bricks wall add the

C++ multi process share value via write and read data from serialized file,the better way is shared_memory,pipeline,message queue,socket

#include <atomic> #include <chrono> #include <cmath> #include <condition_variable> #include <cstddef> #include <forward_list> #include <fstream> #incl ......

Ubuntu - Add a Flameshot Icon for taking screenshot directly to Applications menu

All applications' desktop entries can be found in /usr/share/applications. You can create a desktop entry under ~/.local/share/applications to make yo ......

aapium报错 An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not find a connected Android device in 21723ms.问题,已解决

现象: 1、appium日志存在报错信息: (1)中间:adb failed to start daemon * (2)结尾:POST /wd/hub/session 500 287ms 2、appium图形界面设置参数后,点击start session报错提示 An unknown server- ......

报错:resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of XXX has elapsed or updates are force

报错:resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of XXX has elapsed or updates are force ......

解决宝塔面板SSL证书安装失败: Invalid version. The only valid version for X509Req is 0.

文章目录 No headings were found on this page. 本文介绍宝塔面板SSL证书安装失败,报错: Invalid version. The only valid version for X509Req is 0.的解决方法。 安装证书报错信息如下图: 如何解决宝塔面板S ......
version 宝塔 面板 证书 Invalid

redis提示Could not get a resource from the pool(jedis连接池配置) 起初在JedisPool中配置了50个活动连接,但是程序还是经常报错:Could not get a resource from the pool 连接池刚开始是这样配置的: JedisPoolConf ......
resource redis Could jedis from

mysql 报错 :The table xxx is full

############################################ 现象: 用户执行的sql语句报错: Cause: java.sql.SQLException: The table '/home/work/mysql_3306//tmp/#sql117f0c_db7113_a ......
mysql table full The xxx

npm publish 发包报错npm ERR! 403 403 Forbidden - PUT - You do not have permission to publish "【package name】". Are you logged in as the correct user?

如果出现在发布的时候报这个错,说明你在package.json中登记的name已近被采用了。重名了,所以你得换一个。我们在发布一个包之前,最好拿着这个登记的name去搜一下,如果已近有了,那就要换一个。 ......
publish quot permission npm 403

You won't be able to pull or push project code via SSH until you add an SSH key to your profile

You won't be able to pull or push project code via SSH until you add an SSH key to your profile 经网上搜索查看是SSH配置的问题,解决方案为配置好本地的SSH然后把它填写到Gitlab: 可以在命令提示符 ......
SSH project profile until able

Wtm layui add form pop out and dispaly in tables

#region AddChargeItem [AllRights] //use in edit page public IActionResult AddChargeJob(string id) { var vm = Wtm.CreateVM<tbl_ma_dbn_jobListVM>(); vm. ......
dispaly tables layui form Wtm

Add Binary

Given two binary strings a and b, return their sum as a binary string. **Example 1:** ``` Input: a = "11", b = "1" Output: "100" ``` **Example 2:** `` ......
Binary Add

node Solve – To load an ES module, set “type”: “module” in the package.json or use the .mjs extension 解决 – 要加载 ES 模块,请在 package.json 中设置 “typ ......
module extension the package Solve

Does the Porsche Cayenne S 2008 work with Porsche PIWIS 3

Question: I have Porsche cayenne S 2008 4.8lts gasoline automatic transmision. VIN number WP1ZZZ9PZ8LA41178 , Can i programming headlight control modu ......
Porsche Cayenne PIWIS Does 2008

Helping the Nature

给出一个长度为 n 的序列 a,每次可以进行三种操作中的一种: 选择 i,将 1,2,⋯ ,a1​,a2​,⋯,ai​ 减 1。 选择 i,将 ,+1,⋯ ,ai​,ai+1​,⋯,an​ 减 1。 将所有 ai​ 加 1。 求最少需要多少次操作将所有 ai​ 变为 0。 1≤2×1041≤T≤2× ......
Helping Nature the

2021百度之星- 复赛 Add or Multiply 1 第二类斯特林数计数

[Add or Multiply 1]( 本质上这个题目中乘法和加法没有任何区别 因为加法乘法均满足交换律 不妨考虑乘法最后分成了k块 每块内部没有顺序 但是块之间有顺序有顺序 共有m个乘法操作 这样的方 ......
复赛 Multiply 2021 Add or

An analysis of what are the drug targets for the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus

With the understanding of the pathogenesis of SLE, some targets for the treatment of SLE have emerged, and drugs developed with these targets have ach... ......

solve the problem of downloading assets from github

Description After version 2021a, in order to reduce the file size, Webots set resource files such as textures and sounds up for network download by gi ......
downloading problem assets github solve

virtualBox 报VT-x is disabled in the BIOS for both all CPU modes (VERR_VMX_MSR_ALL_VMX_DI的错误

背景:主机是ASUS主板 操作系统是deepin20.0系统,需要安装win10,下载virtual box和win10镜像iso,virtualbox设置完后,启动win10,virtualbox报错VT-x is disabled in the BIOS for both all CPU mod ......

