
Unity3d_Rewired官方文档翻译:要点(四):Rewired Editor->All Maps、Layout Rules、Map Enabler

仅翻译了官方文档中的Essentials(要点)、Concepts(概念)两部分,这是文档中最重要的部分,理解了这两部分的内容应该足以让你将Rewired运用到你的项目中,之后再去阅读文档的其他部分也能更容易理解。 斜体加下划线部分为添加的注解,非官方文档内容。若你发现有翻译、注解不正确的,请留言告 ......

If you are running inside a VM, you may need to enable SSE4.2 pass-through. 报错问题解析

W20240108 05:46:22.718271 1 flags.cc:413] Enabled unsafe flag: --use_hybrid_clock=false Not implemented: The CPU on this system (Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold ......
pass-through you running through inside

AMOS: Enabling Automatic Mapping for Tensor Computations On Spatial Accelerators with Hardware Abstraction

AMOS: Enabling Automatic Mapping for Tensor Computations On Spatial Accelerators with Hardware Abstraction Abstract 为了实现性能提升,硬件专用化是一个趋势。空间硬件加速器利用专门的层次 ......

【五期李伟平】CCF-A(TMC'22)Enabling Long-Term Cooperation in Cross-Silo Federated Learning: A Repeated Game Perspective

Zhang, Ning , Q. Ma , and X. Chen . "Enabling Long-Term Cooperation in Cross-Silo Federated Learning: A Repeated Game Perspective." (2022). 针对重复执行跨筒仓联 ......

FreeBSD: enable ssh

非root用户: vi /etc/rc.conf add: sshd_enable=“YES” start ssh service: /etc/rc.d/sshd start 来源:https://ostechnix.com/how-to-enable-ssh-on-freebsd/ root用户不 ......
FreeBSD enable ssh


title: DnsPod,cloudflare启用DNSSEC author: Tokisaki Galaxy top: false cover: false toc: true comments: true mathjax: false noindex: false sitemap: true ......

SP2-0618: Cannot find the Session Identifier. Check PLUSTRACE role is enabled SP2-0611: Error enabling STATISTICS report

报错信息: SP2-0618: Cannot find the Session Identifier. Check PLUSTRACE role is enabledSP2-0611: Error enabling STATISTICS report 说明: Oracle下普通用户缺少set aut ......
Identifier STATISTICS SP2 PLUSTRACE enabling

How to Enable Root Login Via SSH on Ubuntu 23.10

* [How to Enable Root Login Via SSH on Ubuntu 23.10 - Devtutorial](https://devtutorial.io/how-to-enable-root-login-via-ssh-on-ubuntu-23-10-p3230.html# ......
Enable Ubuntu 23.10 Login Root

WMTS . WMS focuses on flexibility in the client request enabling clients to obtain exactly the final image they want.

WMTS - Introduction — OGC e-Learning 2.0.0 documentation https://opengeospatial.github.io/e-learning/wmts/text/main.html WMTS - Introduction Introduct ......
flexibility the enabling focuses clients

Spring CSP & Cors: Content Security Policy with Spring Security | Enabling Cross Origin Requests for a RESTful Web Service

* [Spring Security 配置 Content Security Policy(CSP) - spring 中文网](https://springdoc.cn/spring-security-csp/)* [Getting Started | Enabling Cross Origin ......
Security Spring Enabling Requests Content

Redis报错:(error) DENIED Redis is running in protected mode because protected mode is enabled and no password is set for the default user

一、报错内容 (error) DENIED Redis is running in protected mode because protected mode is enabled and no password is set for the default user. In this mode c ......
protected Redis mode is password


灵魂拷问std::enable_shared_from_this,揭秘实现原理 引言 在C++编程中,使用智能指针是一种安全管理对象生命周期的方式。std::shared_ptr是一种允许多个指针共享对象所有权的智能指针。然而,当一个对象需要获取对自身的shared_ptr时,传统的方法可能导致未定 ......

hive启动出现Either your MetaData is incorrect, or you need to enable "datanucleus.schema.autoCreateTables"

hive启动出现: Required table missing : "`VERSION`" in Catalog "" Schema "". DataNucleus requires this table to perform its persistence operations. Either ......

[WARNING] The POM for com.alibaba:druid:jar:1.1.21 is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug logging for more details是什么问题

这个警告表明 Maven 在尝试下载或处理 com.alibaba:druid:1.1.21 这个依赖项时遇到了问题。警告的具体内容是说 POM(Project Object Model)文件无效,这可能会导致 Maven 无法正确地处理传递性依赖关系。有几种可能的原因和解决方法: 1.网络问题: ......

postman 出现Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue 如何反爬(js反爬)

网页无法F12,禁止调试出现debug怎么办 直接F8禁用,ctrl+F8开启调试断点 网站禁止ip访问,并且关闭了icmp回包,调试最好禁用缓存,以便实时更新 用postman单独访问首页的index的首页也是无法获取网页内容 考虑网页使用js进行跳转 实例: 比如使用postman请求https ......
JavaScript continue postman cookies Enable


