limited being rate 429

Educational Codeforces Round 109 (Rated for Div. 2) B. Permutation Sort

给一个长为 \(n\) 的排列 \(a\),你可以执行以下操作:选择一个子数组并且按任意顺序重排,但这个子数组不能是数组本身。 询问最少经过多少次操作可以使得排列 \(a\) 变为升序。 定义操作次数为 \(ans\) 。 若数组已经有序,\(ans = 0\) 。 若 \(a_1 = 1\) 或者 ......

Educational Codeforces Round 110 (Rated for Div. 2) Array Reodering

给一个长为 \(n\) 的数组 \(a\) 。 定义一对 \(pair(i, j)\) 是 \(good\) 的当且仅当 \(1 \leq i < j \leq n\) 且 \(gcd(a_i, 2 \cdot a_j) > 1\) 。 如果你可以以任意顺序重排数组 \(a\) ,找到最多的 \(g ......
Educational Codeforces Reodering Array Round

Educational Codeforces Round 156 (Rated for Div. 2)

Educational Codeforces Round 156 (Rated for Div. 2) A. Sum of Three 解题思路: 如果\(n \leq 6 或 n =9\),无解。 若\(n \% 3 == 0,t = \lfloor\frac{3}{n}\rfloor\): 若\ ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 156

练习记录-cf-Educational Codeforces Round 156 (Rated for Div. 2)(A-C)

好久没打了 还是就出了三道 不过还好没掉分 A. Sum of Three 就是问能不能把一个数拆成三个不同的 且都不能被三整除的数 我的思路就是拆成1+2+一个大于等于4的数 如果拆了后另一个数是%3==0 那么我拆成1+4它肯定就不被整除 然后判下相同 #include<bits/stdc++. ......

【Https异常】This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS解决方法

参考: 一、问题出现场景 项目从http升级到https后,jsp页面存在发送http请求的情况下就会出现该异常。因为HTTPS 是 HTTP over Secure Socket Laye ......
request blocked content 方法 served

QT之QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called的解决办法

这个还是以前遇到的,今天突然想起来,就决定重现一下当初的错误,以及错误的代码。 报错是这个样子的: QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, ......
paintEngine QWidget 办法 Should longer

解决QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine

标题问题同时在运行后会附带以下问题: QPainter::setPen: Painter not activeQPainter::font: Painter not activeQPainter::setFont: Painter not active 或 QWidget::paintEngine: ......
paintEngine QPainter returned QWidget Should

新版IDEA 出现ClassCastException: com.sun.proxy.$Proxy25 cannot be cast to

项目中使用lombok或者mapStruct,运行项目时报错运行某些较旧的代码,报错java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.proxy.$Proxy25 cannot be cast to ......
ClassCastException com sun cannot Proxy

eclipase项目导入错误Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace

根本原因:workplace 和工程名冲突 解决办法: 1.新建一个目录,打开工程选择该路径 2.导入实际工程得路径位置 ......
workspace eclipase projects imported 错误

Mysql 8.0 Navicat连接Mysql报错Authentication plugin ‘caching_sha2_password‘ cannot be loaded

1、终端登陆MySQL$ mysql -u root -ppassword #登入mysql 2、修改账户密码加密规则并更新用户密码ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456' PASSWORD EXPIRE NEVER; #修改加密规则A ......

NetCore Ocelot 之 Rate Limiting

Ocelot supports rate limiting of upstream requests so that your downstream services do not become overloaded. OK so to get rate limiting working for a ......
Limiting NetCore Ocelot Rate

BCEWithLogitsLoss报错RuntimeError: result type Float can't be cast to the desired output type Long

loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(input, target) input错写成了Long类型,target错写成了Int类型 input与target需要的是float类型 ......

QT在debug环境下的异常报错 This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

查看错误信息:试试Release 检查 控制台 (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE) 输入错误信息,修改全部报错信息后再试试Debug模式可不可以运行。 方案一:高级系统设置-环境变量- QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH C:\Qt\Qt5.12.12\5.12.12\ms ......

【分治】CF429D Tricky Function 题解

CF429D 令 \(sum_i\) 表示 \(\sum \limits_{j=1}^{i} {a_j}\)。 则 \(g(i, j) = (sum_j - sum_i)\)。 \(f(i, j) = (i - j)^2 + g(i, j)^2 = (i - j) ^ 2 + (sum_i - su ......
题解 Function Tricky 429D 429

Androidstudio中 unable to execute Clang-tidy clazy-standalone is not found or cannot be exexute

这个问题可能是因为Android Studio不支持clazy,但是在设置菜单中仍然提供了这个选项,并且在这种情况下,它似乎被启用了¹。当通过clangd启用clang-tidy时,没有什么需要做的。当通过clangd禁用clang-tidy时,如果启用了clazy,就会出现这个错误¹。 要解决这个 ......

