powers super 11752 the

[Vue warn]: Runtime directive used on component with non-element root node. The directives will not function as intended.

![](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/1987782/202308/1987782-20230815231125882-1972945533.png) ### 原因 意思是自定义指令不能放到组件上,而是要放到自有的元素上,也就是这里用到的`v-dialogDrag ......

Unveiling the Power of Diagnostic Tools: Cat Caterpillar ET, Volvo Vocom II Interface, JLR DoIP VCI, WABCO Diagnostic Kit, and GM Tech 2

In the realm of automotive diagnostics, the right tools can make all the difference. Whether you're a professional mechanic or an avid car enthusiast, ......

CF1850H The Third Letter

### 题目大意 $n$ 个士兵站队,给出 $m$ 个限制,要求士兵 $b$ 站在士兵 $a$ 前面距离为 $d$ 的位置,可以有多个士兵站在同一个位置。询问给定限制下是否存在合法的列队方案。 ### 思路 我们考虑把互相有直接或间接限制的点看作一棵树,加入到树中的结点是受到限制的。 最开始的状况没 ......
Letter 1850H Third 1850 The

CF776D The Door Problem

### 题目大意 给定门和钥匙的数量,每把钥匙控制 $k_i$ 扇门,每扇门被两把钥匙控制。 给定初始时每扇门的状态,求是否存在一种方法使得所有的门都打开。 ### 思路 扩展域并查集。 考虑分类讨论: - 对于开着的门,要么两把钥匙都用,要么两把钥匙都不用; - 对于关着的门,两把钥匙只能用一把。 ......
Problem 776D Door 776 The

Matrix Power Series

描述 Given a n × n matrix A and a positive integer k, find the sum S = A + A2 + A3 + … + Ak. 题意 已知矩阵A,算A^1+A^2+....+A^k,元素对m取模 二分递归,如果k为偶数,,因为是等比矩阵,所以前一 ......
Matrix Series Power

tzoj7929: Matrix Power Series

题意 给定一个n*n大小的矩阵A,求以A为公比的等比数列的前k项和。 解题思路 直接从1到k矩阵快速幂每项相加肯定是会超时的,而如果用公式计算需要求逆矩阵非常麻烦,而且有可能会溢出。 因此我们使用分治求解。 当n为奇数时, 当n为偶数时, 分治求解即可。 #include <bits/stdc++. ......
Matrix Series Power tzoj 7929

Lifting the Stone

Smiling & Weeping 繁花落尽,我心中仍有花落的声音 一朵,一朵,在无人的山间轻轻飘落 题目链接:1385 -- Lifting the Stone (poj.org) 思路:将多边形三角剖分,计算出每个三角形的重心,三角形的重心是顶点坐标的平均值,然后对每个三角形的有向面积求加权平均 ......
Lifting Stone the

python中 super().__init__() 是什么意思? 有何作用?

在定义模型时,很多python的代码里的开始会有super().__init__(),它有什么作用? super()用来调用父类(基类)的方法。这样,子类中可以不必重复定义某些函数,直接调用父类的即可。 __init__()是类的构造方法,存放在创建对象时会自动执行的语句。 super().__in ......
意思 作用 python super init

python 解决Could not import the lzma module. Your installed Python is incomplete问题

python 安装好pandas后import报错 如下图: ![image](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/2865005/202308/2865005-20230815114944834-59637183.png) >原因分析 在执行./configure和m ......
incomplete installed python import Python

Table locking modes supported by the import utility

Table locking modes supported by the import utility https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/db2/10.5?topic=import-table-locking-during Last Updated: 2021-03-01 Th ......
supported locking utility import Table

ADM4016I The index indexName on the source table source-table does not match any partitioned indexes on the target table target-table . ALTER TABLE ATTACH processing continues.

ADM4016I The index indexName on the source table source-table does not match any partitioned indexes on the target table target-table . ALTER TABLE AT ......

Git常见报错:Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge

### 1、报错原因 该报错在git pull时出现,一句话解释就是你在本地改动了代码但是还没有提交,此时再拉取最新代码,远程代码和你当前的本地代码发生冲突!(注意有冲突时才会提示,如果没有冲突,则git pull成功,因为git pull实质上就是一个远程分支merge到本地分支过程。 ### 2 ......
overwritten following changes local files

Oracle启动监听报错:The listener supports no services或出现 unknown状态解决

1、查看$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora 文件中的host是否正确,能不能ping通 2、查看$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora文件中的host是否与listener.ora中的一致 3、查看/etc/host ......
listener supports services 状态 unknown

