love in

Learn Git in 30 days—— 第 28 天:了解 GitHub 的 fork 与 pull request 版控流程

写的非常好的一个Git系列文章,强烈推荐 原文链接: 我们知道 Git 仓库并没有什么「权限控制」的概念,因为他是分散式的版本控制系统,当你执行 git clone  ......
流程 request GitHub Learn days

CF1878F Vasilije Loves Number Theory

CF1878F Vasilije Loves Number Theory 首先约数个数是积性函数,题目中要求 \(\gcd(n,a)=1\),所以 \(a\) 和 \(n\) 互质,\(n=d(a)d(n)\) ,于是问题转化为 \(n\) 是否整除 \(d(n)\)。 观察题目,\(n\) 可能会 ......
Vasilije Number Theory 1878F Loves

This dependency was not found: * vxe-table/lib/vxe-table in ./src/plugins/vxe.js

今天按照往常一样安装依赖、运行后报了如下错误: ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors This dependency was not found: * vxe-table/lib/vxe-table in ./src/plugins/vxe.js To inst ......
vxe-table vxe table dependency plugins

Gossip in Hyperledger Fabric

1. Gossip协议基础 1.1 什么是分布式系统 分布式系统(Distributed System)是由多台计算机或计算节点组成的计算机系统,这些计算节点通过网络连接在一起,并协同工作以完成共同的任务或提供服务。与单一计算机系统不同,分布式系统中的计算节点可以分布在不同的地理位置。 以下是分布式 ......
Hyperledger Gossip Fabric in

US-ASCII & cookie-name cookie-value All In One

US-ASCII & cookie-name cookie-value All In One ......

Linux Awk command All In One

Linux Awk command All In One shell script Awk language ......
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Vitest All In One

Vitest All In One Vite + Test Mock Functions mock & spyOn ......
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eclipase项目导入错误Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace

根本原因:workplace 和工程名冲突 解决办法: 1.新建一个目录,打开工程选择该路径 2.导入实际工程得路径位置 ......
workspace eclipase projects imported 错误

The build restored NuGet packages. Build the project again to include these packages in the build. For more information, see

The build restored NuGet packages. Build the project again to include these packages in the build 在 Visual Studio 2022 中构建代码时出现此错误。 严重性 代码 说明 项目 文件 行 ......
packages build information the restored

Linux file system All In One

Linux file system All In One 图解 Linux 文件系统 ......
system Linux file All One

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':testCompileClasspath'. Using insecure protocols with repositories, without explicit opt-in, is unsupported.

Gradle init.gradle文件参数错误导致的Gradle加载失败 1 allprojects { 2 repositories { 3 mavenLocal() 4 maven { name "Alibaba" ; url " ......

mysqldump 导出来的文件,使用 source还原时报错“ASCII '\0' appeared in the statement, but this is not allowed unless option”

导出语句:mysqldump -uroot -pword --databases db1 --tables table1 > ./sqldumps/archive-table1-`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`.sql 导出后,使用source还原 报错:ASCII '\0' appe ......
mysqldump statement appeared 时报 allowed

MYSQL中 find_in_set() 函数用法详解(匹配部门id或父id为100的数据) ......
find_in_set 函数 部门 数据 MYSQL

ORA-12012 Error on auto execute of job "SYS"."ORA$AT_OS_OPT_SY_<NN> in 12.2 Database

1 错误 2023-10-08T13:11:12.127171+08:00 Errors in file /oracle/diag/rdbms/arch/ARCH2/trace/ARCH2_j000_305066.trc: ORA-12012: error on auto execute of jo ......
quot AT_OS_OPT_SY ORA Database execute

mysql 如何实现 like in? -- 阅读权限 全239 部分9 select * from hljtxeip_institution where state = 1 and deleteState = 0 an ......
mysql like

Maven 引用CDH 5.4 的zookeeper时报错:Could not find artifact javax.jms:jms:jar:1.1 in cloudera 的解决办法

错误: Could not find artifact javax.jms:jms:jar:1.1 in cloudera 由于默认5.4.0的包引用了zookeeper 3.3.1版本,进而引用了log4j的某个版本,导致的报错,改为如下即可: pom: 使用cloudera的源: <reposi ......
zookeeper jms artifact cloudera 时报

Programming abstractions in C阅读笔记:p166-p175

《Programming Abstractions In C》学习第58天,p166-p175总结。 一、技术总结 1.斐波那契数列(Fibonacci Sequenc) (1)斐波那契数列来源 斐波那契数列来自于《Liber Abaci》一书里兔子繁殖问题,相关资料很多,这里不赘述。 (2)关于《 ......
abstractions Programming 笔记 166 175

slices in Go 1.21

Go 1.21中新增的 slices包中提供了很多与切片相关的函数,适用于任意类型的切片。 本文内容来自官方文档 BinarySearch 函数签名如下: func BinarySearch[S ~[]E, E cmp.Ordered](x S, target E) (int, bool) Bina ......
slices 1.21 in Go 21

Centos安装网卡驱动make时报错Kernel header files not in any of the expected locations.解决办法之一

Centos安装I219-LM网卡驱动 查询适合我的网卡命令: 1 2 [root@192 src]# lspci|grep net 00:1f.6 Ethernet controller: Intel C ......

MongoDB and Mongoose in Action All In One

MongoDB and Mongoose in Action All In One Node.js API Server ......
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npm scripts & shx All In One

npm scripts & shx All In One shx rm -rf ./dist/* ......
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Learn Git in 30 days—— 第 27 天:通过分支在同一个远端仓库中进行版控

写的非常好的一个Git系列文章,强烈推荐 原文链接: 如果在公司内部只有一个共用的 Git 远端仓库,大家都有存取权限的情況下,可能会遇到一些协同作业上的问题,那就是 ......
分支 仓库 Learn days Git

difference between a Client-Server and Sender-Receiver interface in Autosar

the difference between a Client-Server and Sender-Receiver interface in Autosar In a Client-Server interface, the client requests a service from the s ......

docker 搭建环境出现 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown"

不少小伙伴在搭建好 LNMP 环境后,进行测试时,在测试页会出现 File not found. 的提示信息。查看错误日志报告显示 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from ......
quot FastCGI Primary unknown 环境

Step by step guide to becoming a C++ developer in 2023 ......
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DDoS All In One

DDoS All In One distributed denial-of-service attack / 分布式拒绝服务攻击 ......
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System Architecture Patterns All In One

System Architecture Patterns All In One 系统架构模式 ......
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Node.js Assertion API All In One

Node.js Assertion API All In One Node.js 断言 API ......
Assertion Node API All One

【NIPS2021】Twins: Revisiting the Design of Spatial Attention in Vision Transformers

来自美团技术团队♪(^∀^●)ノシ 论文地址: 代码地址: 一、写在前面 本文提出了两种视觉转换器架构,即Twins-PCPVT和Twins-SVT。 Twins-PCPVT 将金字塔 Trans ......

React in patterns

In brief > Foundation 1. Communication - Input - Output 2. Event handlers 3. Composition - Using React's children API - Passing a child as a prop - Hi ......
patterns React in