database find size how

5_How to install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu_

地址: Installing phpMyAdmin and adding password authentication to MySQL on Ubuntu In th ......
phpMyAdmin install Ubuntu_ Ubuntu How

4_How to Host Multiple Websites on One Server

地址: How to Host Multiple Websites on Ubuntu VPS? An apache2 web server provid ......
Multiple Websites Server Host How

kanzi的安卓工程报错解决办法:Error: Could not find or access Kanzi's Gradle plugin directory

这是因为安卓里配置的环境变量不对。 需要检查下述文件的路径是否真实存在,以及和使用的版本是否匹配 ......
directory 办法 access Gradle plugin

QA|重写了元素定位后报错xx object has no attribute 'find_element'|网页计算器自动化测试实战

代码如下: 1 # 2 3 from selenium import webdriver 4 5 6 class BasePage(): 7 """ 8 基类 用作初始化 封装常用操作 9 """ 10 11 def __init__(self): 12 """ 13 初始化 ......

How do you display code snippets in MS Word preserving format and syntax highlighting?

How do you display code snippets in MS Word preserving format and syntax highlighting? 回答1 Here is the best way, for me, to add code inside word: Go t ......

variable-sized object may not be initialized

``` #include int main(void){ int N; scanf("%d",&N); int a[N] = {0};//错误在这,可以用变量定义数组,但不能初始化 for(int i=0;i int main(void){ int N = 0; scanf("%d",&N); in ......

rman测试备份跳过固定表空间后做全库恢复 (recover database skip tablespace )

rman备份排除表空间: 备份过程截图: 备份脚本: run{ allocate channel t1 device type disk; allocate channel t2 device type disk; backup as compressed backupset incremental ......
tablespace 备份 database recover 空间

ubuntu cmake..中出现Could not find cmake module file Error required internal CMake variable not set,的问题

ubuntu cmake…中出现的问题 在写一个helloworld的小工程,然后cmakelists如下 cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8) project (hello world) add_executable(helloworld main.cpp) 执 ......
cmake not internal required variable

vue3+ts 报错 Cannot find module '../xxx/xxx.vue' or its corresponding type declarations(找不到对应的模块“@/views/xxx.vue”或其相应的类型声明)

解决方法在env.d.ts中加入下面代码 declare module '*.vue' { import { DefineComponent } from "vue" const component: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any> export default compo ......
vue xxx corresponding declarations 模块

How to Update Kali Linux 2023.1 to Kali Linux 2023.2 | Kali Linux 2023.2

修改源: sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list 修改为: deb kali-rolling main non-free contribdeb-src ......
Linux 2023 Kali 2023.2 2023.1

nginx 上传限制 client_max_body_size

nginx报错:413 Request Entity Too Large 如下: 进入 nginx/conf 编辑 nginx.conf 配置文件:其中调整 client_max_body_size 大小 http { include mime.types; default_type applica ......
client_max_body_size client nginx body size

2023-06-03 Couldn't find a tree builder with the features you requested: lxml. Do you need to install a parser library?

运行一个py文件,问题定位到: html=self.get_html(url) soup=BeautifulSoup(html,'lxml') 解决方案:打开cmd,运行下面代码: pip install lxml 等待安装成功,再次运行py文件就不会报这个错了。 ......
requested you features builder install

mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size失败——mpiexec and python mpi4py gives rank 0 and size 1

参考: 运行代码: import mpi4py.MPI as MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORL ......
mpi4py mpi4 size COMM_WORLD mpi

How to fix the loop errors in Python All In One

How to fix the loop errors in Python All In One Python 3 TypeError: string indices must be integers ......
errors Python in loop How

How to check function arguments type in Python All In One

How to check function arguments type in Python All In One Python & argument type check ......
