international programming collegiate contest

【vue-问题】vue : 无法加载文件 D:\Program Files\nodejs\node_global\vue.ps1,因为在此系统上禁止运行脚本

【vue-问题】vue : 无法加载文件 D:\Program Files\nodejs\node_global\vue.ps1,因为在此系统上禁止运行脚本。解决方法:①:管理员方式运行PowerShell,输入get-ExecutionPolicy。如果它回复Restricted,表示是禁止的②: ......
vue node_global 脚本 Program 文件

KEYENCE Programming Contest 2021 E Greedy Ant

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder ......
Programming KEYENCE Contest Greedy 2021

AtCoder Beginner Contest 304

A: 1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<cstring> 3 #include<algorithm> 4 #include<iostream> 5 #include<string> 6 #include<vector> 7 #include<stack> 8 #includ ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 304

【Azure App Service for Windows】 PHP应用出现500 : The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred. 错误

[500 The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.] [scriptProcessor could not be found in "fastCGI" application config... ......
displayed internal occurred 错误 Service

AtCoder Grand Contest 033 D Complexity

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder 传送门") 这题感觉实在太 e ......
Complexity AtCoder Contest Grand 033

Eclipse mbedded cdt 中添加Erase, Program功能

使用eclipse mbedded cdt作为嵌入式IDE来开发嵌入式程序是很多开发人员的选项之一, 但是eclipse并不完美, 有一些功能没有按钮或者选项来实现, 比如在非调试状态下的下载程序, 擦除flash(sector erase 或者 chip erase)等功能 这里提供一种实现以上功 ......
Eclipse mbedded Program 功能 Erase

AtCoder Beginner Contest 308 - E

题目链接:[abc 308]( 前四题简单就不放了 #### [E - MEX]( 阿巴阿巴,比赛的时候想复杂了,一直在想怎么快速 ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 308

Atcoder Beginer Contest 306 D ~ E

vp中途突然拉肚子>_ using namespace std; using ll = long long; int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr); int n; cin >> n; array dp; for(int ......
Atcoder Beginer Contest 306

HTTP 错误 500.19 - Internal Server Error

将"启用32位应用程序"更改为true后,网站报错: 解决此问题的方法是从iis管理器中删除以下模块: 1)DynamicCompressionModule2)StaticCompressionModule 为此,请在iis管理器中执行以下步骤: 步骤1:iis主页-模块-解锁这两个模块步骤2:网站 ......
Internal 错误 500.19 Server Error

AtCoder Regular Contest 163

# Preface 补题,这场比赛的时候被拉去开科研组会了,所以就没现场打了 这两天军训在伤病连划水,白天可以好好想题目舒服的一批 这场D题确实很妙,需要一些竞赛图相关的知识才能想到转化,不过也算是学到一个重要trick了吧 # **A - Divide String** 显然只要考虑能否分成两个串 ......
AtCoder Regular Contest 163

2022-2023 ICPC Brazil Subregional Programming Contest(B,D,F,I,L,N)

# 正题 题目链接:[]( # B-Fun with Stones【博弈论,数位dp】 ## 题目大意 三个堆的取石子游戏,第 $i$ 个堆石子个数可能是 $[L_i ......
Subregional Programming Contest Brazil 2022

AtCoder Beginner Contest 308 ABCDEF

# [AtCoder Beginner Contest 308]([AtCoder Beginner Contest 308 - AtCoder]( ## **A - New Scheme** ### Problem State ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest ABCDEF 308

AtCoder Regular Contest 163 D Sum of SCC

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder 传送门") 怎么连这种相对传统 ......
AtCoder Regular Contest 163 Sum

[Leetcode Weekly Contest]350

链接:[LeetCode]( ## [Leetcode]2739. 总行驶距离 卡车有两个油箱。给你两个整数,mainTank 表示主油箱中的燃料(以升为单位),additionalTank 表示 ......
Leetcode Contest Weekly 350

AtCoder Regular Contest 153 E Deque Minimization

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder 传送门") 我们考虑给定 $X ......
Minimization AtCoder Regular Contest Deque

AtCoder Beginner Contest 308 G Minimum Xor Pair Query

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder 传送门") 考虑没有删除操作怎 ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest Minimum Query

AtCoder Regular Contest 163 C Harmonic Mean

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder 传送门") 这题是不是想到裂项 ......
Harmonic AtCoder Regular Contest Mean

AtCoder Beginner Contest 308 A~F

[AtCoder Beginner Contest 308]( ![image-20230702174419133](C:\Users\magicat\AppData\Roaming\Typora\typora-user-imag ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 308

AtCoder Beginner Contest 308

A: 1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<cstring> 3 #include<algorithm> 4 #include<iostream> 5 #include<string> 6 #include<vector> 7 #include<stack> 8 #includ ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 308

AtCoder Beginner Contest 308

> 这几天在收拾东西搬家,先附上代码,晚点补上题解 > 感觉这次FG都写不太明白 ## [A - New Scheme (abc308 A)]( ### 题目大意 给定八个数,问是否满足以下要求: - ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 308

AtCoder Grand Contest 021 E Ball Eat Chameleons

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder 传送门") 容易发现一个变色龙 ......
Chameleons AtCoder Contest Grand Ball

AtCoder Beginner Contest 307(E,F,G)

# AtCoder Beginner Contest 307(E,F,G) ## E(dp) [E]( 这个题大意就是我们需要组成一个长度为$n$的数组,满足两个相邻的数字不可以相等,其中,$a_1$ ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 307

Educational Codeforces Round 151 [div.2 #A-C] 赛后总结(contest/1845)

### [link]( "Educational Codeforces Round 151") $\textcolor{52C41A}{A}-\textcolor{FADB14}{B}-\textcolor{FADB14}{C}- ......
Educational Codeforces contest Round 1845

ABAP 泛型编程(Generic Programming) 在实际工作中的一个例子

ABAP(Advanced Business Application Programming)泛型编程是一种在 ABAP 语言中使用的编程范式,它允许编写可以处理多种数据类型的通用代码。泛型编程的目的是提高代码的复用性、灵活性和可维护性。通过使用泛型编程,开发人员可以编写一种通用的算法或数据结构,而 ......
Programming 例子 实际 Generic ABAP

【848】Data filtering in R programming

ref: R语言data.frame常用操作 ref: Keep rows that match a condition The filter() function is used to subset a data frame, retaining all rows that satisfy you ......
programming filtering Data 848 in

AtCoder Beginner Contest 280 ABCDE

# [AtCoder Beginner Contest 280]( ## **A - Pawn on a Grid** ### Problem Statement 题意:给你$N$行$M$列的网格,问你有多少个# ### Solu ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest ABCDE 280

AtCoder Beginner Contest(abc) 297

*** ## B - [chess960]( #### 题目大意 >给定一串字符串, 里面一定包含2个' B ', 2个' R ', 1个' K ', 问该字符串是否满足以下两个条件, 一是两个'B' ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest 297 abc

AtCoder Beginner Contest 296 Ex Unite

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder 传送门") 不错的 dp。 考 ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest Unite 296

AtCoder Beginner Contest 227 H Eat Them All

[洛谷传送门]( "洛谷传送门") [AtCoder 传送门]( "AtCoder 传送门") 好奇特的题。 考虑 ......
Beginner AtCoder Contest Them 227

docker报错:Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint likeshop-nginx

重启docker-compose时,nginx服务报错。 报错信息: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint likeshop-nginx (f0a809481f5 ......