lrucache recently least used多环境配置以及遇到Do not use @ for indentation

1:配置环境 maven pom.xml增加 <!--环境--> <profiles> <profile> <id>dev</id> <properties> <>dev</> </properties> </profile> <profi ......
indentation profiles 环境 active not

Android Installed Build Tools revision 34.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK

前言ERROR: Installed Build Tools revision 34.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK Manager.错误:已安装的生成工具修订版34.0.0已损坏。使用SDK管理器删除并重新安装。 上 ......
Installed corrupted revision Android install

type.text is about to be deprecated in version 3.0.0, please use link instead.提示

问题:使用按钮类型为文字时,控制台报错type.text is about to be deprecated in version 3.0.0, please use link instead. 代码如下: <el-button type="text" size="small" @click="de ......
deprecated instead version please about

XXX has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 61.0)

## maven版本未指定导致编译失败问题 Execution default of goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:3.1.3:repackage faile d: Unable to load the mojo 're ......
version compiled Runtime recent class

TypeScript – Using Disposable

前言 TypeScript v5.2 多了一个新功能叫 Disposable。 Dispose 的作用是让 "对象" 离开 "作用域" 后做出一些 "释放资源" 的操作。 很多地方都可以看到 Dispose 概念。比如 Web Component 的 disconnectedCallback,Ang ......
TypeScript Disposable Using

This TensorFlow binary is optimized to use available CPU instructions in performance-critical operations.

This TensorFlow binary is optimized to use available CPU instructions in performance-critical operations.To enable the following instructions: AVX2 FM ......

LRUCache (least recently used)

import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; /** * Caching with the LRU (Least Recently Used) algorithm. * */ public c ......
LRUCache recently least used

mysql use index

MySQL USE INDEX简介 索引为你提供了优化查询性能的好方法,它就像一本书的目录,让你能快速找到所需内容,mysql在选择最佳查询方式时,需要考虑很多因素,其中基数是重要的因素之一。基数意味着可以插入列中数值的唯一性。 但是,由于多次插入、更新和删除操作,基数可能会发生变化。您可以定期执行 ......
mysql index use

Useful Tools for Car Diagnostics

As cars become more advanced and digitally connected, it is crucial to have professional diagnostic tools to effectively diagnose and troubleshoot any ......
Diagnostics Useful Tools Car for

WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable问题的解决

# 问题描述 使用****命令开启hdfs服务时,爆出这样的警告信息 ![]( # 问题解决 可以先 ......

Using 声明”在 C# 7.3 中不可用。请使用 8.0 或更高的语言版本

Core3.0升级至3.1时候报错:“Using 声明”在 C# 7.3 中不可用。请使用 8.0 或更高的语言版本。 解决办法: 在工程.csproj文件中的<PropertyGroup>节加入<LangVersion>preview</LangVersion>即可。也可以指定具体的版本。 ......
语言 版本 Using 7.3 8.0

【Azure Developer】use @azure/arm-monitor sdk 遇见 ManagedIdentityCredential authentication failed.(status code 500)

@azure/arm-monitor ManagedIdentityCredential authentication failed.(status code 500) CredentialUnavailableError: ERROR: AADSTS500011: The resource pr... ......

Google classic interview questions, throwing eggs the least number of times All In One

Google classic interview questions, throwing eggs the least number of times All In One 谷歌经典面试题, 扔鸡蛋最少次数 你在一栋 100 层的大楼里工作,你得到 2 个相同的鸡蛋。 你需要计算出鸡蛋可以掉落到最高... ......
interview questions throwing classic Google

Leetcode 146 LRUCache

```c /* * * Copyright (C) 2023-08-18 13:51 zxinlog * */ #include #define N 1000 // 普通Node typedef struct Node { int key; int value; struct Node *prev; ......
Leetcode LRUCache 146

java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

#场景: 使用mybatis-plus和SpringBoot,用Druid连接,查询数据库时出现异常 用户访问被拒绝 `java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)` 在a ......
39 SQLException localhost password Access

ERROR 1820 (HY000): You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.问题的解决

# 问题描述 想要在linux系统里面使用mysql时,出现了这样的报错信息 # 问题解决 ``` mysql> set global validate_password_policy=LOW; mysql> set global validate_password_length=9; ``` ![ ......
statement executing password before 问题

yum安装时提示:This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use subscription-manager

问题 原因 Subscription Manager订阅管理器,它会让你一直register,禁用就好。 解决 [root@localhost ~]# vim /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/subscription-manager.conf [main] enabled=0 #将它禁用 ......

ERR! gyp info using node-gyp@3.8.0

解决方案就是在电脑里的Windows PowerShell用管理身份运行以下的语句就能顺利运行npm install npm install --global --production windows-build-tools ......
gyp node-gyp using info node

springmvc 开启异步请求报错 Java code using the Servlet API or by adding "true" to servlet and filter declarations in web.xml.

报错内容: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Async support must be enabled on a servlet and for all filters involved in async request processing. This is do ......
quot declarations springmvc Servlet servlet

执行kubeadm 出现 FATAL: the ConfigMap "kubeadm-config" in the kube-system namespace used for getting configuration information was not found

现象: [upgrade/config] Making sure the configuration is correct:[upgrade/config] Reading configuration from the cluster...[upgrade/config] FYI: You can ......

[Vue warn]: Runtime directive used on component with non-element root node. The directives will not function as intended.

![]( ### 原因 意思是自定义指令不能放到组件上,而是要放到自有的元素上,也就是这里用到的`v-dialogDrag ......

屏蔽 Use :deep() instead.警告

这个警告是由于 Vue 3 中的 Single File Component (SFC) 中的 `>>>` 和 `/deep/` 组合选择器已被废弃,建议使用 `:deep()` 代替。 这是因为 `>>>` 和 `/deep/` 在新的 CSS Shadow Parts API 标准中被弃用,而 ......
instead deep Use


原文链接: 官网解释: 前言: 相信很多人在用 Vue 使用别人的组件时,会在在main.js中用到 Vue.use(xx) 。例如:Vue.use(VueRouter)、Vue.use(M ......
vue use

GPT-Use the mic on RK3588

## 1 Find the mic In order to find the microphone on your system, you can use the `aplay` and `arecord` commands. These commands will list the availab ......
GPT-Use 3588 GPT Use the

使用swagger时出现Unable to infer base url. This is common when using dynamic servlet registra

在使用Swagger的时候访问地址后出现了错误,`http://localhost:8001/swagger-ui.html` 一直在弹窗提示,还取消不了 ![image-20230813164309945]( ......
registra swagger dynamic servlet Unable

How to use Javascript JSON.stringify similar method in Python All In One

How to use Javascript JSON.stringify similar method in Python All In One 如何在 Python 中使用类似 JavaScript JSON.stringify 的方法 ......
Javascript stringify similar method Python

WARNING: Use of this script to execute namenode is deprecated. WARNING: Attempting to execute replacement "hdfs namenode" instead.问题的解决

# 问题描述 在我使用这个命令进行hdfs初始化时: ``` start namenode ``` 爆出了这样的警告 # 问题解决 发现是这个命令现在已经有一点过时,需要换成这个命令才行: ``` hdfs namenode ``` ......
namenode WARNING execute quot replacement

How to set z-index order in Canvas using javascript All In One

How to set z-index order in Canvas using javascript All In One 如何使用 javascript 在 Canvas 中设置 z-index 顺序 ......
javascript z-index Canvas index order

Controlling LED brightness using PWM

Pulse Width Modulation or PWM is a term you hear a lot if you are interested in controlling power output using a microcontroller. It has many applicat ......
Controlling brightness using LED PWM