This generated password is for development use only. Your security configuration must be updated before running your application in production.问题的解决

问题描述 在我加上spring-boot-starter-security的依赖之后,启动项目报出来这样的错误: 问题解决 在启动类的注解上,加上这么一段代码就ok啦! 启动成功: ......

【线段树合并】CF1805E There Should Be a Lot of Maximums 题解

CF1805E 待补:有另解 看到维护树上问题,可以想到线段树合并。 但直接维护显然不行,要一点技巧。 发现 \(val\) 的出现次数 \(cnt_{val}\) 如果 \(\ge 3\),那么一定是一个候选项,若 \(cnt_{val} = 1\),那么一定不能作为候选项。 于是可以用权值线段树 ......
线段 题解 Maximums Should 1805E

Educational Codeforces Round 155 (Rated for Div. 2)

\(A. Rigged!\) 直接取第一个人能举起的最大重量看他是否是冠军即可。 void solve(){ int n=read(); int fx=read(),ft=read(); int ans=fx; for(int i=1;i<n;i++){ int x=read(),t=read(); ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 155

转载-travisdowns-speed limit

原文链接: Performance Speed Limits How fast can it go? Sometimes you just want to know how fast your code can go, without benchmarking it. Sometimes you h ......
travisdowns-speed travisdowns speed limit

Educational Codeforces Round 112 (Rated for Div. 2) A. PizzaForces

有三种披萨:\(6\)、\(8\)、\(10\) 块披萨。制作时间分别需要:\(15\)、\(20\)、\(25\) 分钟。现在有 \(n\) 个人,每人需要一块披萨。询问使所有人能获得披萨的最快时间。 观察:发现三种披萨的性价比都一样。(否则按最优性价比贪心) 需要让得到的披萨数量 \(m \ge ......

Educational Codeforces Round 155 (Rated for Div

B. Chips on the Board 题解:贪心 显然我们可以把题意转化为:对于任意一个\((i,j)\),我们可以花费\(a_{i,j}\)的代价占据第\(i\)行和第\(j\)列,求占据所有格子的最小代价 考虑两种情况: 在每一行选一个格子 在每一列选一个格子 贪心选即可 int n, a ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 155

Educational Codeforces Round 122 (Rated for Div. 2)

A. Div. 7 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; void solve(){ int n , a , b , c ; cin >> n; c = n % 10 , n /= 10; b = n % 10 , n /= 10; a = n % ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 122

Go - Change What Is Being Logged by the Standard Logger

Problem: You want to change what the standard logger logs. Solution: Use the SetFlags function to set flags and add fields to each log line. The defau ......
Standard Change Logged Logger Being

Educational Codeforces Round 155 (Rated for Div. 2)

Preface 这天晚上这场因为不明原因(玩CCLCC中)就没有打,只能赛后补一下 这场的EF都不算难初看都有做法,但好家伙E写挂两发,F写个根号做法直接T到天上去了 A. Rigged! 签到题,对于所有的\(e_i\ge e_1\)的\(i\),求出\(S=\max s_i\),根据\(S+1\ ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 155

Why does Windows claim to be low on memory when I have swap space available?

Why does Windows claim to be low on memory when I have swap space available? Ask Question Asked 8 years, 1 month ago Modified 8 years, 1 month ago Vie ......
available Windows memory claim space

CF1197 Educational Codeforces Round 69 (Rated for Div. 2)

CF1197A DIY Wooden Ladder 答案为 \(\min(a_{n-1},n-2)\)。 #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; const int N=100005; ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 1197

CF1036 Educational Codeforces Round 50 (Rated for Div. 2)

CF1036A Function Height 答案为 \(\lceil \frac{k}{n}\rceil\)。 #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> using namespace std; long long n,k; int main() { scanf(" ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 1036

CF957 Codeforces Round 472 (rated, Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2018 Round 2)

CF957A Tritonic Iridescence 如果原序列中有两个相同的字符,显然不合法。 如果开头或者结尾为 ?,或者有两个连续的 ?,或者一个 ? 两边的字符不同显然合法。 否则一定不合法。 #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> using namesp ......
Round Codeforces rated based 2018

解决mysql连接的时候报Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loaded:错误

错误:使用Navicat Premium 12链接mysql的时候报Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loaded:xxxxx啥的错误 原因:mysql8之前的加密规则是mysql_native_password执行本地身 ......

Docker|--E: gnupg, gnupg2 and gnupg1 do not seem to be installed, but one of them is required for this operation

错误 apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 871920D1991BC93C E: gnupg, gnupg2 and gnupg1 do not seem to be installed, but one of them ......
gnupg installed operation required Docker