objectives you for and

es ctags for code on win

# setup ```ps1 # dep: tar, 7z, pwsh, java $theGrokRoot="D:/sevtest/opengrok" $theTomcatRoot="D:/sevtest/tomcat" $theGrokFile="./opengrok-1.12.11.tar.g ......
ctags code for win es

"Regexp AND LIKE"优化方法

与大多数数据库一样,MariaDB允许在WHERE子句中使用正则表达式进行查询。虽然这功能很强大,但在数据库中使用regexp的一个问题是它无法利用索引。原因很简单:查询优化器无法理解正则表达式,也无法对它们的返回值做出假设。 这篇文章提出了一个微不足道但反直觉的优化,有时可以解决这个限制。 对于下 ......
quot 方法 Regexp LIKE AND

Eclipse集成Maven打包时报错:[ERROR] Unknown lifecycle phase "mvn". You must specify a valid lifecycle phase

1、Eclipse集成Maven打包时报错:[ERROR] Unknown lifecycle phase "mvn". You must specify a valid lifecycle phase or a goal in the format。 使用eclipse打包项目,右击项目Run A ......
lifecycle phase quot 时报 Eclipse

What are the differences between in vivo and in vitro testing of drugs for toxicology Studies?

Toxicology is the science of studying the harmful effects of chemical, physical, biological, and other exogenous factors on biological systems. It can... ......

[ERROR] No loader is configured for ".node" files: node_modules/fsevents/fsevents.node

## 解决方法: 修改项目中./node_modules/fsevents/fsevents.js 文件 ```javascript //修改 const Native = require("./fsevents.node") //更改为 const Native = window.require( ......
fsevents node quot node_modules configured

Springboot api的controller如何接口一个List<Object>参数

1.正常情况下,你可能会这样写: @PostMapping("/delete") @ApiOperation("Delete list data") @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK) @ResponseBody public DBUpdateStatus deleteTe ......
Springboot controller 接口 参数 Object

Proj. CAR Paper Reading: C3PO: A Lightweight Copying Mechanism for Translating Pseudocode to Code

## Abstract 本文: 方法:直接从伪代码中利用多数tokens,以此节约计算代价 步骤: 1. Copy: 使用二分类来决定哪些pseudocode tokens to be masked,以便直接使用 2. Generate: 使用Seq2Seq来生成masked PL code 3. ......

python: Reading and Writing JSON to a File

#import json jsondata = { 'sqlserver': [ { "server": "DESKTOP-NQK85G5\GEOVIN2008", "useid": "sa", "password": "geovindu", "database": "Student" } ], ' ......
Reading Writing python JSON File

Binomial Theorem and Generating Functions

# Binomial Theorem Let $n$ be a nonnegative integer. Then $$ \sum_{k=0}^n 2^k\left(\begin{array}{l} n \\ k \end{array}\right)=3^n $$ Proof: We recogni ......
Generating Functions Binomial Theorem and

CF1515G Phoenix and Odometers

有点神仙的。 ## 题意 给定一张 $n$ 个点 $m$ 条边的有向图,有边权,进行 $q$ 次询问($n,m,q\le 2\times 10^5$,边权为不超过 $10^9$ 的正整数)。 每次询问给定三个参数 $v,s,t(0\le s using namespace std; using LL ......
Odometers Phoenix 1515G 1515 and

CF794F. Leha and security system

比较水的 *2800,但是考察对标记的理解。 有一个比较原始的思路:因为需要让所有数码为 $x$ 的改成 $y$,我们不难想到这样一个做法:对十进制下第 $1,2,3\ldots$ 位各开一棵线段树,每个节点存区间内每种数码的出现次数 $cnt_i$ ,最后用位值原理合并得到答案。 对于区间修改操作 ......
security system Leha 794 and

django orm 多对多 'NoneType' object is not iterable

1、报错截图,当小伙伴们遇到这种沙雕问题时是不是也是很烦躁? 2、分析Traceback ,发现有熟悉的,我重写了admin.ModelAdmin的save_related方法,分析应该是再多对多保存时出现了问题。 3、看上去好像是scripts这个字段在保存时出现了问题。然后发现这个字段在后台也做 ......
NoneType iterable django object 39


<s-template> <div id="app"> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Age</th> <th>Sex</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr v-for="person in peoples"> <td>{{ ......
v-for for

C++11:Auto Nullptr init for

Auto Auto关键字用于定义,不能用于声明 auto AddTest(int a, int b) { return a+b; } int main() { auto index = 10; auto str = "abc"; auto ret = AddTest(1, 2); } Nullptr ......
Nullptr Auto init for 11

