shapefiles different duplicate features

Paper Reading:ControlBurn-Feature Selection by Sparse Forests

针对存在大量相关特征时重要特征的影响被削弱的问题,本文设计了一种通过稀疏森林来消除相关偏差的特征选择算法 ControlBurn。首先使用套袋和提升等方法生成森林,然后通过一个平衡特征稀疏性和预测性能的组 LASSO 惩罚目标为每棵树选择稀疏权值,从而减少树的数量。与 Wrapper 特征选择方法不... ......

Paper Reading: A pareto-based ensemble of feature selection algorithms

本文将集成特征选择问题建模为具有两个目标的帕累托优化问题,提出一种类型的异构集成特征选择算法 PEFS。首先采用两种聚合方法对四种不同 FS 方法得到的结果进行组合,接着使用双目标优化来评估这些结果,最后根据非优势特征在双目标空间中的拥挤距离进行排序。该方法平衡了关联度和冗余性两种不同的 FS 方法... ......

【RL】L7-Temporal-difference learning

## TD learning of state values The data/experience required by the algorithm: - $\left(s_0, r_1, s_1, \ldots, s_t, r_{t+1}, s_{t+1}, \ldots\right)$ or ......

MYSQL Replace into 和 Insert into duplicate key update 对比

有些同学对MYSQL中两个看似相同功能的语句,在使用中感到疑惑,到底是功能重复还是各有各自的特点,我们需要弄清楚,并在合适的场合对他们加以利用。 我们通过几个操作来详细了解一下他们的使用方式和异同点 情况一, 判断当前ID 是否存在 ID = 1 的记录,如果有就更新数据,如果没有则插入记录 这里如 ......
into duplicate Replace Insert update

DataFrame 去重,指定列去重drop_duplicates

import pandas as pd # 创建示例 DataFrame data = { 'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Alice', 'Charlie', 'Bob'], 'Age': [25, 30, 25, 35, 30] } df = pd.DataFrame(dat ......
drop_duplicates duplicates DataFrame drop

vue报错 Multiple assets emit different content to the same filename index.html

vue-cli版本:@vue/cli@5.0.8 报错现象:想把css和script全部内嵌到html文件中,就用了"HtmlInlineScriptPlugin"插件,打包后js代码被嵌到了head里,导致代码提前执行找不到#app,再配置HtmlWebpackPlugin插件通过inject: ......
different Multiple filename content assets


前端使用shpjs库处理shp压缩文件(.zip),在没有.cpg文件的情况下会出现中文乱码问题。.cpg文件中定义了字符编码的格式,通过shp.js源码,可以看出是parseDbf这个库的函数解析dnf文件需要获取字符编码格式(encoding),最简单的方法是将整个shpjs模块复制到src下面 ......
文件 乱码 前端 shapefile 情况

difference between store procedures and functions

Functions can't modify anything and must have at least one parameter. They also have to return a result. Stored procedures don't need a parameter, may ......


> 新旧更迭,不辞旧来迎新。 > 每添加一个新功能,最好新建一个feature分支在上边开发,完成后合并,最后删除这一分支。 所以正常操作就是新建分支,进入新分支,编写代码,提交代码,切回主分支,准备合并。 如果忽然这个功能不需要了,要如何销毁这一分支呢? 直接使用git branch -d fea ......
分支 Feature 笔记 git

The difference between Chrome and Firefox

The difference about digital certificates. # Firefox See the alarm info. ![]( ......
difference Firefox between Chrome The

Spartacus CMS Feature selector 的实现明细

有下面这段代码: ```typescript import { createFeatureSelector, MemoizedSelector } from '@ngrx/store'; import { CmsState, CMS_FEATURE, StateWithCms } from '../ ......
Spartacus selector Feature CMS


在Git版本控制系统中,master、develop和feature分支都是常用的分支类型,它们有不同的用途和特点。 master分支:master分支是Git默认的主分支,它包含了项目的稳定版本。通常,master分支用于发布正式版本,即经过测试和验证的可靠代码。一般情况下,不应该直接在maste ......
分支 develop feature master git

The file extension is not supported by Shapefile data provider.