CF793F Julia the snail 题解

## 题意 有一个长为 $n$ 的杆,上面有 $m$ 条绳子,每条绳子可以让蜗牛从 $l_i$ 爬到 $r_i$(中途不能离开),保证 $r_i$ 各不相同。蜗牛也可以自然下落。 现在有 $q$ 次询问,询问 $x$ 出发,途中高度不能低于 $x$ 或高于 $y$,问最高能爬到的位置。 $n,m,q ......
题解 Julia snail 793F 793

The field file exceeds its maximum permitted size of 1048576 bytes.

org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.impl.FileSizeLimitExceededException: The field file exceeds its maximum permitted size of 1048576 bytes. 文件上传出现 ......
permitted 1048576 exceeds maximum field

GPT-Use the mic on RK3588

## 1 Find the mic In order to find the microphone on your system, you can use the `aplay` and `arecord` commands. These commands will list the availab ......
GPT-Use 3588 GPT Use the

[LeetCode] 2369. Check if There is a Valid Partition For The Array

You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums. You have to partition the array into one or more contiguous subarrays. We call a partition of the array  ......
Partition LeetCode Check Array There

安装MinGW时报错“The file has been downloaded incorrectly!”解决方案

这篇文章提供了Windows下安装MinGW报错“The file has been downloaded incorrectly!”的解决方案,简单来说,就是不用下载器,自己找好文件下载就行。 ......

Excel:Power Automate VS UiPath

读取和写入差别:Power Automate需要通过激活Sheet来确定写入那个Sheet,VBA操作逻辑一样;而UiPath用一个写入控件就可以直接指定写入的Sheet,符合开发逻辑。 ......
Automate UiPath Excel Power VS

解决Mac 上码云gitee或者github出现The requested URL returned error: 403

出现场景 要把某个项目push到码云上,已经设置了仓库地址,在最后一步直接报错。 adodeMacBook-Pro:yimabao ado$ git push --set-upstream origin master remote: [session-774b45b9] Access denied ......
requested returned github gitee error

【转载】The secret to success

## Article Format Source ChatGPT ## Main Content Source Title: The secret to success Source: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/35819739 Author:壹号课堂 ## Main ......
success secret The to

Go - What's the point of one-way channels in Go?

A channel can be made read-only to whoever receives it, while the sender still has a two-way channel to which they can write. For example: func F() <- ......
channels one-way point Go What

The selected directory is not a validhome for Go SDK

安装IDE集成开发工具配置 IDE版本:goland-2020.2.3_Protable 错误:下边指定go的sdk错误解决 报“The selected directory is not a validhome for Go SDK”报错解决方法 出现这个错误的原因是 idea 的Go-plugi ......
directory validhome selected The SDK

Power BI: 如何在Power BI报告中播放在线视频

问题描述: 今天业务同事来询问如何才能在自己开发的Power BI报告首页插入并展示一段短视频。 此视频的目的是简单介绍一下Power BI报告的用途。让新用户可以迅速了解报告都包含了那些内容。 解决方案: 目前Power BI自带的图形化组件是无法实现这个需求的,不过Power BI有个自带的官方 ......
Power 在线视频 报告 视频 BI

WSL2 Cannot connect to the Docker daemon [已解决]

如果你已经在网上找了很多方法了,那建议你再试试这个。 1,进入WSL2,去除WSL1遗留的环境变量 ``` shell unset DOCKER_HOST ``` 2,设置Docker-Desktop指定运行的wsl2环境,默认是docker-desktop ![image](https://img ......
connect Cannot Docker daemon WSL2

G. Vlad and the Mountains

G. Vlad and the Mountains Vlad decided to go on a trip to the mountains. He plans to move between $n$ mountains, some of which are connected by roads. ......
Mountains Vlad and the

The MySQL server is running with the LOCK_WRITE_GROWTH option so it cannot execute this statement

然后百度 参考:The MySQL server is running with the LOCK_WRITE_GROWTH option so it cannot execute this statement_冰尘s1的博客-CSDN博客 mysql报错The MySQL server is ru ......

Cisco Wireless - Disabling Access Point USB Port to Minimize Power Draw

Introduction In this article, we take a look at reducing the power used by some Cisco access point models, by disabling the built-in USB port, which i ......
Disabling Wireless Minimize Access Cisco

题解 Gym 102978F【Find the LCA】

## problem You are given an integer sequence $A_1,A_2,\ldots,A_N$. You'll make a rooted tree with $N$ vertices numbered from $1$ through $N$. The vert ......
题解 102978F 102978 Find Gym

Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do

今天在idea里面创建了一个项目,然后又在gitee中创建了一个项目,然后我打算把idea上面的那个小demo上传到我的gitee仓库中,结果一直报 Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do这样的错误,其中原 ......
rejected contains Updates because remote