arguments function Python check type

How to Find Django ImageField URL

This setup is working for me, maybe it will help you. It is for latest version of Django. Many answers in OS are for older Django versions. URLS: from ......
ImageField Django Find How URL

How to use variable in Python String All In One

How to use the variable in Python String All In One 如何在 Python 字符串中使用变量 Python 字符串插值 All In One Python 字符串中使用变量的 5 种方式 ......
variable Python String How All

How to use Vim copy line and paste line All In One

How to use Vim copy line and paste line All In One 如何使用 Vim 复制行和粘贴行 ......
line paste copy How All

ceph使用ipv6部署,创建osd:unable to find any IPv4 address in networks 'x:x::0/64' interfaces

使用 **ipv6** 部署 **ceph** 多节点集群 ceph.conf 配置文件如下: ``` public_network = 2001::0/64 cluster_network = 2001::0/64 ms_bind_ipv6 = true ``` 在进行osd创建时无报错,创建好之 ......
interfaces networks address unable ceph

20 Database Design Best practices

Use well defined and consistent names for tables and columns (e.g. School, StudentCourse, CourseID …). Use singular for table names (i.e. use StudentC ......
practices Database Design Best 20

Notes-task how wirte

多个分区排列任务不行,多了没人看,要集中一个 原来的task分组,内容分组,到后面你自己都不看 现在都搞到1个文件去,内部分组、分内容 多个分区排列任务不行,多了没人看,要集中一个 ......
Notes-task Notes wirte task how

EM配置中出现Environment variable ORACLE_UNQNAME not defined. Please set ORACLE_UNQNAME to database unique name.

EM配置中出现Environment variable ORACLE_UNQNAME not defined. Please set ORACLE_UNQNAME to database unique name. 输入emctl status dbconsole,提示如下: 解决方法如下: 未定义环 ......

connect(descriptor:addr:size:): Operation not permitted (errno: 1)

macOS开发mysql client的时候,默认开启了沙箱机制。结果每次连接都给报这个错 如果没有捕获好的话,可能只会出现 connect(descriptor:addr:size:): 这个错误 找半天才在网上找到有这个说法的 另外一个是如果要通过调用 ssh启动通道来做跳板访问的话,或者需要访 ......
descriptor Operation permitted connect errno

How to fix Linux locale error All In One

How to fix Linux locale error All In One 如何修复 Linux 语言环境错误 fix: vim 中文乱码 bug ......
locale Linux error How All

[CF9D]How many trees?

# 2023-06-01 ## 题目 [题目传送门]( ### 难度&重要性(1~10):5 ### 题目来源 Codeforces,luogu ## 题目算法 dp ## 解题思路 深度最大为 $n\left(1\le n ......
trees CF9D many CF9 How

【Oracle】Show the change history of tbs' size

注意: 脚本都从dba_hist_tbspc_space_usage系统视图获取数据,但是这个系统视图中保存的数据的时间是依赖AWR采样数据保留期限的。 所以你从这个系统视图可能查找不出很早之前的表空间数据使用情况,如果需要历史的表空间使用数据,可能需要定期采集数据并存储到起来。 In non mu ......
history Oracle change Show size

How to fix the problem that Raspberry Pi cannot use the root user for SSH login All In One

How to fix the problem that Raspberry Pi cannot use the root user for SSH login All In One 如何修复树莓派无法使用 root 用户进行 SSH 登录的问题 ......
Raspberry the problem cannot login

How to modify the username and password of Raspberry Pi All In One

How to modify the username and password of Raspberry Pi All In One 如何修改树莓派的用户名和密码 ......
Raspberry password username modify How

Could not find the DLL(s) 'msvcp140_1.dll'. TensorFlow requires that these DLLs be installed

python -c "from transformers import pipeline; print(pipeline('sentiment-analysis')('we love you'))"Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable is not install ......
TensorFlow installed requires Could msvcp

unable to find valid certification path to requested target

发生这种情况时, 很有可能与证书无关,而是某个第三方类库获取不到了 我的解决方案,找到原版本的AAR文件放到工程的LIBs目录中,引用到工程中 unable to find valid certification path to requested target 最新解决方案(更新于2023-04- ......
certification requested unable target valid