rte_eth_devices re-linking different consider

CF660E Different Subsets For All Tuples

题意 给定一个长度为 \(n\) 的序列。 每个数字的范围为 \([1, m]\)。 求一共 \(m ^ n\) 种数列,每个数列种本质不同的子序列个数之和。 Sol 考虑用一种比较好的方式表示答案。 枚举本质不同的子序列长度,枚举中间跳过的数的个数。 \[m ^ n + \sum_{i = 1} ......
Different Subsets Tuples 660E 660

CF1867F Most Different Tree记录

题目链接:https://codeforces.com/contest/1867/problem/F 题意简述 记 \(P(T)\) 为一棵树 \(T\) 的所有子树的集合。给定一棵 \(n\) 个点的树 \(T\),找出点数相同的树 \(T'\),使 \(P(T')\) 的“与 \(P(T)\) ......
Different 1867F 1867 Most Tree

[LeetCode] 2482. Difference Between Ones and Zeros in Row and Column

You are given a 0-indexed m x n binary matrix grid. A 0-indexed m x n difference matrix diff is created with the following procedure: Let the number o ......
Difference and LeetCode Between Column

使用Apache POI 导入导出时出现You need to call a different part of POI to process this data (eg XSSF instead of HSSF)Java异常

问题复现 在学习导出功能时使用HSSFWorkbook导出了一个xxx.xlsx格式的文件,然后用XSSFWorkbook的读取方式来拿文件去导入时出现了这个bug 这是当时做导出测试代码 Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); CreationHelper creati ......
POI different instead process Apache

vscode报错Already included file name ‘xxx‘ differs from file name ‘xxx‘ only in casing的解决方法:

场景:我们创建了一个文件是小写开头的,又改成大写开头的。 比如: relationDemo.vue 改成 RelationDemo.vue 原因:缓存的判重逻辑是不区分大小写导致的。在这种情况下,vscode缓存中放的是relationDemo.vue,改了大小写后,vscode试图把Relatio ......
file name xxx included Already

报错:Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL cli

IDEA启动项目登录时显示用户或密码错误 或者 连接mysql数据库时报错 原因: mysql8 之前的版本中加密规则是mysql_native_password,而在mysql8之后,加密规则是caching_sha2_password,所以可以需要改变mysql的加密规则 打开cmd窗口,登录m ......

CF1838C No Prime Differences 题解

题意: 思路: 构造: $ n $ 行 $ m $ 列,先填奇数行,每行填 $ m $ 个,第 $ 2i - 1 $ 行依次填入 $ (i - 1) \cdot m + 1 $ , $ (i - 1) \cdot m + 2 $ , $ ... $ , $ i \cdot m - 1 $ , $ i ......
题解 Differences 1838C Prime 1838

[LeetCode] 1685. Sum of Absolute Differences in a Sorted Array

You are given an integer array nums sorted in non-decreasing order. Build and return an integer array result with the same length as nums such that re ......
Differences LeetCode Absolute Sorted Array

node连接mysql时报错Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

尝试用node编写一个简单的登录接口,结果启动服务后请求接口出现了该错误。 其问题就是访问的工具身份验证协议过于落后,在node内安装的2.18.1 mysql包。 解决: 先登录数据库。 use mysql;(mysql为数据库名) 提示Database changed; 查询表中信息 ; sel ......

nodejs "Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client"

登录mysql输入以下命令: -- 选择mysql数据库:use mysql-- laremehpe是登录用户名ALTER USER 'laremehpe'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' PASSWORD EXPIRE NEVER;-- laremehpe ......

简单例子理解 Qt 中 QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread. 问题

c++ gui programming with qt 中关于 QThread的用法的限制 下面这句话的翻译不清 QObject is reentrant, but there are three constraints to keep in mind: Child QObjects must be ......
different children 例子 QObject Cannot

[937] Combine different shapefiles and remove duplicate features

In arcpy, you can combine different shapefiles and remove duplicate features using the arcpy.management.Merge tool and the arcpy.management.DeleteIden ......

EF报错:Unable to create an object of type 'XXXXXXX'. For the different patterns supported at design time, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851728

这个是在EF迁移的时候报错: 解决方案:修改你的MyDbcontext: 代码如下: public class StoreDbContexttFactory : IDesignTimeDbContextFactory< ‘你的类名’> { public ‘你的类名’CreateDbContext(s ......

ALLEGRO导网表报错This reference has already been assigned to a different package type

(1)QUESTION(ORCAP-1589): Net has two or more aliases - possible short?原因:器件默认管脚命名(NET名称)与所连接网络的NET名称不一致导致的措施:可忽略。或关闭Tools->Design Rules Check->Physica ......
表报 reference different assigned ALLEGRO

[Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking <some> event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39152877/consider-marking-event-handler-as-passive-to-make-the-page-more-responsive Passive event listeners:https: ......

