Digest initialization

使用evil-winrm无法连接主机,出现以下错误 Info: Establishing connection to remote endpoint Error: An error of type OpenSSL::Digest::DigestError happened, message is D ......

How to use Promise and setTimeout to mock an API call in JavaScript All In One

How to use Promise and setTimeout to mock an API call in JavaScript All In One 如何使用 Promise 和 setTimeout 在 JavaScript 中模拟一个 API 调用 ......
JavaScript setTimeout Promise to mock

floccus bookmarks sync 同步报错 Syncing failed with E034: Bookmarks file is unreadable. Did you forget to set an encryption passphrase?

使用floccus bookmarks sync 同步不同浏览器中的书签时候,第二个浏览器同步时报该错误: Syncing failed with E034: Bookmarks file is unreadable. Did you forget to set an encryption pass ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: PyTorch: an imperative style, high-performance deep learning library

## Abstract 本文: PyTorch Task: detail the implementation and architecture of PyTorch Github: 特点: 1. PyTorch同时关注可用性和速 ......

解决Ubuntu 安装出现E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)异常(轮子)

cd /var/lib/dpkg/ sudo mv info/ info.bak # 现将info文件夹更名 sudo mkdir info # 再新建一个新的info文件夹 sudo apt-get update # 更新 sudo apt-get -f install # 修复 sudo mv ......
轮子 Sub-process returned process Ubuntu

disable/enable an elment using jQuery & JS

1. JS: 2. jQuery: 参考网址: ......
disable enable elment jQuery using

2023-09-01:用go语言编写。给出两个长度均为n的数组, A = { a1, a2, ... ,an }, B = { b1, b2, ... ,bn }。 你需要求出其有多少个区间[L,R]

2023-09-01:用go语言编写。给出两个长度均为n的数组, A = { a1, a2, ... ,an }, B = { b1, b2, ... ,bn }。 你需要求出其有多少个区间[L,R]满足: 数组A中下标在[L,R]中的元素之和在[La,Ra]之中, 数组B中下标在[L,R]中的元素 ......
数组 区间 长度 两个 语言

python selenium报错ValueError: Timeout value connect was <...>, but it must be an int, float or None.

最近学习爬虫,安装selenium,很简单地执行代码,但是一直报错。 ``` import time import openpyxl from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from ......
ValueError selenium Timeout connect python

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: An Extensive Study on Pre-trained Models for Program Understanding and Generation

## Abstract ## 1. Intro ## 2. Background ### 2.1 Program Understanding and Generation Tasks ### 2.2 NL-PL Pre-Trained Models ![](https://img2023.cnblo ......

论文解读(DEAL)《DEAL: An Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Framework for Graph-level Classification》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:DEAL: An Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Framework for Graph-level Classification论文作者:Nan Yin、Li Shen、Baop ......

UE4.27, Packaging failed, "is found in memory and is an export but does not have all load flags"

打包时发生如下错误 "is found in memory and is an export but does not have all load flags" 通过查阅论坛,问题原因出在,某类的构造函数里包含xxx->SetChildActorClass(ActualOne) 整理到的解决办法并未 ......
quot Packaging failed export memory