small issue about board

About Me

这份博客可能会来捡起一些算法题或者一些技术笔记,权当一个笔记本了。 你可以叫我小柒,现在大三就读于某末流 $211$ 大学计算机科学与技术专业,$ICPC、CCPC$ 银牌,正在找实习 $ing$。 $QQ:2406379442$,有什么不懂得可以加我 $QQ$ 问我,友好交流也可以。 ......
About Me

Jenkins: issues

Disable all auth (in case of Security Realm wrong configuration) Go to $JENKINS_HOME, modify config.xml ......
Jenkins issues

Python: issues

'import *' only allowed at module level When Python compiles code it needs a determined number of local variables, The number of variables that import ......
Python issues

About Interviews and Learning------Learning journals 5

This week, we produced a group assignment, an interview video on cultural appropriation and appreciation, from which we can always learn something use ......
Learning Interviews journals About and

谷歌浏览器安装--Dependency issue installing google-chrome-stable through Ubuntu docker

1.ubuntu安装谷歌浏览器找不到安装包libu2f-udev,记录一下解决办法 Creating a dummy package which provides libu2f-udev fixes the issue. I followed below steps for Ubuntu 16.04 ......

英语 reciting and small talk

Hello, everyone. My reciting passage is Did you deal with fortune fairly. Did You Deal With Fortune Fairly Most people complain of fortune, few of nat ......
reciting small talk and

npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues

npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the ......

Fiori issue

《terminexus_0321》资产检测详情资产名称 terminexus_0321URL 10.2 ......
Fiori issue

新的开始--About Me#2

想了很久以后还是重新更新了这篇博客. 曾经有个 $Flag$ 是说自己不退役就更博,但当时还是退役了,现在还是更博了. 先讲一下退役之后吧. 退役之后,因为实力不够+运气不好,当年只拿二 = ,成为了自己当初所耻笑的对象,同时因为学科成绩不好(HN某弱校年排300左右了),每天郁郁寡欢,在那一段时间 ......
About Me

L11U6-01 Talking about a book you've read

谈论故事 使用类似表达引入故事: I've just finished reading a really good book. 我刚刚看完了一本很不错的书。 It's about Elizabeth, an honest, lively, witty girl. 书中讲的是一个诚实、活泼而聪明的女孩 ......
Talking about book read you

Android Studio Gradle Sync issues问题

当时重装系统,发现出了这个问题,展开发现JDK相关。 在csdn搜索,后将默认的更改为java用的8版本。 退出,重新进入,完成。第一次耗时很久,33分钟。后面再进就快了。 ......
Android Studio Gradle issues 问题

how can I use NSubstitute for stub and mock? any difference about the usage?

how can I use NSubstitute for stub and mock? any difference about the usage? NSubstitute is a popular mocking library for .NET that allows you to crea ......
NSubstitute difference about usage stub

svn: Server SSL certificate verification failed certificate issued for a different hostname

svn: E230001: Server SSL certificate verification failed certificate issued for a different hostname 意思是服务器的SSL证书验证失败,证书为不同主机名颁发。 解决方法: 通过命令在本机接受证书即可, ......

论文翻译:2022_Phase-Aware Deep Speech Enhancement: It's All About The Frame Length

论文地址:相位感知深度语音增强:这完全取决于帧长 引用格式:Peer T, Gerkmann T. Phase-aware deep speech enhancement: It's all about the frame length[J]. JASA Express Letters, 2022, ......

从一个 issue 出发,带你玩图数据库 NebulaGraph 内核开发

当一个新手要开始对数据库内核做代码贡献时,他需要做哪些事呢?虽然本文是一个图数据库的内核贡献过程记录,但是举一反三,你可以借鉴来对其他数据库进行内核贡献。 ......
内核 NebulaGraph 数据库 数据 issue
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