
This TensorFlow binary is optimized to use available CPU instructions in performance-critical operations.

This TensorFlow binary is optimized to use available CPU instructions in performance-critical operations.To enable the following instructions: AVX2 FM ......


# Content A path in a binary tree is a sequence of nodes where each pair of adjacent nodes in the sequence has an edge connecting them. A node can onl ......


# Content Given an integer n, return the number of structurally unique BST's (binary search trees) which has exactly n nodes of unique values from 1 t ......

二叉搜索树(BST,binary search tree)

对于静态查找可以用二分查找,将查找时间复杂度降到 log2 n 。其中,虽然数据存储在线性的结构里,但我们事先对数据进行了处理,在查找的顺序过程中运用到判定树这样的结构,将线性上的查找过程转变为了在类似树上面的查找过程,其查找的效率就是树的高度。但如果查找的集合不仅有查找还有删除新增的需求,而树具有 ......
binary search tree BST

Binary Tree Preorder Traversal

Source Given a binary tree, return the preorder traversal of its nodes' values. Note Given binary tree {1,#,2,3}, 1 \ 2 / 3 return [1,2,3]. Example Ch ......
Traversal Preorder Binary Tree

这,就是数据结构优化建图 !- 洛谷 P6965 Binary Code 解题报告

# 原题链接:[P6965 [NEERC2016] Binary Code]( 笔者做的第 6 道黑题。 与其说是做,不如说是贺。因为笔者不仅几乎没有接触过数据结构优化建边,也完全不知道这道题应该如何实现,所以完全借鉴了 ......
数据结构 结构 就是 报告 数据

Leetcode 704. 二分查找(Binary Search)

[题目链接]( 给定一个n个元素有序的(升序)整型数组`nums`和一个目标值`target`, 写一个函数搜索`nums`中的`target`, 如果目标值存在返回下标, 否则返回`-1`。 示例 1: ``` ......
Leetcode Binary Search 704

Exercise: Equivalent Binary Trees

这个Exercise的答案比较开放,不过遵循说明里面的基本要求: Walk遍历随机创建的有序2叉树,将值写入一个chan,按从小到大的顺序输出10个结果。需要注意的是,这个Exercise的随机2叉树说明里面明确了是tree.New(k)创建k, 2k, ..., 10k。所以输出的时候直接循环读1 ......
Equivalent Exercise Binary Trees

[Algorithm] Compare two Binary tree are the same in both value and shape

export default function compare( a: BinaryNode<number> | null, b: BinaryNode<number> | null, ): boolean { if (a null && b null) { return true; } if (a ......
Algorithm Compare Binary shape value

binary 与 base64

1 const charsMap = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'.split(''); 2 3 function binaryToBase64(chars) { 4 const padLengt ......
binary base 64

Educational Codeforces Round 152 (Rated for Div. 2) C. Binary String Copying

题目大意为给定一个01字符串,给定m个区间,对于每个区间进行一次局部排序,求能得到的字符串种类数 解法:因为字符串只包含0,1两个字符,我们观察可以得到,对于不同的区间来说如果排序后一样则说明肯定是某些位置在排序过程中无贡献,因此我们只需找出有贡献的位置即可 对于一个区间[l,r],来说,如果进行排 ......
Educational Codeforces Copying Binary String

Binary String Copying

Smiling & Weeping 第一次见你的时候, 在我的心里已经炸成了烟花, 需要用一生来打扫灰炉。 题目链接:Problem - C - Codeforces 题目大意不难,就是把每种情况枚举,但是记录每种String需要想办法,简单的set<string>会MLE不可行,unordered ......
Copying Binary String

CF1849C Binary String Copying

[Link]( 我们想一下,什么时候两种变换是相同的 或者说,这意味着什么。 本题目有特殊性,特殊性就在于只有0和1 对于每一个被改变的区间$[L_i,r_I]$,从$l_i$开始的那一堆0,和从$r_i$开 ......
Copying Binary String 1849C 1849

Educational Codeforces Round 152 (Rated for Div. 2) C. Binary String Copying

# C. 二进制字符串复制 每次测试的时间限制2秒 每个测试的内存限制256兆字节 输入标准输入 输出标准输出 给你一个字符串s包含由...组成n个0或1。给出m次操作,让i-th 副本是字符串ti。然后,您对每个副本执行一次操作:i-th 副本,您对其子字符串进行排序[li,ri](子字符串来自原 ......
Educational Codeforces Copying Binary String

C. Binary String Copying

Binary String Copying 缩小每次询问的区间,将他变成真正变化的区间,也就是说找到从 L 开始往后看的第一个 1 ,从R开始往前看的第一个 0 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define endl "\n" typede ......
Copying Binary String

