canvaskit download flutter failed

Error: Failed to download metadata for repo ‘appstream’ – CentOS 8

错误: Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist 解决办法: To migrate from CentOS 8 ......
appstream download metadata CentOS Failed

solve the problem of downloading assets from github

Description After version 2021a, in order to reduce the file size, Webots set resource files such as textures and sounds up for network download by gi ......
downloading problem assets github solve

ERROR: Failed building wheel for mysqlclient Running clean for mysqlclient Failed to build mysqlclient

It seems that there is an error while trying to install the mysqlclient package and it's failing to build the wheel. The error message indicates that ......
mysqlclient Failed for building Running

git【fatal: unable to access 'XXXX': Failed to connect to port 443 after 21087 ms: Couldn't connect to se rver】

依次将如下两条语句复制到git中后,点击回车 git config --global --unset http.proxy git config --global --unset https.proxy win+r打开cmd,将ipconfig/flushdns复制,点击回车,清理DNS缓存 ......
connect to 39 access Failed

send it failed() The virtual circuit was reset by the remote side executing a hard or abortive close. (连接被对方重置)

串口调试助手报错提示 The virtual circuit was reset by the remote side executing a hard or abortive close. for upd socket ,the remote host was unable to deliver ......
executing abortive 对方 circuit virtual

flutter 日志打印三種方法

Android中,使用 log.e(TAG, MESSAE); 或log的其他後綴打印日志或输出,而在flutter中,常使用以下三种方法: 1. 使用标准输出,类似c/c++库 import 'dart:io'; stderr.writeln('print stderr'); stdout.wri ......
flutter 方法 日志

ubuntu failed to activate swap/swapfile

Copy from sudo swapoff /swapfile Once the swap file has been disabled, you are ready t ......
activate swapfile ubuntu failed swap


做过小程序的朋友们应该都知道,小程序中调用ajax的命令是wx.request,其有两个回调,一个是success,一个是fail,那么什么情况下会走success,什么情况下会走fail呢? 大多数人可能认为,success就是我成功请求到数据了,也就是请求返回的状态码是2XX,而返回4XX,5X ......
request success 结果 程序 fail

nginx: [emerg] socket() [::]:80 failed (97: Address family not supported by protocol)

nginx: [emerg] socket() [::]:80 failed (97: Address family not supported by protocol),遇到这个问题,不用多想,基本都是配置了IPv6监听导致,也就是如下配置 server { listen 80 default_s ......
supported protocol Address failed family

关于flume Closing file: hdfs://PATH/1686250555721.gz.tmp failed. Will retry again in 180 seconds.的问题记录

问题描述:flume每到半夜总是一直报错,关闭某个文件失败,虽然不影响其他日志传输,但是一直有错误日志也很难受,有一种如芒在背的感觉。 部分报错日志: 09 六月 2023 02:55:55,730 INFO [SinkRunner-PollingRunner-DefaultSinkProcesso ......
1686250555721 Closing seconds failed 问题

This is probably because cuDNN failed to initialize, so try looking to see if a warning log message was printed above.

tensors = pywrap_tfe.TFE_Py_Execute(ctx._handle, device_name, op_name,tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.UnknownError: Failed to get convolution ......
initialize probably because looking message


公司需要app能适配web端,而且样式得不一样,这时就需要 : pubspec.yaml引入库 responsive_builder。 代码引用 import 'package:responsive_builder/responsive_builder.dart'; ResponsiveBuilde ......

Vue跨域配置异常采坑:Request failed with status code 401

本地用Express作为服务端,前端Vue项目配置跨域代理,调用服务端api接口始终报错“Request failed with status code 401”。原来发现是端口3000被占用了,被VSCode的一个插件占用了,修改为其他端口解决。 ......
Request failed status code with

Failed to bind properties under 'spring.datasource.primary' to javax.sql.DataSource:报错

​ 2023-06-10 11:04:13.778 WARN 22452 [ main] ConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext : Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelli ......

Failed to bind properties under 'spring.datasource.primary' to javax.sql.DataSource:报错

​ 2023-06-10 11:04:13.778 WARN 22452 [ main] ConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext : Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelli ......

