overwritten following changes files

simple cpp file logger

this is a simple cpp file logger implementation, which is copied from making log file - C++ Forum https://cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/168442/ /////// ......
simple logger file cpp

npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: create-remix@2.2.0

报错 执行 npx create-remix@latest --template ryanflorence/remix-tutorial-template 提示如下: npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be inst ......

elementui 工具使用el-form嵌入el-input组件添加@change事件,点击回车键(enter)时整个页面会刷新,以下是阻止页面刷新的方式

解决页面刷新问题就是阻止el-form上默认的提交事件@submit.native.prevent <el-form ref="formRef" :model="getFormData" size="small" label-width="auto" @submit.native.prevent> ......
页面 回车键 组件 elementui el-input

【安全测评/等保要求】金蝶V9/V10 “Apusic应用服务器未授权目录遍历” server_file 漏洞复现及修复

最近网安不定时扫描,我们服务器的金蝶AAS中间件V9版本,被扫出了“Apusic应用服务器未授权目录遍历” server_file 漏洞,我们先来回顾一下出现的问题: 漏洞页面 https://www.xxx.com:1234/sso/..;/admin/protected/selector/ser ......
server_file 漏洞 服务器 目录 Apusic

Git拉取失败 Your local changes would be overwritten by merge.Commit, stash or revert them to proceed.

今天在使用Git pull 代码的时候,出现了这样的问题: Git Pull Failed Your local changes would be overwritten by merge. Commit, stash or revert them to proceed. 这是因为本地有文件改动未提 ......
overwritten changes proceed Commit revert

The following perl modules required by RepeatModeler are missing from your system. Please install these first: JSON; JSON::PP; File::Which

001、问题 RepeatModeler 编译安装报错如下: 002、尝试逐个安装确实的perl模块; 也是各种问题; 最后不想折腾, 就大力出奇迹,全安装, 可一次解决所有报错; (base) [root@pc1 RepeatModeler-2.0.2a]# yum -y install perl ......

fatal error: pango/pangocairo.h: No such file or directory

001、问题; make threads=yes命令报错如下:fatal error: pango/pangocairo.h: No such file or directory 002、解决方法; 安装 pango-devel (base) [root@pc1 genometools-1.5.9] ......
pangocairo directory fatal error pango

fatal error: cairo.h: No such file or directory

001、make threads=yes 报错如下:fatal error: cairo.h: No such file or directory 002、在根目录查找改文件 (base) [root@pc1 ~]# find / -name "cairo.h" ## 系统中无改文件 (base) ......
directory fatal error cairo such

【动态规划 & 换根dp】Change Root DP

还在更新ing 前言 此乃小 Oler 的一篇小小算法随笔,从今日后,还会进行详细的修订。 一、简单介绍(change root dp) 如需了解树形dp的,本蒟蒻毛遂自荐,万字大文动态规划【树形dp】Tree DP ~~~详解 换根dp,又叫二次扫描,是树形DP的一种,是一种用来求解树上各点到其他 ......
动态 Change Root amp DP

/var/lib/docker/overlay2/41a765b3cfaa278a67414c5b89234adfdebac7182d4bcd1e7c8a2c6ac250dfb7-init/merged: no such file or directory 异常处理

现象:Error: Error response from daemon: error creating overlay mount to /var/lib/docker/overlay2/41a765b3cfaa278a67414c5b89234adfdebac7182d4bcd1e7c8a2c6 ......

./rmblastn: error while loading shared libraries: libzstd.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

001、问题, ./rmblastn 命令报错如下: ./rmblastn: error while loading shared libraries: libzstd.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 0 ......
shared file directory libraries rmblastn


#!/bin/bashdatept-online-schema-change --alter "ADD INDEX idx_01(create_time)" D=database_name,t=table_name --charset utf8mb4 --nocheck-replication-fi ......

[934] Run the python file directly (ArcGIS Pro)

ref: The Edit with IDLE and Run with ArcGIS Pro options are not available in the context menu when right-clicking Python files Description In some ins ......
directly ArcGIS python file 934

启动nginx报错nginx: [emerg] unexpected end of file, expecting "}" in /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf:

启动nginx报错:“nginx: [emerg] unexpected end of file, expecting “}” in /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf:118”重启nginx时,报这么个错: [root@localhost conf]# /usr/lo ......
nginx conf quot unexpected expecting

nginx报错 [error] 612#4188: CreateFile() "C:\yjzx\nginx-1.24.0/logs/nginx.pid" failed (2: The system cannot find the file specified)

背景 无论是nginx -s stop还是nginx -s reload命令,都会出现这个错误。 [error] 612#4188: CreateFile() "C:\yjzx\nginx-1.24.0/logs/nginx.pid" failed (2: The system cannot fin ......
nginx quot CreateFile specified cannot

Unity DOTS系列之Struct Change核心机制分析

最近DOTS发布了正式的版本, 我们来分享一下DOTS里面Struct Change机制,方便大家上手学习掌握Unity DOTS开发。 基于ArchType与Chunk的Entity管理机制 我们回顾以下ECS的内存管理核心机制,基于ArchType+Chunk的Entity管理模式。每个Enti ......
机制 核心 Change Struct Unity

PHP file_get_contents(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error message...

