certificate expired issued has

certificate chain

http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19424-01/820-4811/gdzen/index.html A颁发给B,B颁发给C,... 通常起码root证书要是受信任的 Verifying a Certificate Chain Certificate chain verific ......
certificate chain

解决cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certifica

转载:[](https://blog.csdn.net/qq_38776443/article/details/125202116) 报错原因:因为没有配置信任的服务器HTTPS验证。默认情况下,cURL被设为不信任任何CAs,因此浏览器无法通过HTTPs访问你服务器。 #### 一、解决方式 [下 ......
certificate certifica problem issuer unable

Git 的SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate问题

D:\temp>git clone https://github.com/xxxxxx/yyyyyy.git Cloning into 'yyyyyy'... fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/xxxxxx/yyyyyy.git/': SSL c ......
certificate problem issuer unable 问题

Error系列-unexpected error occurred self signed certificate in certificate chain

## 执行yarn install 或者 其他命令遇到这个报错: error An unexpected error occurred: "https://XXX/XXX self signed certificate in certificate chain". ``` XXX cloud-ser ......
certificate unexpected occurred signed Error

cpp test write content speed to ssd and usual disk respectively 1M,10M,100M rows data,the fact has illustrated the write speed of ssd is 4-5 times faster than usual disk

#include <chrono> #include <ctime> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <thread> #include <uuid/uuid. ......
speed write usual disk respectively

5 - Debugging Tools for Memory Issues - 内存问题调试工具

# Debugging Tools for Memory Issues - 内存问题调试工具 [我的博客](https://www.cnblogs.com/arvin-blog/) [程序源码](https://github.com/packtpublishing/hands-on-system-p ......
Debugging 内存 工具 Memory Issues

CS13 BOM展开报错 Error 'MM 104' (Material has no base unit of measure)物料无基本计量单位

目的介绍如何解决 SAP 报错信息 MM104 在使用事务码 CS13 进行BOM 展开时.现象错误信息'Material has no base unit of measure' (错误消息号: MM 104) 在使用CS13订单展开时会报以下错误、可以的原因如下某个BOM 组件有特殊采购类型(s ......
物料 Material measure 单位 Error

解决VSCode的Vetur插件has no default export问题

由于有vue2和vue3的项目,VSCode同时使用了vetur和volar插件,但是在vue3引入其他模块时,报了错误 Module '"xxxx.vue"' has no default export. 的错误,实际运行时没问题的,但是看得糟心。 解决办法,只要在设置里,设置 "vetur.va ......
插件 default VSCode export 问题

Charles:安装Client Certificates

## 背景 公司内部网页开启了证书验证,浏览器需要安装个人证书后才能访问该网页。此时抓包则需要在charles配置客户端证书。 ## 操作 1、打开导入证书页面 ![](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/1605282/202306/1605282-202306050 ......
Certificates Charles Client

P3087 [USACO13NOV]Farmer John has no Large Brown Cow S

正解像是康托展开之类的?但是蒟蒻不会,所以用了一堆 STL。 对于每一列的字符串,按照字典序给它们编号。这样每一行的形容词串就变成了一堆数字。 设共有 $s$ 列,第 $i$ 列共有 $b_i$ 个不同的形容词,那么实际上每一行就是一个“第 $i$ 位是 $b_i$ 进制”的数。设第 $j$ 行的第 ......
Farmer P3087 Brown Large USACO

关于同时性生成私钥与CSR-Certificate Signing Request的方法记录

这里笔者主要讲述如何生成一个CSR证书签名请求文件,方法过程可能有多种 笔者这里将使用一种最为简单简洁的方式进行讲解,使用到的环境与软件如下: 操作系统:Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.7 (Ootpa) openssl软件包版本:openssl-1.1.1k- ......

anaconda运行install命令报错:Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:997)'

运行命令: conda install mpi4py 报错: Retrieving notices: ...working... ERROR conda.notices.fetch:get_channel_notice_response(63): Request error <HTTPSConnec ......

Some small issue about STM 32 f103 core board

One connection problem: after the core board is bought back, the pin header needs to be manually soldered to the board. Originally I thought it could ......
small issue about board Some

AttributeError: 'dict_values' object has no attribute 'index'

001、python报错如下: >>> dict1 = {"aa":700, "bb":400, "cc":300, "dd":600} >>> dict1.values().index(300) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", ......

WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred

## 问题描述 ![](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/1274626/202306/1274626-20230601205545641-773202818.png) ## 问题原因 JDK9之后的版本,模块不能通过反射访问非公有的成员、成员方法和构造方法 ## 解 ......

