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[LeetCode] 1676. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree IV

Given the root of a binary tree and an array of TreeNode objects nodes, return the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of all the nodes in nodes. All the nod ......
LeetCode Ancestor Common Binary Lowest

【每日一题】Problem 538B. Quasi Binary

[原题]( #### 解决思路 最简单的思路就是贪心了,每次生成不超过目标值的 $quasibinary$,即可使最终数量最少 ```C++ #include int quasibinary(int ma ......
Problem Binary Quasi 538

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1、npm install xxx -s npm install xxx -s、npm install xxx -S是npm install xxx --save的简写形式 局部安装,记录在package.js文件中dependencies对象中 dependencies:生产环境的依赖包 例如:v ......
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View --> Command Palette Input 'gotools' Click OK. ......
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sihclient.exe 是 Windows 操作系统中的一个进程,它代表"Software Installation Helper"(软件安装助手)。sihclient.exe 的主要功能是帮助管理和执行软件安装、更新和卸载操作。 具体来说,sihclient.exe 进程负责监控和处理在 Wi ......
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签订契约吧少年! 函数的调用者和实现者之间订立了一个契约—— 在调用函数之前,调用者要为实现者提供某些条件; 在函数返回时,实现者要对调用者尽到某些义务。 描述契约:靠函数接口(eg.函数名、参数、返回值) 学习每个库函数时一定要看Man Page!!! Man Page随时都在我们手边,想查什么只 ......
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ORA-65221 signalled during: alter pluggable database application APP$CDB$SYSTEM begin install '1.0'...

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pip install 报错 ProxyError

错误信息如下: ``` WARNING: Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'ProxyError('Cannot con ......
ProxyError install pip

CF1360H Binary Median 题解

提供一份好看的题解。 $2^m-n$ 个数的中位数排名是 $\lfloor\dfrac{2^m-n-1}2\rfloor$(从 $0$ 开始)。因为所有元素是连续的,只要数出被删掉的比中位数小的元素数量,那么 $\lfloor\dfrac{2^m-n-1}2\rfloor$ 加上数量就是中位数了。 ......
题解 Binary Median 1360H 1360

关于python:pip安装选项“ ignore-installed”和“ force-reinstall”之间的区别

参考: 官方文档解释: --force-reinstall Reinstall all packages even if they are already up-to-date. -I, --ignore-installed Ig ......

修改pip install默认安装路径的方法

1. 修改pip install默认安装路径 一般使用Anaconda时会使用 pip install ### 来安装各类包,但默认安装路径在C盘,极大占用空间,作为强迫症,我们通过以下步骤来修改默认安装路径。 1.1、查看pip 默认安装位置 第一步:通过win菜单,Anaconda3 找到Pro ......
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Sum in Binary Tree

Sum in Binary Tree time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Vanya really likes mat ......
Binary Tree Sum in

Android studio 安装应用出现 The application could not be installed: INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED 错误

### 错误详情 ``` Installation did not succeed. The application could not be installed: INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED List of apks: [0] '/Users/topjoy/git ......

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official web site, step by step to install GitHub - s0md3v/sd-webui-roop: roop extension for StableDiffusion web-ui if you got a ssl certifiert error, ......
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Anaconda环境下使用pip install selenium安装失败的解决办法

背景: 在Anaconda环境下执行pip install selenium,一直报time out错误 解决方法: python -m pip install selenium 参考资料: ......
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Python - pip install jupyterlab

(zpython) zzh@ZZHPC:~/zpython$ pip install jupyterlabERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement jupyterlab (from versions: none)ER ......
jupyterlab install Python pip

Anolis 8.8 (CentOS 8) install snapper to support system snapshot.

Anolis 8.8 (CentOS 8) install snapper to support system snapshot. cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ wget ......
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Windows下MySQL 5.7.20的installer 模式安装

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Can't exec "libtoolize": No such file or directory at /usr/share/autoconf/Autom4te/ line 345, line 5. autoreconf: failed to run libtoolize ......
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go get 和 go install 对比

(一)命令定义和区别 go install 和 go get 都是 Go 语言的工具命令,但它们之间有一些区别。 go get:用于从远程代码存储库(如 GitHub)中下载或更新 Go 代码包。它会下载代码包并将其存储在 $GOPATH/src 目录下对应的位置,并编译代码包中的程序和库。如果目标 ......
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pip install -r requirements.txt安装问题

## pip install -r requirements.txt安装问题 ### 一、requirements.txt介绍: 1. python项目中必须包含一个 requirements.txt 文件,用于记录所有依赖包及其精确的版本号。以便新环境部署。 requirements.txt可以通 ......
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.env # Password for the 'elastic' user (at least 6 characters) ELASTIC_PASSWORD=elastic@password # Password for the 'kibana_system' user (at least 6 c ......
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麒麟V10服务器安装MySQL报错file /etc/my.cnf from install of mysql-community-server-8.0.33-1.el7.x86_64 conflicts with file from package mariadb-common-3:10.3.9-9.p02.ky10.x86_64

1.问题描述 具体地说,"/etc/my.cnf" 文件与 "mysql-community-server-8.0.33-1.el7.x86_64" 包中的文件发生冲突,并与 "mariadb-common-3:10.3.9-9.p02.ky10.x86_64" 包中的文件相冲突。 这种冲突是由于系 ......

【构造,树】【Loj】Loj6669 Nauuo and Binary Tree

2023.7.3 [Problem Link]( 交互库有一棵 $n$ 个点的二叉树,你每次可以询问两个点之间的距离,猜出这棵二叉树。$n\le 3000$,询问次数上限 $30000$。 首先给你距离一定是先把每个点的深度问出来,确定一个大致的考虑顺序。 ......
Loj Binary Nauuo 6669 Tree