Vue学习笔记之gyp: No Xcode or CLT version detected! gyp ERR! stack Error: `gyp` failed with exit code: 1

0x00 现象 MacOS在执行npm install下载项目的依赖包的时候出现的gyp报错,报错内容如下: No receipt for '' found at '/'. No receipt for ' ......
gyp detected version 笔记 failed

error:java: compilation failed: internal java compiler error

转自: java: Compilation failed: internal java compiler error 解决办法: 1、查看项目的 jdk(Ctrl+Alt+shift+S) F ......
error java compilation compiler internal


安装jenkins 配置java环境,android sdk环境,flutter环境 配置flutter自动打包脚本 安装jenkins 1.下载jenkins安装包 首先下载jenkins安装包,官网下载地址: ,如果嫌太慢可以使用镜 ......
过程 jenkins Flutter 环境 linux

flutter 的 in_app_web_view实现下载功能

flutter与前端交互,利用in_app_web_view实现下载功能: 首先下载库,终端输入 flutter pub add flutter_inappwebview 之后导出 import 'package:flutter_inappwebview/flutter_inappwebview.d ......
in_app_web_view flutter 功能 view app


Flutter 导航栏AppBar: ......
Flutter 笔记


Flutter 最近越来越流行。您可以使用它来构建可在 MacOS、Windows 和 Linux 上顺畅运行的复杂应用程序。 但是构建这些应用程序并不总是一个简单的过程。您经常需要重构代码以保持应用程序的性能。 一种这样的重构技术是提取重复的代码和组件并在多个地方重用它们。 在本教程中,您将学习如 ......
Flutter Widget

Failed to install package 'cv2'

#### 1.报错 无法导入import cv,这里多嘴一句,不是python下载连接问题,也不是外网下载问题,所以根本不是cv2包下载不下来,因为需要下载的根本不是cv包。 ![image]( ......
install package Failed 39 cv2

Failed to instantiate [java.util.List]: Specified class is an interface

原代码没加@RequestParam,一直给我报这个错,传这个List根本不行 ```java @RequestMapping(value = "/searchPhoneInfos2", method = RequestMethod.GET) public CommonResult searchPh ......
instantiate Specified interface Failed class


[toc] # 简介 flutter中自带了drawer组件,可以实现通用的菜单功能,那么有没有一种可能,我们可以通过自定义动画来实现一个别样的菜单呢? 答案是肯定的,一起来看看吧。 # 定义一个菜单项目 因为这里的主要目的是实现菜单的动画,所以这里的菜单比较简单,我们的menu是一个Statefu ......
菜单 flutter

解决Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out

git提交代码到github的时候遇到了一个问题 错误大致是说连接到github的时候超时了,这个超时是你的代理出了点问题,在git上用几个命令就能够很快搞定。 git config --global --unset http.proxy git config --global --unset ht ......
connect Failed github Timed to

Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured.

这个异常在springboot,是一个常见的异常,我们引入了mybatis依赖,确没有在.yml文件中配置数据源,这次我配置了数据源,但是因为有二个application.yml和application-dev.yml,没有指定yml的环境,在application.yml中添加指定dev即可 ......

pip 安装错误 Command "python egg_info" failed with error code

python install File "", line 7 def read(rel_path: str) -> str: ^SyntaxError: invalid syntax wget ......
quot egg_info 错误 Command failed

Flutter get_storage本地存储

倪大头关注IP属地: 山东 0.0972021.09.08 18:01:18字数 84阅读 4,451 之前本地存储用的是shared_preferences,但它的存取都是异步的,现在推荐一个Getx提供的本地存储插件get_storage dependencies: get_storage: i ......
get_storage Flutter storage get

Flutter 使用dio来发起网络请求以及Cookie管理

前言 Flutter官方建议您使用 dio 来发起网络请求,在学习过程中,也尝试过用dart io中的HttpClient发起的请求,这里主要讲一下dio的使用以及CookieJar、CookieManager管理cookie。 dio dio是一个强大易用的dart http请求库,支持Restf ......
Flutter Cookie 网络 dio