middle meet the in

ERROR in node_modules/rxjs/dist/types/internal/operators/combineLatest.d.ts(3,61): error TS1005: ‘,’ expected.

原文链接:https://www.longkui.site/error/error-in-node_modules-rxjs/4839/ angular项目,启动的时候报错。详细的报错如下: 这个报错的原因比较简单,rxjs的版本不对,我用的是angular7可能和rxjs版本不匹配。 解法方法也很 ......

已解决ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 5] 拒绝访问。: 'e:\\python\\scripts\\pip.exe' Consider using the `--user` option or check the permissions.

已解决ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 5] 拒绝访问。: 'e:\\python\\scripts\\pip.exe' Consider using the `--user` option or check ......
permissions the Consider WinError packages

《Mastering the FreeRTOS Real Time Kernel》读书笔记(1)堆内存管理

这是161204的版本,不完全覆盖目前最新版本的内核。 0.关于freeRTOS 首先提出了了在小型嵌入式系统中为何需要多任务管理的问题,介绍了freeRTOS的用途。然后开始做广告,吹了一波freeRTOS的好处。其中要注意一些关键的名词:任务优先级分配、任务通知、队列、信号量、互斥锁、软定时器、 ......
Mastering FreeRTOS 内存 笔记 Kernel

关于微信小程序VM22:2 (in promise) MiniProgramError {“errMsg“:“hideLoading:fail:toast can‘t be found“

参考地址:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41227106/article/details/108465104 出现错误的原因如下 1、是微信小程序 2、把请求接口统一封装,开始请求接口时showLoading,请求接口后hideLoading 3、一个页面同时请求多个接口,由于请 ......

A Lightweight Method for Modeling Confidence in Recommendations with Learned Beta Distributions论文阅读笔记

A Lightweight Method for Modeling Confidence in Recommendations with Learned Beta Distributions论文阅读笔记 摘要 ​ 大多数推荐系统并不提供对其决策信心的指示。因此,他们不区分确定的建议和不确定的建议。现 ......

[LeetCode] 2282. Number of People That Can Be Seen in a Grid_Medium tag: stack.

You are given an m x n 0-indexed 2D array of positive integers heights where heights[i][j] is the height of the person standing at position (i, j). A ......
Grid_Medium LeetCode Number Medium People

[LeetCode] 1944. Number of Visible People in a Queue_Hard tag: stack

There are n people standing in a queue, and they numbered from 0 to n - 1 in left to right order. You are given an array heights of distinct integers ......
Queue_Hard LeetCode Visible Number People

npm package and peerDependencies All In One

npm package and peerDependencies All In One 组件库复用 peerDependencies dependencies & devDependencies & optionalDependencies ......
peerDependencies package npm and All

Programming abstractions in C阅读笔记:p176-p178

《Programming Abstractions In C》学习第59天,p176-p178总结。 一、技术总结 1.addtive sequences tn = tn-1 + tn-2 序列:3, 7, 10, 17, 27, 44, 71, 115, 186, 301, 487, 788, 1 ......
abstractions Programming 笔记 176 178

otImplementedError: "sortBed" does not appear to be installed or on the path, so this method is disabled.

NotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[10], line 5 3 s = pybedtools.BedTool(args.starrseq[0]).filter(lambda x: float(x[9]) > 1. ......

Codeforces Round 707 (Div. 2, based on Moscow Open Olympiad in Informatics) B. Napoleon Cake

按以下 \(n\) 次操作制作蛋糕。 叠上第 \(i\) 块面包,然后浇上 \(a_i\) 单位的奶油。可以使当前往下 \(a_i\) 块面包沾上奶油。 输出空格隔开的 \(n\) 个数,第 \(i\) 个的 \(0/1\) 代表第 \(i\) 块面包是否沾有奶油。 比较显然的思路可以进行差分修改。 ......

[CF878E]Numbers on the blackboard

E - Numbers on the blackboard 最后的答案肯定为\(\sum_{l\leq i\leq r} 2^{p_i}\times a_i\) 然后这个\(p\)满足以下限制: \(p_i=0\)(\(i=l\)) \(1\leq p_i\leq p_{i-1}+1\)(\(l<i ......
blackboard Numbers 878E 878 the

[CF160D] Edges in MST

Description You are given a connected weighted undirected graph without any loops and multiple edges. Let us remind you that a graph's spanning tree i ......
Edges 160D 160 MST CF

