increasing decreasing 1864a and

Striving for Simplicity and Performance in Off-Policy DRL: Output Normalization and Non-Uniform Sampling

![]( **发表时间:**2020(ICML 2020) **文章要点:**这篇文章基于SAC做简单并且有效的改进来提升 ......

Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size show variables like '%sort_buffer_size%'; SET GLOBAL sort_buffer_size = 1024*1024; ......
sort increasing consider memory buffer

G. Vlad and the Mountains

G. Vlad and the Mountains Vlad decided to go on a trip to the mountains. He plans to move between $n$ mountains, some of which are connected by roads. ......
Mountains Vlad and the

C.Koxia and Number Theory goodbye2022

[Koxia and Number Theory 题目链接]( "Koxia and Number Theory") 分部考虑问题:1. $\gcd(a,a)=1$ 所以不能有两个相同的数字2. 从奇偶出发如果 ......
goodbye Number Theory Koxia 2022

and 树结构穿梭框

import React, { Component, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { Tree, Input, Button, Card } from 'antd'; // import requset from '@/utils/reque ......
结构 and

Python错误:This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.

问题描述: 最近把Python升级到了3.11,重新下载了一些模块,但下载安装pymssql的时候发生了如下报错: 解决办法: 原因分析:之前下载pymssql的时候是没有发生如上情况的,但当时用的Python版本是3.7、3.10,所以猜想是版本不兼容的问题。输入 pip install pyms ......
originates subprocess 错误 problem Python

K8S 1.27.1版本初始化配置文件时报your configuration file uses an old API spec: "". Please use kubeadm v1.22 instead and run 'kubeadm config migrate

现象: your configuration file uses an old API spec: "". Please use kubeadm v1.22 instead and run 'kubeadm config migrate --old-con ......
kubeadm quot configuration 时报 instead

An Integrated InformationSystem for Monitoring and Sharing Resources across the team

At its core, every task is acollection of processes and procedures. Data collected from the entire testingenvironment move the team forward, ideally i ......

【转载】The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

## Article Format Source ChatGPT ## Main Content Source Title: The City Mouse and the Country Mouse Source: ......
Mouse Country City The and

dimp V8:[WARNING]login fail, check your username and password, and check the server status

在进行某个项目的性能测试时,我们选择了达梦8作为使用的数据库。因前期的网络安全问题和考虑到节省成本,我们首先在公司本地服务器上搭建了相应的环境,并生成了用于压力测试的业务数据。 然而,在将数据库迁移到阿里云上购买的高性能服务器时(部署同样版本的达梦8),执行数据库文件导入操作时遇到了问题。以下是出现 ......
check and username password WARNING

Using JobDSL and Jenkinsfiles to fully automate Jenkins job management

Using JobDSL and Jenkinsfiles to fully automate Jenkins job management 非常贴切的一个比喻 JobDSL 做Job管理的框架, 负责Job基本参数配置 Pipeline 做Job逻辑内容的容器,决定Job执行逻辑。 By usin ......

[转载]Quantum Logic and Probability Theory

Origin: **Quantum Logic and Probability Theory** First published Mon Feb 4, 2002; substantive revision ......
Probability Quantum Theory Logic and

increase your vocabulary

- read - what you like. - write - Don't limit yourself to 1 word - noun/verb/adj/adv... - listen - ted.comcard - card - don't know -> almost sure -> k ......
vocabulary increase your

CF-1005A Tanya and Stairways

Tanya and Stairways #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; #define IOS ios::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0); // ......
Stairways Tanya 1005 and CF

refresh、reread、research and executeQuery

X++ developers seem to be having a lot of trouble with these 4 datasource methods, no matter how senior they are in AX. So I decided to make a small h ......
executeQuery research refresh reread and

more and more construction problem,what should i do ?

## 一些构造 ### CF1464F Showing Off 显然原图连边会形成若干内向基环树森林,所有在同一个环上的点 $S$ 是相同的,注意到原图是二分图,因此所有环都是偶环。 一个重要观察是,我们可以让所有环的长度都是 2,因为总可以把长度 $> 2$ 的环拆成若干个二元环,而且在 $S_{ ......
more construction problem should what

Replace bpmn-js and Let Frontend Developers Become More Familiar with Workflow Business

(背景:发在国外社区的文章,国内博客做份存档) # Preface Seeing this title, some of you may wonder: Isn't bpmn-js the most common frontend solution for workflow systems? Why ......