解决 NVIDIA Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)

## 场景 1. 当跑需要使用GPU算力的一些项目时候,需要用到CUDA,确保电脑是具有独立显卡的机子,但是怎么也没法让代码中的torch跑在GPU上; 2. 点击任务管理器查看"性能"下的GPU选项,看到运行中的并非是独立显卡而是集成显卡; 3. 点击设备管理器,发现NVIDIA显卡左下角有感叹号 ......
has reported problems Windows because

【Azure K8S】演示修复因AKS密钥过期而导致创建服务不成功的问题(The provided client secret keys for app ****** are expired)

问题描述 在Azure Kubernetes 服务中,创建一个Internal Load Balancer服务,使用以下yaml内容: internallb.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: ilb-myapp annotations ......
密钥 provided expired client secret

Oracle Failed to obtain JDBC Connection; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: HikariDataSource HikariDataSource (HikariPool-1) has been closed.

这个问题我在多个项目中都出现过,百度了很多都没有解决,有的是数据库服务器升级就消失,有的是数据库表加索引后消失 根据经验总结,这个问题一般是由服务器太拉跨,或者查询优化不够导致查询太慢,等待太久导致的。 ......

bitsandbytes通过源码安装后调用报错AttributeError: module 'bitsandbytes.nn' has no attribute 'Linear8bitLt'

通过github下载的源码使用pip install -e . 方式安装的时候会出现题目中的问题。这个时候先卸载掉bitsandbytes,然后重新使用pip install bitsandbytes 安装,这种方式直接从仓库中安装,问题就解决了。目前尚不清楚问题出现原因,虽然两种方式的安装版本都是 ......

QA|selenium在send_keys时报错dict object has no attribute ''|UI自动化测试

Q:selenium在send_keys时报错dict object has no attribute 'send_keys',如下图 增加了print(type(e1))发现确实是字典类型,怪了,按道理e1的type应该是selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.W ......
attribute send_keys selenium 时报 object

Vue computed property values was assigned to but it has no setter

vue 文件中的核心代码写法 <template> <div> <v-select :items="filters" label="查询条件" solo dense class="select-size" v-model="filterKey" clearable ></v-select> </di ......
computed assigned property values setter

unable to find valid certification path to requested target

发生这种情况时, 很有可能与证书无关,而是某个第三方类库获取不到了 我的解决方案,找到原版本的AAR文件放到工程的LIBs目录中,引用到工程中 unable to find valid certification path to requested target 最新解决方案(更新于2023-04- ......
certification requested unable target valid

docker evel=error msg="error reading the kernel parameter net.ipv4.vs.expire_nodest_conn" error="open /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/expire_nodest_conn: no such file or directory"

我使用的是docker swarm -#报错 evel=error msg="error reading the kernel parameter net.ipv4.vs.expire_nodest_conn" error="open /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/expire_nod ......
expire_nodest_conn quot error expire nodest


# WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! ```shell WorkSpace>git clone git@github.com:******/****.git Cloning into '******'... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ......

4 - Linux Memory Issues - Linux 内存问题

# Linux Memory Issues - Linux 内存问题 [我的博客](https://www.cnblogs.com/arvin-blog/) [程序源码](https://github.com/packtpublishing/hands-on-system-programming-w ......
Linux 内存 Issues Memory 问题

An attempt has been made to start a new process before the current process has finished its bootstrapping phase.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1, in <module> File "E:\Eprogramfiles\Anaconda3\lib\multiprocessing\spawn.py", line 116, in s ......
process bootstrapping has finished attempt

【Oracle】Oracle Database Administration 2019 Certified Professional Certification - 1Z0-083 - 110 真题

说明: 1.目前题库100%覆盖考题,准确率84%。 2.若需要优质烤券,请私信,留下你的WX。(官方250刀,本店只需要1500RMB包含100%完整题库以及考试经验分享) 3.本条信息长期有效。 考试题量:85 通过分数:84% 1、Which two are true about reclai ......

Burp Suite Error The client failed to negotiate a TLS connection to chrome.google.com: 443: Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown

Burp Suite Error The client failed to negotiate a TLS connection to chrome.google.com: 443: Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown http://burpsuite ......

cimplicity Issue List

客户端连接不上服务器解决方案 1、确认服务器启动时是在授权模式下运行,如果不在授权模式下,那么启动时会弹窗一个对话框,对话框提示没有授权,两小时后会退出,这种情况下,客户端是连接不上服务端的。 2、确认网络通畅 ping一下 3、确认服务端和客户端版本相同 4、确认客户端是在授权模式下运行,确认方式 ......
cimplicity Issue List

[犯病记] DPDK报错Symbol `rte_eth_devices' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking

# [犯病记] DPDK报错Symbol `rte_eth_devices' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking > 背景:有一天,我犯了个病,试图在一个机器上安装DOCA,然后安装程序就下了一堆库,把机器上的环境搞得一团 ......