Failed to find "GL/gl.h" in

001、问题:Failed to find "GL/gl.h" in 002、解决方法 [root@pc1 cmake-3.27.7-build]# yum install mesa-lib* 。 参考:https://www.jianshu.com/p/5eeb3dd51c08 ......
quot Failed find to GL

在hadoop虚拟机里面使用hadoop jar运行打包文件,出现Exception in thread "main" org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException(org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RpcNoSuchProtocolException): Unknown protocol: org.apache.hadoop.的问题的解决

问题描述 更改了JDK版本之后,再次运行又出现了这个错误: 问题解决 经过查阅相关资料,发现是自己定义的hdfs的路径不太对,本来写的是这样的: 然后自己确实不记得配置环境时配置的是多少,就看了看这个文件core.site.xml: cat core-site.xml 然后看到这里: 使用的端口号是 ......

MongoDB Node.js Driver and MongoClient All In One

MongoDB Node.js Driver and MongoClient All In One ......
MongoClient MongoDB Driver Node All

Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist

一 背景 跑了一份centos容器,想装一下net-tools, 报如下错误 Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorl ......

smbclient: relocation error: /usr/lib64/samba/libsamdb-common-samba4.so: symbol ldb_msg_element_add_value version LDB_2.0.12 not defined in file libldb.so.2 with link time reference

smbclient: relocation error: /usr/lib64/samba/libsamdb-common-samba4.so: symbol ldb_msg_element_add_value version LDB_2.0.12 not defined in file libld ......

Learn Git in 30 days—— 第 29 天:如何将 Subversion 项目汇入到 Git 仓库

写的非常好的一个Git系列文章,强烈推荐 原文链接:https://github.com/doggy8088/Learn-Git-in-30-days/tree/master/zh-cn 当你越来越了解 Git 版本控制,一定会越来越想把手边的 Subversion ( 简称 SVN ) 项目改用 ......
Subversion 仓库 Git 项目 Learn

vscode git提交——报please enter the commit message for your changes....

如图: 其大意就是:在提交之前,需要给此次提交添加一些备注信息 1. git命令操作 git命令为:git commit -m "备注信息" 2. vscode操作 1)点击 + :暂存更改 2)在消息输入框中添加 备注信息(关键地方) 3)一定要输入 备注信息 后,再点击 提交,不然就会报“ple ......
changes message vscode commit please

Top 10 OSAT Companies in World

Top 10 OSAT Companies in World Global OSAT (Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test) market is largely dominated by ASE Technology Holding Co. Ltd. ......
Companies World OSAT Top 10

[903] Concatenate (merge) multiple dictionaries in Python

To concatenate (merge) multiple dictionaries in Python, you can use various methods depending on your Python version and preferences. Here are some co ......

[902] Get the current file's directory of CMD batch scripts

In a batch file, you can use the %~dp0 special variable to get the directory of the currently executing batch file. Here's how you can do it: @echo of ......
directory current scripts batch file

[898] Convert the data type of a DataFrame column

In Pandas, you can convert the data type of a DataFrame column to a string data type using the .astype() method. Here's how to do it: import pandas as ......
DataFrame Convert column data type

[896] Replace values in a DataFrame

You can replace values in a Pandas DataFrame using the replace() method or by directly assigning new values to specific DataFrame elements. Here's how ......
DataFrame Replace values 896 in

[895] Sort the rows of a DataFrame

In Pandas, the sort_values() method is used to sort the rows of a DataFrame by one or more columns. This method allows you to specify which column(s) ......
DataFrame Sort rows 895 the

Go - Finding the Shortest Path on a Graph

Problem: You want to find the shortest path between two nodes on a weighted graph. Solution: Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path betwee ......
Shortest Finding Graph Path the

$Mind the Gap$队伍实录

正式比赛 2023: ICPC Nanjing:未开始 CCPC Shenzhen:未开始 ICPC Jinan:未开始 交题圣经 " 语言别交错 long long 有没有开 空间够不够 大小够不够 自己的样例试过没 格式'\n'有没有 板子有没有写错 " 比赛战术 训练实录 2023.10.10 ......
队伍 Mind Gap the

AES key — encoded in the machine readable zone of a European ePassport

AES key — encoded in the machine readable zone of a European ePassport 题目地址 AES key — encoded in the machine readable zone of a European ePassport 解题过 ......
ePassport European readable encoded machine

【Https异常】This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS解决方法

参考:https://www.cnblogs.com/756623607-zhang/p/11790283.html 一、问题出现场景 项目从http升级到https后,jsp页面存在发送http请求的情况下就会出现该异常。因为HTTPS 是 HTTP over Secure Socket Laye ......
request blocked content 方法 served