merge your merge_head unfinished

MySQL的index merge(索引合并)导致数据库死锁分析与解决方案

在DBS-集群列表-更多-连接查询-死锁中,看到9月22日有数据库死锁日志,后排查发现是因为mysql的优化-index merge(索引合并)导致数据库死锁。 ......
索引 解决方案 数据库 方案 数据

安装NVIDA驱动时,出现your appear to running an x server;please exit x before installing .for further details 这个错误

安装NVIDA驱动时,出现your appear to running an x server;please exit x before installing .for further details 这个错误 主要是由于安装远程控制lightgm 导致X-server启动。 解决办法: sudo ......
installing 错误 running details further

Running Large Language Models locally – Your own ChatGPT-like AI in C#

For the past few months, a lot of news in tech as well as mainstream media has been around ChatGPT, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) product by the fol ......

[abc302f] Merge Set

F - Merge Set 显然要建图 首先,我们有一个粗略的想法,对于同一集合\(S_i\)内的元素,\(S_{i,j}\)与\(S_{i,j+1}\)间连一条无向的标号为\(i\)的边 那么题目显然是要我们跑最短路,若到达\(x\)的边为\(i\),然后从\(x\)向外走到点\(y\),走的边若 ......
Merge 302f abc 302 Set

vscode git提交——报please enter the commit message for your changes....

如图: 其大意就是:在提交之前,需要给此次提交添加一些备注信息 1. git命令操作 git命令为:git commit -m "备注信息" 2. vscode操作 1)点击 + :暂存更改 2)在消息输入框中添加 备注信息(关键地方) 3)一定要输入 备注信息 后,再点击 提交,不然就会报“ple ......
changes message vscode commit please

[903] Concatenate (merge) multiple dictionaries in Python

To concatenate (merge) multiple dictionaries in Python, you can use various methods depending on your Python version and preferences. Here are some co ......

This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686CPU. Unable to boot – please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU.

原文链接: 0.背景 买了一台小电脑,STAR TC-8080 型号,想给他装个Linux系统。 给他装Ubuntu 18的时候,开始报错: This kernel requires an x86-64 ......
kernel CPU appropriate detected requires


本文分享自华为云社区《GaussDB(DWS)性能调优:MERGE场景下语句不下推引起的性能瓶颈问题案例》,作者:O泡果奶~。 1、【问题描述】 语句执行时间过长,且该语句performance执行计划中SQL Diagnostic Information显示SQL语句不下推,理由为:Type of ......
瓶颈 语句 场景 性能 案例

This generated password is for development use only. Your security configuration must be updated before running your application in production.问题的解决

问题描述 在我加上spring-boot-starter-security的依赖之后,启动项目报出来这样的错误: 问题解决 在启动类的注解上,加上这么一段代码就ok啦! 启动成功: ......

Git解决 fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories

一、fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories 新建了一个本地仓库之后,把本地仓库和远程仓库进行关联提交、拉取的时候, 出现了如下错误: 二、解决方案 在你的操作命令后面加 --allow-unrelated-histories 例如: $ git pu ......
histories unrelated refusing fatal merge

Git/TortoiseGit冲突:commit your changes or stash them before you can merge[解决之道]

最近在pull代码时,遇到了‘commit your changes or stash them before you can merge’的提示,针对此问题,我查阅了大量的资料,得到了解决办法,给大家分享下 问题:在你merge or change master 前,提交你的改变,或者存储改变。 ......
TortoiseGit changes commit before merge

the solution of Mining Your Own Business

the description of problem (我看的是 PDF 里面的原题所以这里描述会和题目不一样,但是大意一致) 给定一个未必连通的无向图,问最少在几个点设置出口,可以保证任意一个点坍塌后,工人们仍然可以从出口逃生,同时问设置最少出口的方案数量。 thoughts & solution ......
solution Business Mining Your the

git pull代码时提示:Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge

内容来自对 chatgpt 的咨询 这个错误提示意味着你在执行git pull命令时,Git发现你当前工作目录中的一些文件与远程仓库的变更产生了冲突。这可能是因为你在本地修改了一些文件,而远程仓库也有更新。Git不允许在有未提交的本地修改时直接执行git pull,以防止可能的冲突。 要解决这个问题 ......
overwritten following changes 代码 files

安装 MyEclipse 出现 "An error occurred while copying software to your machine" 的一个解决方法

安装 MyEclipse 时出现 An error occurred while copying software to your machine 字样,有部分文章提出可能是因为之前安装没有完全卸载。比如 MyEclipse(不论版本是啥)卸载后重新安装,提示:拷贝到计算机时出错;问题解决方案:。 ......
quot MyEclipse occurred software copying

yarn 出现 【 info There appears to be trouble with your network connection. Retrying... 】超时问题解决

