database find size how

How to get Postman API request code All In One

How to get Postman API request code All In One Postman can convert an API request into a code snippet, and you can choose the programming language or ... ......
Postman request code How API

报错 image = image.resize((int(image.size[0] * (64 / image.size[1])), 64), Image.ANTIALIAS).convert('L')

感谢大佬 修改ini配置文件 打开ini文件 修改值 将其中的ANTIALIAS替换为LANCZOS image = image.resize((int(image.size[0] ......
image size ANTIALIAS convert resize

pip安装包报错:PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop> pip install request ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement request (from versions: none)

PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop> pip install requestERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement request (from versions: none)ERRO ......

NoSQL Databases

Relational databases are just one form of databases. Another type of databases that would also be commonly used are NoSQL databases—which are database ......
Databases NoSQL

How to add a string that contains whitespace to array in shell script All In One

How to add a string that contains whitespace to array in shell script All In One ......
whitespace contains string script array

数据库 - MySQL转换SQL Server时,替换 FIND_IN_SET 函数引发的问题

MySQL转换SQL Server时,替换 FIND_IN_SET 函数引发的问题 在之前的文章中,我列举出了一个当 MySQL 转换 SQL Server 时,FIND_IN_SET 函数在 SQL Server 中的解决方案:链接 就是使用 charindex(cast(匹配列 as varch ......
FIND_IN_SET 函数 数据库 数据 Server

How to get the original size of an image using JavaScript All In One

How to get the original size of an image using JavaScript All In One 如何使用 JavaScript 获取一个图片像的原始大小 naturalWidth & naturalHeight aspect ratio / 纵横比 ......
JavaScript original image using size

Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain

下载maven apache-maven-3.9.4-bin.tar.gz 解压 tar -zxvf apache-maven-3.9.4-bin.tar.gz 添加环境变量 vim /etc/profile export MAVEN_HOME=/usr/local/maven-3.9.4 expo ......

Windows Tools | How To Install VS Microsoft C++ Build Tools on Windows

How To Install VS Microsoft C++ Build Tools on Windows This can be used for installing anything that requires C++ compiler on Windows. Installation st ......
Windows Tools Microsoft Install Build

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement selunium (from versions: none)

错误信息 ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement selenium (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for selenium ......

How to fix TypeScript error: expression of type can't be used to index type All In One

How to fix TypeScript error: expression of type can't be used to index type All In One type guard ......
type TypeScript expression error index

[888] How to get the directory of the current Python file

To get the directory of the current Python file, you can use the os.path module in combination with the __file__ attribute. Here's how you can do it: ......
directory the current Python file

Python RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration

运行下面代码,报如下错误 for name in globals(): print(name) 解决办法是:将待遍历的对象转换成列表 for name in list(globals()): print(name) ......

4-Linux 操作系统进阶指令 du、df、free、find、ps、service、grep、wc、管道

重点:find 、ps 、grep 、管道 1、du 指令 作用:du表示directory used,显示出目录所占的磁盘空间大小的情况。 语法:#du -sh 目录路径 选项说明: -s:表示sumary,汇总统计 -h:表示以较高可读性的形式显示 案例:使用du指令统计出“/home”的大小情 ......
指令 管道 service 系统 Linux

configure: error: Cannot find zlib.h header.

001、问题 002、解决方法 (base) [root@pc1 MaSuRCA-3.3.1]# yum install zlib-devel -y 参考: ......
configure Cannot header error find

configure: error: Cannot find bzilb.h header.

001、问题 002、解决方法 (base) [root@pc1 MaSuRCA-3.3.1]# yum -y install bzip2* 参考: ......
configure Cannot header bzilb error

## Could not find a working installation of Boost.

001、问题 002、解决方法 (base) [root@pc1 MaSuRCA-3.3.1]# yum -y install boost boost-devel (base) [root@pc1 MaSuRCA-3.3.1]# yum -y install gcc-c++.x86_64 gperf ......
installation working Could Boost find

IDEA @Slf4j cannot find symbol 无法解析问题处理

IDEA @Slf4j cannot find symbol 无法解析问题处理 问题描述: 安装新版本IDEA2022 后, 项目出现 如下问题 , 网上给的大多都是 设置 File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Compiler | Ann ......
cannot symbol 问题 Slf4j IDEA

How to install a command once for all login users in Linux All In One

How to install a command once for all login users in Linux All In One /etc/profile & /etc/profile.d/ ......
install command Linux login users

P9013 [USACO23JAN] Find and Replace S

前言 这是考试的时候放的一道题,考的时候没做出来。 调了一个晚上,心态爆炸,故作此篇。顺便,鸣谢泥土笨笨大佬的题解,给我的代码提供了强有力的对拍参照。 正题 首先看到题目,虽然字符串长度不超过 \(10^5\),但是还是嫌多;再一看,至多只有52个字符。 那么从这个数据范围入手,思考可以按照变换前后 ......
Replace P9013 USACO 9013 Find

How to use a shell script to check whether a command had been installed in the Linux server All In One

How to use a shell script to check whether a command had been installed in the Linux server All In One shell script error [: :需要整数表达式 / [: -eq:需要一元表达... ......
installed command whether script server

[885] How to generate automated tables in Word document with Python

ref: How to Generate Automated Word Documents with Python ref: docxtpl快速上手使用,数据填入以及循环写入表格 Creating a Template Before you can proceed, you must first c ......
automated generate document Python tables

[884] How to generate automated Word documents by Python

ref: python-docx ref: How to Generate Automated Word Documents with Python ref: Automating Word Documents from Excel Using Python | ‘docxtpl’ Tutorial ......
automated documents generate Python Word


private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rectangle ScreenArea = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.GetWorkingArea(this);//GetWorkingArea()检索显示器的 ......
窗体 属性 实际 大小 Winform


001、 [root@pc1 dir001]# ls test01 test02 ww.txt [root@pc1 dir001]# find -not -path "./test01/*" -name "*.txt" ./test02/mm.txt ./test02/dirxx/di ......
命令 目录 linux find

linux 中 find命令 -maxdepth 和 -mindepth 选项

001、 [root@pc1 dir001]# ls test01 test02 ww.txt [root@pc1 dir001]# tree . ├── test01 │ ├── cc.csv │ └── kk.txt ├── test02 │ ├── dirxx │ │ └── d ......
maxdepth mindepth 命令 linux find

linux 中find命令限制仅在当前一级目录进行查找

001、-maxdepth 1 [root@pc1 dir001]# ls test01 test02 ww.txt [root@pc1 dir001]# find ./ -name "*.txt" ## 直接查找 ./test01/kk.txt ./test02/mm.txt ./t ......
命令 目录 linux find


Couchdb-权限绕过--命令执行--(CVE-2017-12635)&&(CVE-2017-12636)--H2database命令执行--(CVE-2022-23221) 环境概述 采用Vulfocus靶场环境进行复现,搭建操作和文章参考具体搭建教程参考vulfocus不能同步的解决方法/vu ......
命令 CVE 2017 H2database 2database

selenium 报错 element not interactable: [object HTMLDivElement] has no size and location

selenium 自动化识别验证码x,y坐标 命令move_to_element_with_offset 报错:element not interactable: [object HTMLDivElement] has no size and location 由于>4.0是以中心点偏移,4.0是左 ......

How to print a string with a variable by using the echo command in the shell script All In One

How to print a string with a variable by using the echo command in the shell script All In One Node.js & nvm ......
the variable command string script