
【五期李伟平】CCF-A(AAAI'21)Game of Gradients: Mitigating Irrelevant Clients in Federated Learning

Nagalapatti, Lokesh , and R. Narayanam . "Game of Gradients: Mitigating Irrelevant Clients in Federated Learning." (2021). 针对联邦学习中相关客户端选择(FRCS)的问题,本文提 ......

【五期李伟平】CCF-A(TMC'22)Enabling Long-Term Cooperation in Cross-Silo Federated Learning: A Repeated Game Perspective

Zhang, Ning , Q. Ma , and X. Chen . "Enabling Long-Term Cooperation in Cross-Silo Federated Learning: A Repeated Game Perspective." (2022). 针对重复执行跨筒仓联 ......

FLAC: Federated Learning with Autoencoder Compression and Convergence Guarantee-2022

目的:减少通信量(成本),例如VGGNet架构具有大约1.38亿个参数(4264 Mb) 方法:具有自动编码器压缩(Autoencoder Compression)且具有收敛保证(Convergence Guarantee);利用冗余信息(the redundant information)和FL的 ......

Hierarchical Clustering-based Personalized Federated Learning for Robust and Fair Human Activity Recognition-2023

任务:人类活动识别任务Human Activity Recognition HAR 指标:系统准确性、公平性、鲁棒性、可扩展性 方法:1. 提出一个带有层次聚类(针对鲁棒性和公平的HAR)个性化的FL框架FedCHAR;通过聚类(利用用户之间的内在相似关系)提高模型性能的准确性、公平性、鲁棒性。 2 ......

Federated Learning005

联邦学习——笔记005 2023.11.27周一,最近支原体肺炎高发。研一上课结了一部分,赶紧看论文。 时隔大半年,今天开始学习联邦学习的大综述————Advances and Open Problems in Federated Learning(联邦学习中的最新进展和开放问题) Introduc ......
Federated Learning 005

Dynamic Client Association for Energy-Aware Hierarchical Federated Learning

1 简单说明 这个文章是讲基于能量意识的动态用户选择, 在hfl的框架下。 因为边缘服务器到客户端这个层级存在着一些选择的关系。 发表在wcnc,一个c类会议上。 2 摘要 Abstract-Federated learning (FL) has become a promising solutio ......

【流行前沿】DRAG Divergence-based Adaptive Aggregation in Federated learning on Non-IID Data

今天再分享一篇9月的联邦学习领域处理异构数据分布的文章。看挂名是复旦的王昕,总的来说只能算是踏实的工作,但是新意上确实不太够。 文章的主要处理对象是解决异构数据在联邦训练中的client-drift问题,当然与很多相似论文一样,也将这个方法迁移到了拜占庭攻击的防范上。不过这个robustness仅通 ......

【五期邹昱夫】CCF-A(TIFS'23)SAFELearning: Secure Aggregation in Federated Learning with Backdoor Detectability

> "Zhang, Zhuosheng, et al. "SAFELearning: Secure Aggregation in Federated Learning with Backdoor Detectability." IEEE Transactions on Information For ......

【五期邹昱夫】CCF-A(SP'23)3DFed: Adaptive and Extensible Framework for Covert Backdoor Attack in Federated Learning

> "Li, Haoyang, et al. "3DFed: Adaptive and Extensible Framework for Covert Backdoor Attack in Federated Learning." 2023 IEEE Symposium on Security an ......

论文阅读 | Layer-wised Model Aggregation for Personalized Federated Learning

面向个性化联合学习的分层模型聚合 ==在本文中,我们提出了一种新的pFedLA训练框架,该框架能够区分不同客户端的每一层的重要性,从而能够优化具有异构数据的客户端的个性化模型聚合。==具体来说,我们在服务器端为每个客户端使用一个专用的超网络,它被训练来识别层粒度上的相互贡献因素。同时,引入参数化机制 ......

论文阅读 | Soteria: Provable Defense against Privacy Leakage in Federated Learning from Representation Perspective

Soteria:基于表示的联邦学习中可证明的隐私泄露防御https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9578192 # 3 FL隐私泄露的根本原因 ## 3.1 FL中的表示层信息泄露 **问题设置** 在FL中,有多个设备和一个中央服务器。服务器协调FL进程,其中每个 ......

会议主题:Federated Learning in Healthcare

主题: Federated Learning in Healthcare日期: 2023-06-07 08:47:33录制文件:https://meeting.tencent.com/v2/cloud-record/share?id=ec65d257-69ab-4807-b670-9312fb2a5 ......
Healthcare Federated Learning 会议 主题

论文阅读 | Learn from Others and Be Yourself in Heterogeneous Federated Learning

**在异构联邦学习中博采众长做自己** 代码:https://paperswithcode.com/paper/learn-from-others-and-be-yourself-in **摘要** 联邦学习中有异质性问题和灾难性遗忘。首先,由于非I.I.D(相同独立分布)数据和异构体系结构,模型在 ......

【五期邹昱夫】CCF-A(NeurIPS'19)Inverting gradients-how easy is it to break privacy in federated learning?

"Geiping J, Bauermeister H, Dröge H, et al. Inverting gradients-how easy is it to break privacy in federated learning?[J]. Advances in Neural Informat ......
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