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To ChatGPT:让你更加随意地使用所有ChatGPT应用

现在其实已经有很多在线的llm服务了,当然也存在许多开源部署方案,但是不知道大家有没有发现一个问题,目前基于ChatGPT开发的应用,都是使用的OpenAI的接口。换句话说,如果没有OpenAI账号,就没有办法使用这些应用。但是其实这些应用并不是强依赖于OpenAI的接口,其他的在线llm服务也是可 ......
ChatGPT To

QA|ValueError: write to closed file报错怎么debug|IHRM接口自动化测试

unittest生成自动化测试报告时报错ValueError: write to closed file,如下图 代码如下: 原因排查:因为with open打开文件后会自动关闭,也就是上图16行执行完就自动关闭了,此时再执行测试套件就无法写入已关闭的文件中了,解决办法是把测试套件执行操作放到wit ......
ValueError 接口 closed write debug

解决连接数据库时is not allowed to connect to this MySql/mariadb server 的错误

出现这个问题是数据库拒绝远程连接导致的。 进入 mysql 数据库中 mysql -u root -p grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'%' with grant option; flush privileges; OK!!! ......
错误 allowed connect mariadb 数据库

关于ASP.NET.CORE中的Failed to read parameter "string param" from the request body as JSON的处理

先上报错信息 Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.BadHttpRequestException: Failed to read parameter "string param" from the request body as JSON. > System.Text.Json.Js ......
quot parameter request Failed string

SprintBoot JavaWeb访问提示 Full authentication is required to access this resource

SprintBoot部署好网站之后访问没有异常, 但是配置域名地址至Nginx上时登录请求报错了, 经查询是因为项目是前后端分离, 请求的路由会加上工程的主路径, 所以需要在Nginx多配置一个地址, 如 Location / { http://localhost:8080/project } lo ......

Welcome To Learn Dapper

Welcome To Learn Dapper This site is for developers who want to learn how to use Dapper - The micro ORM created by the people behind Stack Overflow. W ......
Welcome Dapper Learn To

2712. Minimum Cost to Make All Characters Equal (Medium)

Description 2712. Minimum Cost to Make All Characters Equal (Medium) You are given a 0-indexed binary string s of length n on which you can apply two ......
Characters Minimum Medium Equal 2712

composer install时,出现Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

在执行composer install时遇到错误Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.。原因是不匹配composer.json文件中要求的版本,错误代码如下。 查看的资料说是php版本不符, ......

An Introduction to Kaniko

An Introduction to Kaniko Kaniko is a tool to build container images from a Dockerfile. Unlike Docker, Kaniko does ......
Introduction Kaniko An to

How to Install Nerd Fonts on Linux

Installing Nerd Fonts - Documentation ( How to Install Nerd Fonts on Linux ( 没什么鸟用,我估计是因为我是wsl的关系,windows是不是要装这上面 Nerd Font ......
Install Fonts Linux Nerd How

【题解】[ABC306G] Return to 1(数论)

# 【题解】[ABC306G] Return to 1 ## 题目链接 [ABC306G - Return to 1]( ## 题意概述 本题多测,$T$ 组数据。 对于每组数据,给定一个 $n$ 个 ......
数论 题解 Return 306G ABC

An Introduction to Linux Automation, Tools and Techniques

An Introduction to Linux Automation, Tools and Techniques In the fast ......

2712.minimum Cost to Make All Characters Equal

Description 2712. Minimum Cost to Make All Characters Equal (Medium) You are given a 0-indexed binary string s of length n on which you can apply two ......
Characters minimum Equal 2712 Cost

执行存储过程报错:User does not have access to metadata required to determine stored procedure parameter types

在执行存储过程中,报错详细信息如下: java.sql.SQLException: User does not have access to metadata required to determine stored procedure parameter types. If rights can ......

SpringBoot项目报错解决:“Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run ...”

SpringBoot项目报错:**`Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run your application with 'debug' enabled.`** **以下方案80%可以帮助您解 ......