[LeetCode] 894. All Possible Full Binary Trees

Given an integer n, return a list of all possible full binary trees with n nodes. Each node of each tree in the answer must have Node.val == 0. Each e ......
LeetCode Possible Binary Trees Full

[LeetCode] 1676. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree IV

Given the root of a binary tree and an array of TreeNode objects nodes, return the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of all the nodes in nodes. All the nod ......
LeetCode Ancestor Common Binary Lowest

【每日一题】Problem 538B. Quasi Binary

[原题]( #### 解决思路 最简单的思路就是贪心了,每次生成不超过目标值的 $quasibinary$,即可使最终数量最少 ```C++ #include int quasibinary(int ma ......
Problem Binary Quasi 538

CF1360H Binary Median 题解

提供一份好看的题解。 $2^m-n$ 个数的中位数排名是 $\lfloor\dfrac{2^m-n-1}2\rfloor$(从 $0$ 开始)。因为所有元素是连续的,只要数出被删掉的比中位数小的元素数量,那么 $\lfloor\dfrac{2^m-n-1}2\rfloor$ 加上数量就是中位数了。 ......
题解 Binary Median 1360H 1360

Sum in Binary Tree

Sum in Binary Tree time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Vanya really likes mat ......
Binary Tree Sum in

【构造,树】【Loj】Loj6669 Nauuo and Binary Tree

2023.7.3 [Problem Link]( 交互库有一棵 $n$ 个点的二叉树,你每次可以询问两个点之间的距离,猜出这棵二叉树。$n\le 3000$,询问次数上限 $30000$。 首先给你距离一定是先把每个点的深度问出来,确定一个大致的考虑顺序。 ......
Loj Binary Nauuo 6669 Tree

[atAGC062E]Overlap Binary Tree

记$m=\frac{n+1}{2}$,即二叉树的叶子个数 对于合法序列,按以下方式生成其对应的二叉树: (此处二叉树指**无标号**、**以一个点为根**且**每个非叶节点恰有两个儿子**的树) - 恰存在一个区间与其余区间均有交,将其作为根并(在序列中)删除 - 恰存在一个$i\in [1,n)$ ......
Overlap Binary atAGC 062E Tree

Maximum Depth of Binary Tree

Given the root of a binary tree, return its maximum depth. A binary tree's maximum depth is the number of nodes along the longest path from the root n ......
Maximum Binary Depth Tree of

Mysql用户建立触发器报错You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled

分析原因:是log_bin_trust_function_creators值为off导致,因为Table中有Trigger,如果不创建Trigger,不会出现这样的错误信息,但Trigger必须创建临时解决办法:用root用户登录: mysql -u root -pmysql>set global ......
触发器 privilege enabled logging 用户

Binary Tree Inorder Traversal

Given the root of a binary tree, return the inorder traversal of its nodes' values. Example 1: ``` Input: root = [1,null,2,3] Output: [1,3,2] ``` Exam ......
Traversal Inorder Binary Tree

系统断电后,MySQL重启失败:[ERROR] Binlog has bad magic number; It‘s not a binary log file that can be used by this version of MySQL

系统断电后,MySQL重启失败: [ERROR] Binlog has bad magic number; It‘s not a binary log file that can be used by this version of MySQL [ERROR] Can't init tc log [ ......
MySQL version Binlog binary number

[数据结构]Binary Indexed Trees(树状数组)

# Binary Indexed Trees(树状数组) ## 1.lowbit **lowbit(x)**是x的二进制表达式中最低位的1所对应的值。比如,6的二进制是110,所以lowbit(6)=2。 **lowbit(x) = x&(-x)** ## 2.定义,查询,修改(eg1) $a1,a ......
数据结构 数组 Indexed 结构 数据

B. Reverse Binary Strings

You are given a string $s$ of even length $n$. String $s$ is binary, in other words, consists only of 0's and 1's. String $s$ has exactly $\frac{n}{2} ......
Reverse Strings Binary

binary_search 二分查找

1.在列表中获取中间位置的值 2.将中间值和所需要查找的值做对比, 如果相等则返回中间值的位置 3.如果中间值小于所需要查找的值, 则将查找范围缩小到 left 至 mid-1 (即right 修改为 mid-1) 4.如果中间值大于所需要查找的值, 则将查找范围修改为 mid+1 至 right ......
binary_search binary search

Add Binary

Given two binary strings a and b, return their sum as a binary string. **Example 1:** ``` Input: a = "11", b = "1" Output: "100" ``` **Example 2:** `` ......
Binary Add