1)Animator.Enable一帧内两次设置之间的动画控制属性变更失效2)移动端Shader的Varying插值后是否会写回主存3)Unity Avatar在大型MMO中使用情况如何4)UnityWebRequest加载外部图片,尺寸是否必须是4的倍数 这是第360篇UWA技术知识分享的推送,精 ......
Animator 属性 之间 动画 Enable

无GPU环境中运行出错解决方法:AssertionError: Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled

在執行pytorch代碼的時候,突然看到報錯 AssertionError: Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled 這說明了 1. 你pytoch确实安装了 2. 你安装的是cpu版本 作为验证,你可以在python编辑器输入下列代码 如果要在无GPU环境中运行, ......

goldengate add trandata显示最小附加日志already enable,但是info trandata显示disabled

问题描述: 数据库版本11.2.0.4,操作系统版本:windows server 2012,goldengate版本12. 在给ogg同步表添加trandata的时候,提示supplemental redo log data is already enabled 。但是使用info ......
trandata goldengate disabled already enable

ERROR: Failed to Setup IP tables: Unable to enable SKIP DNAT rule

1、错误场景和现象 Linux开启或重启防火墙后,使用默认驱动程序创建网络“docker-compose_default” 报错如下: Creating network "docker-compose_default" with the default driver ERROR: Failed to ......
Failed tables Unable enable ERROR

RuntimeError: The scheduler seems to be running under uWSGI, but threads have been disabled. You must run uWSGI with the --enable-threads option for the scheduler to work报错

解释 RuntimeError: The scheduler seems to be running under uWSGI, but threads have been disabled. You must run uWSGI with the --enable-threads option fo ......

不修改Read/Write Enabled,Texture.GetPixels,Mesh.triangles

### 原理:将Texture拷贝一份出来然后读取 /// <summary> /// 不通过设置Read/Write Enabled,直接克隆一份可读的Texture2D /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <returns>< ......
GetPixels triangles Enabled Texture Write

ubuntu vmware 虚拟机 遇到 开机错误 piix4_smbus : SMBus Host Controller not enabled

2023年10月 遇到了 ubuntu 开机报错 piix4_smbus : SMBus Host Controller not enabled 等了很长时间居然成功的进入系统, 但是关机时 也是要等待很久, 空的时候网上搜索了下解决办法 解决步骤: 1.任务管理器 把vm的任务都关掉 2.找到虚拟 ......
piix4_smbus Controller 错误 enabled ubuntu

虚拟器启动 SMBus Host controller not enabled

虚拟器启动提示:SMBus Host controller not enabled 虚拟机启动老提示这个,正常进入不影响使用: SMBus Host controller not enabled 查一下这个模块看看 lsmod | grep piix4 禁用这个模块 sudo vim /etc/mo ......
controller enabled SMBus Host not

OGG-01820 Could not enable workspace

故障现象: OGG replicat进程abend了,ggserr.log日志显示如下: 20023-10-10 06:11:47 ERROR OGG-01820 Could not enable workspace 解决办法: alter system set enable_goldengate_ ......
workspace enable 01820 Could OGG

ValueError: ('`tf.compat.v1.keras` Optimizer is not supported when eager execution is enabled. Use a `tf.keras` Optimizer instead, or disable eager execution.')

ValueError: ('`tf.compat.v1.keras` Optimizer (', <tensorflow.python.keras.optimizers.SGD >, ') is not supported when eager execution is enabled. Use a ......
Optimizer execution keras eager ValueError


conditional_t和enable_if_t是元编程里面很相似却有有着一定区别的模板。形如conditional_t<_Cond, _If, _Else>是指如果_Cond表达式为true,则类型为_If,否则类型为_Else。而形如enable_if_t<_Cond, _Tp>是指如果_Co ......

Torch not compiled with Cuda enabled 解决办法

确保下方指令运行有效: nvcc --version 进入指定虚拟环境下运行下方指令: conda install pytorch==1.11.0 torchvision==0.12.0 torchaudio==0.11.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch 参考来源 ......
compiled enabled 办法 Torch Cuda

[889] To enable arcpy in VS Code

To enable arcpy in VS Code, you need to configure your Python interpreter to use the ArcGIS Pro Python environment. Here are some steps you can follow ......
enable arcpy Code 889 To

执行docker-compose up -d时出现ERROR: Failed to Setup IP tables: Unable to enable SKIP DNAT rule

执行: service docker restart 解释: 有些东西删除了 docker iptables 条目。如果您重新启动 Docker,它将重新创建它们 ( systemctl restart docker)。您需要禁用任何其他管理 iptables 的功能,以防止将来发生这种情况。即可。 ......
docker-compose compose docker Failed Unable

How to enable HTTPS on a localhost Node.js Server All In One

How to enable HTTPS on a localhost Node.js Server All In One Let's Encrypt - Free SSL/TLS Certificates ......
localhost enable Server HTTPS Node