后端返回:文件上传失败:The file extension is not supported by Shapefile data provider. 表明此时上传/处理的文件不符合标准。 ......
Shapefile extension supported provider file

无效重复类定义错误:Invalid duplicate class definition of class xxxx

### Description ``` log startup failed: /xxxx/OrderFixFile.groovy: 5: Invalid duplicate class definition of class OrderFixFile : The source /xxxx/Orde ......
class definition duplicate 错误 Invalid

configure: WARNING: expat is missing or unusable; some features may be unavailable.

001、问题:configure: WARNING: expat is missing or unusable; some features may be unavailable. 002、解决方法 [root@PC1 gdb-13.2]# yum install expat-devel 003、验 ......

[LeetCode] 1218. Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given Difference

Given an integer array arr and an integer difference, return the length of the longest subsequence in arr which is an arithmetic sequence such that th ......

ORA-03001: Unimplemented Feature

一、创建主键添加online报错 ORA-03001: unimplemented feature 二、官网解决办法 ORA-03001: Unimplemented Feature When Adding Constraints With Online Clause from 19.11 (Doc ......
Unimplemented Feature 03001 ORA

mysql报错ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY'

创建表语句: ```sql CREATE TABLE `mytable` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, `col` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '未知', `col1` int(11) NOT N ......
39 Duplicate PRIMARY mysql ERROR

FOSTER:Feature Boosting and Compression for Class-Incremental Learning论文阅读笔记

## 摘要 先前的类增量学习方法要么难以在稳定性-可塑性之间取得较好的平衡,要么会带来较大的计算/存储开销。受gradient boosting的启发,作者提出了一种新型的两阶段学习范式FOSTER,以逐步适应目标模型和先前的集合模型之间的残差,使得该模型能够自适应地学习新的类别。具体来说,作者首先 ......

P3519 [POI2011]ROZ-Difference

考虑枚举最大的字母所处的位置 $i$ 作为端点和最小的字母 $j$。 然后就有记录一下前缀出现次数 $cnt$,枚举一个区间。 $$cnt_{i, ch_i} - cnt_{i, j} - (cnt_{i',ch_i} -cnt_{i', j})$$ 求这个式子最大值。显然这两个式子相似,记录一下关 ......
ROZ-Difference Difference P3519 3519 2011

The proxy difference between mitmproxy and fiddle

# Description 1. A bank webside , I can caught the https flows when to use fiddle ; 2. And I caught fail of the https flows when to use mitmproxy , - ......
difference mitmproxy between fiddle proxy

postgres 错误duplicate key value violates unique constraint 解决方案

报错信息: django.db.utils.IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "parent_parentprofile_pkey"DETAIL: Key (id)=(3) already exists. 原 ......

What are the differences between in vivo and in vitro testing of drugs for toxicology Studies?

Toxicology is the science of studying the harmful effects of chemical, physical, biological, and other exogenous factors on biological systems. It can... ......

Remove Duplicates from Sorted List

Given the head of a sorted linked list, delete all duplicates such that each element appears only once. Return the linked list sorted as well. **Examp ......
Duplicates Remove Sorted List from

EulerNet Adaptive Feature Interaction Learning via Euler’s Formula for CTR Prediction

[TOC] > [Tian Z., Bai T., Zhao W., Wen J. and Cao Z. Eulernet: Adaptive feature interaction learning via euler’s formula for ctr prediction. SIGIR, 20 ......

Feature Engineering: 超好用的特征工程Python库: feature_engine https://feature-engine.trainind ......

Weekly Report Template Duplicator - 周报模板复制器

下面是周报模板复制/生成器代码: ```python ## Weekly Report Generator ## ## By Alexander Ezharjan ## ### Configs ### template_file = 'template.docx' week_start = (202 ......
周报 Duplicator Template 模板 Weekly

Differences between SysVinit, Upstart and Systemd

Differences between SysVinit, Upstart and Systemd ......
Differences SysVinit between Upstart Systemd


# Breadcrumbs ![]( # Sticky Scroll ![](https://img2023.cnblogs. ......

Different Integers (牛客多校) (区间不同数的个数+队列加倍的妙处, 莫队)

题目大意: 给一个序列 ai , 然后 m 次 询问 L,R , 每次回答 a1 al + ar an, 这2个区间的不同数的个数 思路1: 通过队列加倍, 将2个断开的区间,合在一起, 每次询问就是 R --L+n 然后区间不同数的个数, 将每一个数第一次出现位置的权值设置为 1, 其他为 0, ......
妙处 队列 区间 Different 个数