第一种解决方案 # 调整为taobao镜像源 yarn config set registry 我用了没用,可以试试 第二种解决方案 要在项目根目录下创建后缀名为 .yarnrc 的文件,并设置 network-timeout 的值为 ......
connection Retrying appears network trouble

Verdi 覆盖率文件的打开、merge、存储

转载:Verdi 覆盖率文件的打开、merge、存储_verdi查看覆盖率-CSDN博客 Verdi 覆盖率文件的打开、merge、存储 当一次回归任务结束,会看到【xxx.vdb】文件夹的生成, 每一次回归任务都是提交很多用例(test),每一个用例(test)的代码覆盖率都是单独列出,总的代码覆 ......
覆盖率 文件 Verdi merge

Merge Code Process

打开 找到对应项目 点进去点Pull requests 新建一个 选中从哪个分支向哪个分支Merge 工具用Sourcetree ......
Process Merge Code

安装无限重置插件 报错“Your evaluation license has expired ….”您的评估许可证已过期,IntelliJ IDEA将退出

安装无限重置插件 报错“Your evaluation license has expired ….” 您的评估许可证已过期,IntelliJ IDEA将退出 最近不少小伙伴反馈,已经安装了IDE Eval Reset插件,但是在使用的过程中,仍然报错,弹窗提示:“Your evaluation l ......
evaluation 插件 IntelliJ 许可证 license

Go - Merge Sort

MergeSort.go package main func MergeSort(items []int) []int { n := len(items) var combined []int switch { case n <= 1: combined = items case n == 2: i ......
Merge Sort Go

ubuntu vscode cannot open source file "stddef.h" (dependency of "chrono"). Please run the 'Select IntelliSense Configuration...' command to locate your system headers.C/C++(1696)

cannot open source file "stddef.h" (dependency of "chrono"). Please run the 'Select IntelliSense Configuration...' command to locate your system heade ......

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance

访问不了 就是这个路径没有通 有几下几点 最重要的就是 看一下你的路径有没有错 主要就是看一下你服务器的端口号是不是变更了 或者就是你的ip、 第二点 就是看一下你的服务器有没有启动 这两点是最主要的 ......

git revert如何撤销某次merge或commits?

git revert 撤销某次操作,此次操作之前和之后的commit和history都会保留,并且把这次撤销作为一次最新的提交 撤销commits bash 复制代码 git revert -n 'commit id' 撤销某次merge 保留本分支内容,撤销'commit id'对应的内容 bas ......
commits revert merge git

【git pull】 error: You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).

问题 $ git pull error: You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists). hint: Please, commit your changes before merging. fatal: Exiting because o ......
MERGE_HEAD concluded exists error MERGE


Git分支合并(merge)时忽略dist文件 Git分支合并(merge)时忽略某个文件或者目录 ​ 前端项目不同分支dist文件合并到其他分支有很多冲突 操作步骤 1. 定义虚拟合并策略 git config --global merge.ours.driver true 其他配置可参考 Git ......
分支 文件 merge dist Git

部署错误解决(An error occurred while processing your request.)

An error occurred while processing your request. Request ID: 00-613112becd7848f0226b77690eb71d00-3769cb0d7144d878-00 Development Mode Swapping to Deve ......
processing occurred 错误 request error


目录0. 背景说明及测试数据1. 直接清空,重新插入2. 单条记录执行插入、更新操作3. Merge函数3.1 准备测试数据3.2 测试Merge3.3 关于Merge4.参考 shanzm-2023年9月12日 21:09:04 0. 背景说明及测试数据 什么是合并? 根据记录是否已经存在,决定是 ......
数据 T-SQL Merge SQL

Screen fragments should never be restored. Follow instructions from to properly configure your main activity.

Screen fragments should never be restored. Follow instructions from ......

打包发布版时报错 Error: The apk for your currently selected variant cannot be signed. Please specify a signing configuration for this variant (release).

当直接运行release版本时,报错 Error: The apk for your currently selected variant cannot be signed. Please specify a signing configuration for this variant (relea ......
variant configuration for currently selected

How to tell which version of HW your Tesla Model 3 is using All In One

How to tell which version of HW your Tesla Model 3 is using All In One 如何判断你的 Tesla Model 3 使用的是那个版本的 HW ......
version Tesla Model which using

安装cocoapods: Error installing cocoapods: The last version of activesupport (>= 5.0, < 8) to support your Ruby & RubyGems was Try installing it with `gem install activesupport -v`问题解决

问题描述: 在终端命令行安装cocoapods时,可能出现如下问题: Error installing cocoapods: The last version of activesupport (>= 5.0, < 8) to support your Ruby & RubyGems was 6.1 ......