在调试php脚本代码时,发现使用 file_get_contents() 函数请求HTTPS的网址链接时出现了报错,其报错代码如下面所示“file_get_contents(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error message...”百 ......

【python】-bash: /usr/local/bin/pip: /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory的问题解决

安装单独的第三方库时没有问题 pip install pandas但是一旦使用requirement.txt批量安装第三方库时就会出现 -bash: /recorddata/rebuydata/hppy/soft/python3/bin/pip3: /usr/local/source/hppy/so ......
python interpreter bin directory usr

mysql docker容器中导入数据库失败 Failed to open file ‘‘****.sql‘‘, error: 2

mysql docker 容器中导入数据库失败【Failed to open file ‘’****.sql’’, error: 2】使用浑身解数docker exec -it xxxxxxxxx sh 进入mysql容器。mysql -uroot -pxxxx 登陆use database; 切换 ......
容器 数据库 数据 docker Failed

debian 11 安装docker-ce 出现异常 “Hash Sum mismatch Hashes of expected file”

最近接手一个新的项目,需要在内网布置一套新系统,有docker 版本的要求,原来的docker 版本过低需要进行升级,按部就班的升级docker如下 安装 # 这里是用的debian 11 # 如果安装过docker apt-get remove docker docker-engine docke ......
docker-ce mismatch expected debian Hashes

InnoDB 存储引擎之 Insert Buffer / Change Buffer

Mysql 5.7 InnoDB 存储引擎整体逻辑架构图 一、索引概述 CREATE TABLE `t_user`( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '主键 id', `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL ......
Buffer 引擎 InnoDB Change Insert

PageOffice保存时The file format is not allowed

情景描述:最新用PageOffice做word在线编辑功能,但是保存时一直报错The file format is not allowed。如下图: 问题分析:把word文件放到官方demo中,编辑保存没有问题,最后排查到是pageofficeCtrl.WebOpen传入的参数DocumentURL ......
PageOffice allowed format file The

CF911G Mass Change Queries

CF911G Mass Change Queries 题解 首先这题有一个很一眼的分块做法,并且由于只需要维护颜色,所以会极其好写。 对每个块维护并查集,表示整块中颜色变成了哪个颜色,每个位置单独也指向一个颜色表示最初指向哪个颜色,这样就很好维护了。 但是发现值最大只有 \(100\),所以考虑和值 ......
Queries Change 911G Mass 911

linux启动mysql数据库,报错mysql: error while loading shared libraries: libtinfo.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

如下 原因: 解决方案: 1、在/usr/lib64目录里面找一个差不多名称版本的文件进行链接 # 软连接出一个新的文件 sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/libtinfo.so.6.1 /usr/lib64/libtinfo.so.5 若本服务器没有相近版本的文件 2、从其他服务器下载一 ......
shared mysql file directory libraries

[930] arcpy - change spatial reference, zoom to layer and export to PDF

The general idea is as follows: aprx -> layout -> map -> layer -> extent layout -> setExtent layout -> exportToPDF The script is as follows: def expor ......
reference spatial change export arcpy

Roma and Changing Signs

传送门 记\(t\)为\(a\)中\(a_i<0\)的数的个数。 若\(k \le t\),则从小到大将负数变成正数最优。 假设不这么操作最优,也就是选了一个较大的负数或者正数取反,将它们换成一个小的负数取反,答案不劣。 若\(k \ge t\)且\(k-t\)为偶数。 所有数的和为\(s_1\), ......
Changing Signs Roma and

Climate Change

Problem: Climate WarmingOverview: According to data from the National Climate Center, China's annual average temperature has shown a significant upwar ......
Climate Change

Please take a look at the provided example service unit files in this directory, and adapt and install them. Sorry!

安装Redis,执行 install_server.s 脚本时,出现如下报错: 解决方案,注释掉 install_server.sh 中的部分代码,注释代码详情如下: 再次执行 install_server.sh 脚本,结果如下: ......
and directory provided example install

docker安装msyql5.7报错:mysqld: Can't read dir of '/etc/mysql/conf.d/' (Errcode: 2 - No such file or directory)

安装mysql5.7时使用 #docker拉取镜像命令 docker pull mysql:5.7 #docker安装MySQL命令 docker run -p 3306:3306 --name mysql -v /mydata/mysql/log:/var/log/mysql -v /mydata ......
directory 39 Errcode docker msyql5

[极客大挑战 2019]Secret File

打开题目如下。 查看页面源代码,发现存在 Archive_room.php 文件。 访问 Archive_room.php 文件如下。 使用 BurpSuite 抓包,点击 SECRET 后,发现其中某个跳转的页面源代码存在提示 secr3t.php。 HTTP/1.1 302 Found Serv ......
Secret 2019 File