database find size how

CCS提示: error #10008-D: cannot find file "Flash28335_API_V210.1ib

1. 问题描述 2. 解决措施 在CCS安装路径下的库文件中没有 "Flash28335_API_V210.1ib" 这个文件。 把Flash28335_API_V210.1ib这个文件放到你ccs的安装路径下 类似如下所示的文件夹: ......
cannot 10008 28335 210.1 API_V


centos离线安装mongodb-database-tools mongodb-database-tools是MongoDB数据库工具的命令行的工具,用于工作与MongoDB部署。可以使用mongodump和mongoimport很方便的导入导出备份数据。 该数据库工具包括以下的二进制文件: Bi ......

Compare T-Shirt Sizes

![](![]( * ......
Compare T-Shirt Shirt Sizes


格式:find 范围 条件 条件: 1.文件类型-type( 文本文件:f,目录文件:d,链接文件:l ) 2.文本名称:-name ( *。test test* )*通配符代表任意或者所有 3.-size:+10M 大于10M -1M 小于1M 4.-mtime: +10 大于10天 -2 2天之 ......
命令 find

sqlite 删除数据后文件size并不会减小,解决办法:

E:\sqlite3>sqlite3 db_stu.sqlite3 "VACUUM;" E:\sqlite3>dir 驱动器 E 中的卷没有标签。 卷的序列号是 0672-3CDA E:\sqlite3 的目录 2023/05/16 17:33 <DIR> . 2023/05/16 17:33 <D ......
办法 文件 数据 sqlite size

Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535.

问题描述 新建表或者修改表varchar字段长度的时候,出现这个错误 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. This includes stora ......
size counting maximum BLOBs 65535

How to use pip3 install the latest version package All In One

How to use pip3 install the latest version package All In One 如何使用pip3安装最新版本包 ......
install package version latest pip3

Missing binding E:\server\dovip\buyer-pc-web\node_modules\node-sass\vendor\win32-x64-83\binding.node Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Node.js 14.x

error in ./src/components/Search.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=7cb41050&scoped=true&lang=scss& Syntax Error: Error: Missing binding E:\server\dovip\bu ......
binding node Node buyer-pc-web node_modules

centos上使用makefile编译sliver时 提示gcc 错误,cannot find -ldl cannot find -lpthread cannot find -lc /usr/local/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/link: running gcc failed: exit status 1 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldl /usr/bin/l ......
cannot find makefile lpthread 错误

How to migrate mailboxes from O365 to O365?

Office 365 is a powerful suite of applications that offers a wide range of features to help businesses run efficiently. However, as businesses grow, t ......
365 mailboxes migrate to from

How to use the Raspberry Pi and Python to control a DHT11 wet and temperate module All In One

How to use the Raspberry Pi and Python to control a DHT11 wet and temperate module All In One 如何使用树莓派和 Python 来控制温湿度模块 ......
Raspberry and temperate control Python

CMake报告:Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE)错误

原因是电脑缺少pkg-config库 Linux可以直接apt-get即可: sudo apt-get install pkg-config 下面详细说一下Windows如何手动安装: 转到 ......


layout: post title: "使用Git上传本地项目到GitHub/Coding/码云" date: 2018-06-16 12:00:00 author: "qiuhlee" header-img: "img/bg-computer.jpg" header-mask: 0.3 cata ......
How-to-use-git 2018 How git use

global_size local_size clEnqueueNDRangeKernel OpenCL

clEnqueueNDRangeKernel 填入的形参:global_size local_size global_size 控制最终的workgroup数量,而且会平均分配到几个core上,比如global_size=8 然后有2个core,那么每个core分到4个wg local_size 控 ......

微信小程序 自定义组件 监听数据变化 出现异常 Maximum call stack size exceeded.