检测数据类型instanceof || typeof || Object.prototype.toString.call()

typeof会返回一个运算数的基本类型,instanceof 返回的是布尔值 instanceof 可以准确判断引用数据类型,但是不能正确判断原始数据类型 typeof虽然可以判断原始数据类型(null 除外),但是无法判断引用数据类型(function 除外) instanceof 检测数据类型的 ......
instanceof prototype toString 类型 数据

CF261E Maxim and Calculator 题解

## 题面翻译 二元组$ (a,b)$,可以变成$ (a,b+1)$或$ (ab,b)$ 你有初始二元组$ (1,0)$,给你区间$ [l,r]$,和一个整数$ p$,在区间内选一个数$ x$,使$ (1,0)$在不超过$ p$步变化后,第一维的值变成$ x$,求$ x$的个数$ (2 #defin ......
题解 Calculator Maxim 261E 261

[Javascript] Event propagation: useCapture for addEventListener

What gets logged when clicking button? <div id="outer"> <div id="inner"> <button id="btn">Click me!</button> </div> </div> const outer = document.getE ......

Time Interval Aware Self-Attention for Sequential Recommendation

[TOC] > [Li J., Wang Y., McAuley J. Time interval aware self-attention for sequential recommendation. WSDM, 2020.](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3336 ......

SystemVerilog for Design Edition 2 Chapter 9

## SystemVerilog for Design Edition 2 Chapter 9 This chapter presents the many enhancements to Verilog that SystemVerilog adds for representing and wo ......
SystemVerilog Chapter Edition Design for

A Practical Methodology, HSM, Handler,Service,Model, for Golang Backend Development

A simple methodology or design pattern called HSM (Handler, Service, Model) or Golang backend development. HSM is similar to MVC but specifically tail... ......

Wireshark Filter for SSL Traffic

Wireshark Filter for SSL Traffic Useful Wireshark filter for analysis of SSL Traffic. Client Hello: ssl.handshake.type == 1 Server Hello: ssl.handshak ......
Wireshark Traffic Filter SSL for

.NET7 for LoongArch64(国产龙芯)

目前龙芯通过自己的指令集LA64支持了.Net7.0.1版本,一同被支持的有Ruby,Nodejs,Java,Electron,Python等。原文:[在此处](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=Mzg5NDYwNjU4MA==&mid=2247484873&idx= ......
LoongArch 国产 NET7 NET for

2023-06-20 TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'storeInfo' in undefined

前言:uniapp项目报错:[system] TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'storeInfo' in undefined 原因:data里面没有写return,如下: <script> export default { dat ......
39 TypeError storeInfo undefined operator

db2pd - A db2 monitoring and troubleshooting tool.

db2pd - A db2 monitoring and troubleshooting tool. In this blog we will see and learn about one of the important db2 tool which a DBA use it on daily ......
troubleshooting monitoring db2 db2pd db

Proj. CAR Paper Reading: Augmenting Decompiler Output with Learned Variable Names and Types

## Abstract 背景: 1. decompilers难以恢复注释、variable names, custom variable types 本文: 工具:DIRTY((DecompIled variable ReTYper) 方法: postprocesses decompiled fil ......

dup2 and dup修改和恢复进程的标准输入

`dup2(oldfd, newfd)`. 旧的文件描述符,和新的文件描述符指向同一个文件。 `int ans = dup(oldfd);` 返回值文件描述符和旧的文件描述符指向同一个文件。 通过dup/dup2,可以将多个文件描述符指向同一个文件实体,它们都可以等效得访问同一个文件。 dup2的操 ......
dup 进程 标准 dup2 and

Cannot invoke "Object.hashCode()" because "key" is null

奇葩问题,springboot+mybatis-plus 帮朋友解决bg,使用queryWrapper查询语句报错,Cannot invoke "Object.hashCode()" because "key" is null 使用的mybatis-plus-boot-start,3.3.2版本jd ......
quot hashCode because Cannot invoke

[20230616]One Deadlock of 'row cache lock' and 'library cache lock'.txt

[20230616]One Deadlock of 'row cache lock' and 'library cache lock'.txt--//链接http://ksun-oracle.blogspot.com/2023/06/one-deadlock-of-row-cache-lock-an ......
cache 39 lock 20230616 Deadlock

【Azure 应用服务】App Service for Container 无法拉取Docker Hub中的镜像替代方案

问题描述 创建App Service Container服务,选择从Docker Hub中获取appsmith/appsmith-ce 镜像(https://www.appsmith.com/ & https://hub.docker.com/r/appsmith/appsmith-ce/tags ......
应用服务 Container 镜像 Service 方案

WABCO DIAGNOSTIC KIT (WDI) WABCO Trailer and Truck Diagnostic Interface

Wabco Diagnostic Kit is a universal diagnostic tool designed for maintenance of trailers, trucks and buses. Wabco Diagnostic tool supports most popula ......