[LeetCode] 2574. Left and Right Sum Differences

Given a 0-indexed integer array nums, find a 0-indexed integer array answer where: answer.length == nums.length. answer[i] = |leftSum[i] - rightSum[i] ......
Differences LeetCode Right 2574 Left

codeforces 1829G. Hits Different 容斥原理+记忆化搜索

题目描述: 给定一个n,把n给打倒,然后递归的求出包含n在内的上面所有的会倒下的瓶子值的平方和。 这里使用二分先求出目前给定的n的行号i和列号j。观察可以发现,对于所有的列号j,j=1或者j=i时,是需要考虑往上单边的总和,其他情况都有两个分支。 再观察可以发现,两个分支在再上一行的重合部分,会被d ......
codeforces Different 原理 记忆 1829

SAP: 1、Large time difference between application server and database. 求解决

1、Large time difference between application server and database. 请解决 环境: WIN2003(X64) + SQL SERVER2008 + SAP ECC6 EHP7 ......

kernel function: the difference beween cdev_add and device_create

To use a character driver, first you should register it with the system. Then you should expose it to the user space. 1. cdev_init and cdev_add functi ......

AT_abc301_h [ABC301Ex] Difference of Distance

AT_abc301_h [ABC301Ex] Difference of Distance 更好的阅读体验 一道基础图论,很好口胡,但是实现不太简单。 考虑离线,把询问挂在边上,按边权从小到大处理。 处理到一个边权时,把边权小于它的边的两端用并查集合并,对于等于这个边权的边在并查集上建图,跑一边 t ......
Difference 301 Distance AT_abc ABC

(待完善)Same data type with different length

首先,问题的前提是:不同数据类型的实际大小是依赖于编译器的具体实现的,那么假设在一个long为8B的平台,使用long作为例如memcpy的参数进行数据移动,并且指定的要移动的字节数超过了4B所能表示的最大值,那么如果将此代码移动到一个long为4B的平台,代码就会出现问题,因为此时的long已无法 ......
different length Same data type

CF1707B [Difference Array]

Problem 题目简述 设序列 \(a\) ,并且是单调递增的。设 \(a\) 当前长度为 \(l\),你要对 \(a\) 作差分,即令 \(b_i = a_{i+1} - a_i(1\le i < l)\),然后使 \(b\) 数组保持单调递增。 一直持续操作,直到 \(a\) 数组中只有一个元 ......
Difference 1707B Array 1707 CF

[ARC128E] K Different Values

[ARC128E] K Different Values 考察 \(k=2\) 的情形,这个很经典,就是绝对众数。这样的话我们发现显然的一个必要条件是 \(\max A_i \le \lceil \frac{n}{k} \rceil\)。进一步,我们按照 \(k\) 为块长分块,还需满足 \(A_i ......
Different Values 128E ARC 128

已解决ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 5] 拒绝访问。: 'e:\\python\\scripts\\pip.exe' Consider using the `--user` option or check the permissions.

已解决ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 5] 拒绝访问。: 'e:\\python\\scripts\\pip.exe' Consider using the `--user` option or check ......
permissions the Consider WinError packages

【论文笔记】A theory of learning from different domains

防盗 https://www.cnblogs.com/setdong/p/17756127.html domain adaptation 领域理论方向的重要论文. 这篇笔记主要是推导文章中的定理, 还有分析定理的直观解释. 笔记中的章节号与论文中的保持一致. 1. Introduction doma ......
different learning domains 笔记 theory

ARC166E Fizz Buzz Difference

题面传送门 首先一个观察是随着 \(n\) 的增大,最长的区间肯定是增大的,因此可以直接把等式放缩成 \(\leq n\)。 另一个观察使为了使区间长度最大,左右端点肯定是顶着两个 \(a\) 的,不妨设其为 \(al+1\) 和 \(ar-1\)。 将 \(a,b\) 先搞成互质的,那么现在的问题 ......
Difference 166E Fizz Buzz ARC

difference between a Client-Server and Sender-Receiver interface in Autosar

the difference between a Client-Server and Sender-Receiver interface in Autosar In a Client-Server interface, the client requests a service from the s ......

【DP】CF1829G Hits Different 题解

CF1829G 先将整个塔变为一个直角三角形的模样。这时就可以很好的用数组表示了,这时发现答案就是一个倒着的等腰直角三角形的和(不考虑边界)。 考虑预处理。 令 \(a_i\) 为点 \(i\) 所在的行数,\(f_i\) 表示 \(i\) 号点的答案,\(g_i\) 表示 \(i\) 和 它正上方 ......
题解 Different 1829G 1829 Hits

Different HPC-focoused containerization solutions

Why WASM containerzation in HPC systems recommended in the paper in the "privilege aspect" [TOC] paper can be accessed here: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10 ......