AtCoder Beginner Contest 306 G Return to 1

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder 传送门") 考虑若干个能被 $ ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest Return 306

How to AK ABC306

# How to AK ABC306 ## A 题意:吧字符串的每个字符连续输出两遍,记得不要快读,不要忘记输入 $ n $ 纪念 Qinzh A 题 WA 掉 ## B 题意:给定长度为 $ 64 $ 的数组 $ A $,输出 $ \sum_{i = 0}^{63} A_i2^i $ 暴力模拟即可 ......
How ABC 306 AK to

解决 高版本SpringBoot整合Swagger 启动报错Failed to start bean ‘documentationPluginsBootstrapper‘ 问题

一、控制台报错信息 2021-12-29 15:15:04 [main] ERROR org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication - Application run failedorg.springframework.context.ApplicationC ......

MASM error A2108: use of register assumed to ERROR

# error A2108: use of register assumed to ERROR ``` ASSUME FS:NOTHING mov eax, fs:[0c0h] ASSUME FS:NOTHING ``` [Error a2108 use of register assumed to ......
register assumed A2108 ERROR error

How to enable auto restart of a docker container on system reboot ?

How to enable auto restart of a docker container on system reboot ? ......
container restart enable docker reboot

npm install执行后 报错npm ERR! code ERESOLVE npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree如何解决?

当我们拿到一个前端项目的时候,想要把它运行起来,首先是要给它安装依赖,即cd到当前项目根目录下去执行npm install命令,然后有一定几率在终端你会遇到这样的报错: 解决办法: npm install --force 或者 npm install --legacy-peer-deps去运行 ......
ERESOLVE npm dependency ERR install

AP5125 外置MOS管平均电流型LED降压恒流驱动器

产品描述 AP5125 是一款外围电路简单的 Buck 型平均电流检测模式的 LED 恒流驱动器,适用于 8-100V 电压范围的非隔离式大功率恒流 LED 驱动领域。芯片采用固定频率 140kHz 的 PWM 工作模式, 利用平均电流检测模式,因此具有优异的负载调整 率特性,高精度的输出电流特性。 ......
驱动器 电流 5125 MOS LED

selenium headless报错Message: unknown error: failed to wait for extension background page to load

selenium进行打开chrome浏览器操作时报错。 完整报错: selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: failed to wait for extension background page ......

SpringBoot集成Swagger报错:Failed to start bean 'documentationPluginsBootstrapper';

本文章向大家介绍SpringBoot集成Swagger报错:Failed to start bean 'documentationPluginsBootstrapper';,主要包括SpringBoot集成Swagger报错:Failed to start bean 'documentationPl ......

IntelliJ IDEA HTTP Client工具 Convert ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8

##### 在对接接口返回的是 latin 控台乱码 ![]( ### 可是只用 HTTP Client脚本打印输出 `` ......
IntelliJ Convert 工具 Client IDEA

How to Stopping System-Versioning on a System-Versioned Temporal Table in SQL Server 2016?

How to Stopping System-Versioning on a System-Versioned Temporal Table in SQL Server 2016? 回答1 My problem was solved when i using following query: -- ......

VSCode - Check Keyboard Shortcuts related to commenting

Click the gear icon, then select 'Keyboard Shortcuts': Search 'comment': ......
commenting Shortcuts Keyboard related VSCode

Ubuntu - Add a Flameshot Icon for taking screenshot directly to Applications menu

All applications' desktop entries can be found in /usr/share/applications. You can create a desktop entry under ~/.local/share/applications to make yo ......

了解基于模型的元学习:Learning to Learn优化策略和Meta-Learner LSTM

摘要:本文主要为大家讲解基于模型的元学习中的Learning to Learn优化策略和Meta-Learner LSTM。 本文分享自华为云社区《深度学习应用篇-元学习[16]:基于模型的元学习-Learning to Learn优化策略、Meta-Learner LSTM》,作者:汀丶 。 1. ......
Meta-Learner Learning 模型 策略 Learner

[CF1139D]Steps to One

## Preface 不会dp,所以反演(感谢@judgelight)。 ## Solution 考虑期望式子: $$ \begin{aligned} E(len)&=\sum_iP(len=i)\times i\\ &=\sum_iP(len=i)\sum_{j=1}^i1\\ &=\sum_i\ ......
1139D Steps 1139 One CF