[USACO06FEB]Treats for the Cows G/S

# [[USACO06FEB]Treats for the Cows G/S]( "[USACO06FEB]Treats for the Cows G/S") ## 题目描述 FJ has purchased N (1 us ......
Treats USACO Cows FEB for

Java流程控制——the next day

用户交互Scanner Next和NextLine Java5的新特性,带来了java.util.Scanner类,提供了人机交互的作用。我们可以通过它获取用户的输入。 public class Demo2 { public static void main(String[] args) { Sca ......
流程 Java next the day

最好的Transformer讲解:The Illustrated Transformer + The Annotated Transformer

The Illustrated Transformer The Annotated Transformer ......
Transformer Illustrated The Annotated 最好

send it failed() The virtual circuit was reset by the remote side executing a hard or abortive close. (连接被对方重置)

串口调试助手报错提示 The virtual circuit was reset by the remote side executing a hard or abortive close. for upd socket ,the remote host was unable to deliver ......
executing abortive 对方 circuit virtual

[ABC305C] Snuke the Cookie Picker题解

# 题目大意 有一个 $H\times W$ 的网格,一种有一个矩形,矩形中间有一个点被挖空,求这个点的坐标。(. 表示空白,# 表示矩形内的点) # 解析 观察我们可以发现,每一矩形内的个点上下左右至少会有两个是 #。 如图: ![]( ......
题解 Cookie Picker Snuke 305C

已解决 DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated since Python 3.3, and in 3.9 it will stop workingfrom collections import Iterable

场景描述 E:/worksp_py/hardwary/100day/twentyfive/ DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collect ......

【每日一题】Problem 44E. Anfisa the Monkey

[原题]( #### 解决思路 由题意可得 $ak \le size \le bk$,因此当条件不符合该要求时即可退出 因为 $size \le bk$,因此,我们可以假设每行都是 $b$ 长度来满足条件二 ......
Problem Anfisa Monkey the 44

The XOR Largest Pair

```cpp #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; int bit[32]; int n, num[5211314]; struct Trie { int trie[5211314][2], tot = 1 ......
Largest Pair The XOR

git问题:remote: [session-584b73b2] Access denied... The requ ested URL returned error: 403

error 403是服务器拒绝了终端的访问,是账户密码的问题,是因为git客户端缓存了错误的密码。 我是原来有个git账户,使用https方式,密码永久保存的方式,在操作另一个git账户时可能更新了缓存密码。 方法: 使用git clone http://username:password@gite ......
returned session Access denied remote

Jmeter:"An error occurred: Can't connect to X11 window server using 'lacalhost:12.0' as the value of the display variable." 解决办法

做各种不同项目的性能测试,都需要在项目本地压测服务器配置jmeter,需要时还要调出jmeter图形化界面来调试jmeter脚本。 标题中的问题遇过多次,这次做个记录。 1. 启动jmeter报错 在配置好jmeter环境变量的linux系统执行jmeter命令,报错如下: [root@localh ......
quot lacalhost the 39 occurred

default-scheduler running PreBind plugin "VolumeBinding": binding volumes: timed out waiting for the condition

看openebs-localpv-provisioner 和kube-scheduler-minikube 和kube-controller-manager-minikube的报错信息,就发现了问题 volumeClaimTemplates: - metadata: name: proxysql-d ......

UVA1401 Remember the Word

## 思路 首先有一个比较朴素的 DP 就是记 $f_i$ 为 $s$ 的从第 $i$ 个字符开始到字符串结尾的划分方案数,记模板串的集合为 $T$,$s$ 从第 $i$ 个字符开始到字符串结尾的子串为 $s(i)$,那么不难写出方程: $$ f_i = \sum f_{i + \operatorn ......
Remember 1401 Word UVA the