CF559E Gerald and Path 思考--zhengjun

做了半天,然后打开题解发现里面全是 $O(n^3)/O(n^2)$ 的。 然后我的原来 $O(n^5)$ 的前缀 $\max$ 优化成 $O(n^4)$ 的就非常🤡。 为了区分 $[l,r]$ 中的 $l$ 和第 $i$ 个线段的长度 $l_i$,令 $b_i$ 表示第 $i$ 个线段的长度。 # ......
zhengjun Gerald 559E Path 559

[迎风奔雨] terraform create pubsub and inputs

terragrunt.hcl inputs = { topics = [ { name = "my-topic-1" subscriptions = [ { name = "my-subscription-1" bigquery_config = "my-table-1" }, { name = " ......
terraform create pubsub inputs and


# 一、变量 概念:变量的本质是一个装东西的盒子,只能存放一个值,且区分大小写。 ## 1.变量的命名规则 变量的名字由:字母,数字,下划线 _组成,并且不能以数字开头。 ```python a_1=1 _b1=2.5 ``` ## 2.变量的定义 格式:变量名 = 值 = 赋值符号,== 等于 ` ......
变量 and


# 一.变量 概念:变量的本质是一个装东西的盒子,只能存放一个值,且区分大小写。 ## 1.变量的命名规则 变量的名字由:数字,字母,下划线_组成,并且不能以数字开头。 ```python a_1=1 _b2=2.1 ``` ## 2.变量的定义 格式:变量名=值 =赋值符号,==等于 ```pyt ......
变量 and

0 and 1 in BIT (牛客多校) (位运算取反性质)

思路: 性质: 取反, 相当于-x-1 (%mod下思考) 于是 -x-1, (可以单独看) 利用前最后处理 ......
性质 and BIT in

Codeforces Round 885 (Div. 2) C. Vika and Price Tags

# C. Vika and Price Tags [C - Vika and Price Tags]( **题意:** ​ 初始两串数列$a, b$,对于第$i$个数,令$c_i=|a_i-b_i|$,然后将 ......
Codeforces Round Price Vika Tags

bevy 0.11 camera2d zoom and pan with touchpad on macos

```rust use bevy::prelude::*; use bevy::{input::mouse::MouseWheel, render::camera::ScalingMode}; use bevy::input::touchpad::TouchpadMagnify; use bevy: ......
camera2d touchpad camera2 camera macos

Vanya and Brackets 题解

[题目传送门]( 一道枚举题。 枚举左括号和右括号的位置括号,为了答案最优,左括号只能在开头或者 `*` 的右边。右括号只能在末尾或者 `*` 的左边。每一次枚举都计算一下这个加了括号后表达式的值,最后取最大值即可。 # ......
题解 Brackets Vanya and

Prefixes and Suffixes 题解

[题目传送门]( 一道字符串题。 我们考虑还原字符串后再一个一个的判断。很显然,这个字符串是由一个长度为 $n-1$ 的前缀和后缀组成的。因此我们可以找到这 $2$ 个长度为 $n$ 的字符串,然后枚举哪个是前缀,哪个 ......
题解 Prefixes Suffixes and

Fox and Box Accumulation 题解

[题目传送门]( 一道贪心题。 我们先将箱子的力量值从小到大排序,**优先将小的放顶上**,只要还能在底下放就放,否则就到下一个堆。 为什么要从小到大往下放呢?因为越小的力量值能放的位置就越少,所以尽早放一定是最优的。相 ......
题解 Accumulation Fox Box and

Practice on Codeforces and Atcoder in August

## [Educational Codeforces Round 151 A~E]( ## [Codeforces Round #879 Div.2]( ......
Codeforces Practice Atcoder August and

python: Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text

""" python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install pyttsx3 pip install comtypes pip install Pillow pip install requests pip install PocketSphinx ......

Exercise: Loops and Functions

牛顿迭代法求平方根,Go的tour一上来就搞一个这么高级的练习,吓到我了。不过还好练习说明里面给出了逼近公式,主要代码如下: 1 func Sqrt(x float64) float64 { 2 e, z := 1e-15, 1.0 3 for math.Abs(z*z - x) > e { 4 z ......
Functions Exercise Loops and