configure for packages distro

Educational Codeforces Round 155 (Rated for Div

B. Chips on the Board 题解:贪心 显然我们可以把题意转化为:对于任意一个\((i,j)\),我们可以花费\(a_{i,j}\)的代价占据第\(i\)行和第\(j\)列,求占据所有格子的最小代价 考虑两种情况: 在每一行选一个格子 在每一列选一个格子 贪心选即可 int n, a ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 155

Educational Codeforces Round 122 (Rated for Div. 2)

A. Div. 7 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; void solve(){ int n , a , b , c ; cin >> n; c = n % 10 , n /= 10; b = n % 10 , n /= 10; a = n % ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 122

解决Android studio 更新到2022.3版本后,一直卡在waiting for target device to come online

解决Android studio更新到2022.3.1 patch 1之后卡在waiting for target device to come online的问题 1.现象 在发布一个app的时候,每次走到waiting for all target devices to come online之 ......
Android waiting 版本 2022.3 studio

Go - Using Multiple Versions of the Same Dependent Packages

Problem: You want to use multiple versions of the same dependent packages in your code. Solution: Use the replace directive in the go.mod file to rena ......
Dependent Multiple Packages Versions Using

Go - Requiring Local Versions of Dependent Packages

Problem: You want to use local versions of the dependent packages. Solution: Set up Go to use a vendor directory by running go mod vendor. Local versi ......
Dependent Requiring Packages Versions Local

kernel:watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#1 stuck for 22s! [pgrep:33099] kernel:watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#3 stuck for 22s! [pidof:33116]故障处理

一、查看报错翻译 二、检查操作 一台虚拟机又kvm虚拟了5台虚拟机,并且跑了大量任务,感觉像负载过大,CPU扛不住导致,导致内核锁死。 三、解决办法 执行echo 30 > /proc/sys/kernel/watchdog_thresh,调整该值可以延长watchdog等待时间,最大为60s。 ......
watchdog kernel lockup stuck soft

Educational Codeforces Round 155 (Rated for Div. 2)

Preface 这天晚上这场因为不明原因(玩CCLCC中)就没有打,只能赛后补一下 这场的EF都不算难初看都有做法,但好家伙E写挂两发,F写个根号做法直接T到天上去了 A. Rigged! 签到题,对于所有的\(e_i\ge e_1\)的\(i\),求出\(S=\max s_i\),根据\(S+1\ ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 155

a Higher Kinded Type package in TypeScript

a Higher Kinded Type package in TypeScript Weykon [一名学生]( ​关注他 ​ 展开目录 Higher-Kinded-Types-Toolbelt Higher-Kinded-Types-Toolbelt(gitee) ts-t ......
TypeScript package Higher Kinded Type

CF1197 Educational Codeforces Round 69 (Rated for Div. 2)

CF1197A DIY Wooden Ladder 答案为 \(\min(a_{n-1},n-2)\)。 #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; const int N=100005; ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 1197

CF1036 Educational Codeforces Round 50 (Rated for Div. 2)

CF1036A Function Height 答案为 \(\lceil \frac{k}{n}\rceil\)。 #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> using namespace std; long long n,k; int main() { scanf(" ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 1036

itext7.pdfhtml For C#

最近发现 itext7 (前身为iTextSharp) 下有个 的项目可以支持html转PDF 下面是官方电子书的翻译内容,原文地址:Chapter 1: Hello HTML to PDF 第 1 章:你好 HTML 到 P ......
pdfhtml itext7 itext For


选择结构 if选择结构 if --> else if -->else 一定要以else结尾; 只执行一段代码块,有一个成功了就停止运行; 尽量避免条件重复判断,就算只有一行代码也要写大括号; int age= scan.nextInt(); if (age>=100) { ......
基础 方法 javaSE switch while

Docker|--E: gnupg, gnupg2 and gnupg1 do not seem to be installed, but one of them is required for this operation

错误 apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 871920D1991BC93C E: gnupg, gnupg2 and gnupg1 do not seem to be installed, but one of them ......
gnupg installed operation required Docker

Go - Live reload of configurations

main.go: package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "log" "os" "time" "" ) type config struct { Name string `json:"name"` ......
configurations reload Live Go of

goland编辑器编译的时候报错package xxx is not in GOROOT的原因排查

先介绍下,我的目录部署情况 1、GOROOT=C:\Program Files\Go(我的golang环境装在c盘的) 2、GOPATH=E:\Go(项目目录我放在E盘的) 3、GO111MODULE=auto(默认值,没有改过) 4、GOVERSION=go1.20.6(我的golang版本) 5 ......
编辑器 原因 package 时候 goland

springboot 导入多个模块 模块是灰色的并且启动不了 启动报错(Warning: No JDK specified for module 'demo')

