
Oracle 19c 升级错误【verify_queryable_inventory returned ORA-20001: Latest xml inventory is not loaded into table】

作为一个数据库爱好者,手里的数据库没几个月就得升级一次。 升级收尾运行【datapatch -verbose】的时候,经常遇到这个错误【verify_queryable_inventory returned ORA-20001: Latest xml inventory is not loaded ......

Latest Service Advisor v3 Machine Interface Kit: Optimize Your John Deere Service Experience

In the world of agriculture and construction equipment, John Deere has established itself as a trusted and reliable brand. To ensure that your John De ......

[转载]:npm create vite@latest 和 npm init vue@latest 的区别

1.npm create vite@latest: 使用 Vite 构建工具创建项目模板。 Vite 是一个现代化的前端构建工具,用于快速搭建现代化的 Vue、React 或者原生 JavaScript 项目。 通过该命令创建的项目模板具有现代化的构建特性,如快速的热模块替换、即时的开发服务器、基于 ......
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Secure Code Warrior Introduction to OWASP Top 10 Awareness (with latest updates from the Web top 10 2021)

Missing Function Access Control Access to these functionalities should be restricted to authenticated users. However, the current mechanism only check ......

Android sdkmanager not found. Update to the latest Android SDK and ensure that the cmdline-tools

(base) cloud@Robot bin % flutter doctor --android-licenses Android sdkmanager not found. Update to the latest Android SDK and ensure that the cmdline- ......
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2023-10-08 npx update-browserslist-db@latest==》不用管,能运行即可

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Docker - ERROR: failed to solve: golang:latest: error getting credentials - err: exec: "docker-credential-desktop": executable file not found in $PATH, out: ``

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## 查看已下载的Docker镜像latest具体版本 1. `docker image inspect|grep -i version` 2. `docker pull ......
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How to update to the latest Python version On Linux All In One

How to update to the latest Python version On Linux All In One update to the latest Python version on Raspberry Pi ......
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`nvidia-driver-latest-dkms`并不是一个特定的工具,而是一个软件包名称,通常在 Linux 系统中用于安装最新的 Nvidia 显卡驱动。 在 Linux 系统中,Nvidia 显卡驱动通常由不同的软件包管理器(如APT、DNF、YUM等)提供。 `nvidia-driver ......

NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.

###问题提示: ` NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and runn ......

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windows上通过nvm管理node版本,在本地安装了nvm后,通过nvm安装node,报错了,信息: Could not retrieve Get ......
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How to use pip3 install the latest version package All In One

How to use pip3 install the latest version package All In One 如何使用pip3安装最新版本包 ......
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Sitecore XP 10.3(latest) Docker一键部署

本文演示通过PowerShell+Docker Desktop for Windows 一键部署Sitecore10.3(即Sitecore最新版)Docker开发/测试/演示 环境。 官方参考 SitecoreXP 10.3.0 Developer Workstation Deployment W ......
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PaddleSpeech docker develop-gpu-cuda10.2-cudnn7-latest 缺失 libsndfile1-dev 和 環境參數CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES

Paddle可以說是各種坑,但支持國產,含淚試用了百度飛漿的Speech。 1. 坑點 Docker develop-gpu-cuda10.2-cudnn7-latest 缺失:1. libsndfile1-dev2. CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES 2. 安裝教程 也沒什麼安裝教程。下載 ......
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