代码 调用处: 组件内部 本地调试无异常,发布之后出现此异常 解决方法: 监听属性steps的值变化时,调用处不能使用双向绑定,去掉steps的双向绑定即可,具体的原因未知(不知为啥本地调试不会抛异常) ......
组件 exceeded Maximum 程序 数据

how to configure blackbox.yml

modules: http_2xx: prober: http http: follow_redirects: true http_post_2xx: prober: http http: method: POST follow_redirects: true headers: Content-Ty ......
configure blackbox how yml to

230509 TI- Engineer It - How to test power supplies - Measuring Stability

Hi, my name is Bob Hanrahan, Application Engineering at Texas Instruments, and this is a series on measuring performance of power supplies. Here we'll ......
Measuring Stability Engineer supplies 230509

一行代码搞定 font-size 响应式

前言 公司要做大屏,但是大屏还要有个嵌在系统的版本,屏幕(iframe)小了但字体大了怎么办。网上找了很多代码都很长,个人参考了资料后实现了一个一行代码 font-size 响应式。 TL;DR html { font-size: clamp(12px, calc(7px + 0.390625vw) ......
font-size 一行 代码 font size


Tool-CMake-find_library If nothing is found, the result will be - ......

【五期邹昱夫】CCF-A(NeurIPS'19)Inverting gradients-how easy is it to break privacy in federated learning?

"Geiping J, Bauermeister H, Dröge H, et al. Inverting gradients-how easy is it to break privacy in federated learning?[J]. Advances in Neural Informat ......

Unable to find GatewayFilterFactory with name CircuitBreaker

起因 要在springCloudGateway中整合CircuitBreaker。 按照官网 ......

How to use Linux command to find out the background process All In One

How to use Linux command to find out the background process All In One ......
background command process Linux to

How to use Linux command or Python code get Raspberry PI's Temperature All In One

How to use Linux command or Python code get Raspberry PI's Temperature All In One 如何使用 Linux 命令或 Python 代码获取 Raspberry PI 的温度 ......
Temperature Raspberry command Python Linux

How to connect to multiple SSD1306 OLED Displays using Raspberry Pi GPIO I2C PIN All In One

How to connect to multiple SSD1306 OLED Displays using Raspberry Pi GPIO I2C PIN All In One 如何使用 Raspberry Pi 的 GPIO I2C PIN 连接多个 SSD1306 OLED 显示器 ......
Raspberry Displays multiple connect using

解决mysql出现docker出现access denied for user root@% to database“xxx”的问题

使用navicat连接Linux上的数据库时,新建一个库出现异常 无法创建 access denied for user root@% to database 返回Linux查看mysql状态 状态正常,navicat也能正常连接,排除掉应该是权限的问题 docker exec -it d7bcc0 ......
database docker access denied 问题

How to mount a shared folder in VirtualBox

How to mount a shared folder in VirtualBox Background VirtualBox co ......
VirtualBox folder shared mount How

解决Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement思路

安装python第三方库的时候会提示报错缺少依赖库,报错如下: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement 模块名 (from automat) (from versions: none)ERROR: No match ......
requirement satisfies 思路 version Could

DC-1 find提权/sql数据库创建用户(个人笔记)

进入数据库select * from users\G; \G为了让界面看着更整洁 在exploitdb中有一个针对Drupal 7版本的攻击脚本,可以增加一个admin权限的用户账号: 终端/msf输入:searchsploit drupal python2 /usr/share/exploitdb ......
数据库 笔记 数据 用户 个人

20230507 TI Engineer It - How to test power supplies - Measuring Noise

Hi. I'm Bob Hanrahan application engineering at Texas Instruments.This is a series on measuring performance of power supplies .we will be measuring no ......
Measuring 20230507 Engineer supplies Noise

manjaro安装obs报错:could not find all required packages: vid.stab>=1.1.1

问题与解决方法 问题 pacman -S obs-studio 安装的obs打不开。 尝试yay装 yay -S obs-studio-tytan652 使用以上指令安装OBS报错:缺少依赖vid.stab>=1.1.1(也可能是:缺少依赖:ffmpeg-obs) 然后安装ffmpeg-obs也报错 ......
required packages manjaro could find