从git上面把下面拉下拉 是这个样子 模块都是灰色的 而且启动不了 然后你添加启动 添加之后还是报错 报错信息是找不到这个项目的启动模块 解决方法: ......
模块 springboot specified 灰色 多个

Unbiased Knowledge Distillation for Recommendation

目录概UnKD代码 Chen G., Chen J., Feng F., Zhou S. and He X. Unbiased knowledge distillation for recommendation. WSDM, 2023. 概 考虑流行度偏差的知识蒸馏, 应用于推荐系统. UnKD M ......

[NIPS 2021]Do Transformers Really Perform Bad for Graph Representation

[NIPS 2021]Do Transformers Really Perform Bad for Graph Representation 微软提出的graph transformer,名叫Graphormer Transformer 通常,transformer layer有一个self-att ......

iCOM Next Firmware - A Must-Have in 2023 for Enhanced Diagnostic Capabilities

In today's rapidly evolving world, technological advancements have become an integral part of various industries, including automotive diagnostics. As ......

VSTO(Visual Studio Tools for Office )

VSTO(Visual Studio Tools for Office )是VBA的替代,使得开发Office应用程序更加简单,并且用VSTO来开发office应用程序可以使用Visual studio开发环境中的众多功能和CLR提供的内存管理,垃圾回收等功能。 ......
Studio Office Visual Tools VSTO

Mac故障排查系列:redis删除key报错MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but it's currently unable to persist to disk.

背景:Mac下使用Another Redis Desktop Manager客户端,删除key,遇到报错:MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but it's currently unable to persist to disk. ......
configured currently snapshots to 故障

Standard E-96 series Resistance Value code (for 0603≤±1% marking)

Value Code Value Code Value Code Value Code100 01 178 25 316 49 562 73102 02 182 26 324 50 576 74105 03 187 27 332 51 590 75107 04 191 28 340 52 604 7 ......
Resistance Standard marking series Value


在HTML中,for是一个用于标签的属性,它通常与label标签一起使用。for属性指定了label标签所关联的表单元素。 当label标签定义了for属性时,它会关联到for属性中指定的表单元素。 关联的方式是通过表单元素的id属性与for属性的值进行匹配。这样,当用户点击label标签时,浏览器 ......
标签 HTML for


1.首先打开一个类,在这个类中创建一个方法 2. 我们用i来替代行数,j来替代星星数 3.在for循环的嵌套中,外层循环进行一次,内层循环全部进行 for语句的语法为 for(起始条件,结束条件,循环增量) 第一次循环开始: 外部 i=1 (外层执行),内部 j=1 (内层执行),j<i+1 (内层 ......
星星 Java for

论文解读(CR-Match)《Revisiting Consistency Regularization for Semi-Supervised Learning》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:Revisiting Consistency Regularization for Semi-Supervised Learning论文作者:Yue Fan、Anna Kukleva、Bernt Schie ......


循环结构 for循环 一种特殊的方式 int[] numbers = {10,20,30,4,50}; for (int x:numbers) { System.out.println(x); } 打印三角形 5行 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { for (int j = ......
练习题 for

Sentienl基于Jdk17版本运行出错:java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot load configuration class:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot load configuration class: at org.springframework.conte ......

Educational Codeforces Round 155 (Rated for Div. 2)

Educational Codeforces Round 155 (Rated for Div. 2) A. Rigged! 解题思路: 若存在\(s[i] >= s[1]\)并且\(e[i] >= e[i]\),那么答案为\(-1\). 否则,答案为\(s[1]\). 代码: #include < ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 155

Educational Codeforces Round 155 (Rated for Div. 2)

比赛链接 A. Rigged! 题目链接 就是一个比较简单的模拟就可以解决,如何判断能不能第一只需要考虑比他力量大的耐力是不是也比他大就行,而只要比他大,他就不可能第一,否则输出他的力量作为标杆就行,这样也可以避免比他力量小的也可以举起来。 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 155

ES报错:[parent] Data too large, data for [<http_request>] would be larger than limit of XXXX

ES报错:[parent] Data too large, data for [<http_request>] would be larger than limit of XXXX 当es这个错误的时候 :[parent] Data too large, data for [<http_reques ......
http_request request parent larger large