was before is

Vue编译出现This file is being treated as an ES module because it has a '.js' file extension错误

问题描述 在编译前端项目时出现下面的问题: Failed to load PostCSS config: Failed to load PostCSS config (searchPath: D:/WebProject/imooc-front): [Failed to load PostCSS co ......
file extension 错误 because treated

grpc报错io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNIMPLEMENTED: Service is unimplemented.

如果被调用方的服务,proto文件上方定义了package,调用方不可以更改此路径!!! syntax = "proto3"; package nucdl_FaceMatch; option java_multiple_files=true; option java_outer_classname= ......

2023-09-12 chooseMedia:fail d.lookup(...).indexOf is not a function ==》上传了接口不支持的图片类型导致,比如你上传了一张.jfif结尾的图片

如题。微信小程序调微信官方上传图片接口报错:chooseMedia:fail d.lookup(...).indexOf is not a function, chooseMedia:fail d.lookup(…).indexOf不是函数。 解决方案:选择其他图片即可,不要上传jfif结尾的图片。 ......
图片 chooseMedia function 接口 indexOf

[翻译]——Why my execution plan is not in AWR

为什么我的执行计划不在AWR中呢?本文是Why my execution plan is not in AWR?[1]的翻译,如有翻译不对或翻译不当的地方,敬请指出不足 前一周,我参加“使用AWR报告诊断 Oracle RAC 性能”的网络研讨会时关注到一个问题,有很多人提出了一个问题,为什么他们的 ......
execution plan Why AWR not

Rust build is seamlessly integrated into the Flutter build process

super_clipboard uses Rust internally to implement low-level platform specific functionality. Rather than shipping prebuilt binaries with the plugin, R ......
build integrated seamlessly Flutter process

Module parse failed: Unexpected token (7:27) File was processed with these loaders: * ./node_modules/vue-loader/dist/templateLoader.js * ./node_modules/vue-loader/dist/index.js 问题的解决

问题描述 由于自身用的是vue3的版本,所以原来的element组件只是适用于vue2,而vue3就是即便按照教程的步骤进行更改,还是依然报错,所以, 我们在使用组件的时候,就需要直接使用element-plus组件; 然而,在我引入新的组件之后,就出现了这样的错误: 满屏的红色呀! 问题解决 经过 ......
node_modules vue-loader modules loader dist

检查Oracle中是否是“数字”函数,Oracle11时候,报is_number 无效的运算符,使用lenth( ) 内置函数可以执行成功

检查Oracle中是否是“数字”函数 原文链接:https://www.jb51.cc/oracle/207329.html 我试图检查来自oracle(10g)查询中的列的值是否是一个数字,以便进行比较。就像是: select case when ( is_number(myTable.id) a ......
函数 Oracle 运算符 is_number 时候

Solution Set before NOIP2023

香蕉公司 题意:维护 \(n\) 的排列 \(a_0\) 与 \(p\)。\(q\) 次操作,交换 \(a_0\) 中两个值或 \(p\) 中两个值,或者比较 \(a_x\) 与 \(a_y\) 的字典序大小,其中 \(a_{k,i}=a_{k-1,p_i}\)。 \(n,q\le10^5\),\( ......
Solution before NOIP 2023 Set

The CATALINA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly

出现原因:在系统变量中,没有找到CATALINA_HOME 这个变量 解决办法:在系统中加上CATALINA_HOME 这个变量。值为Tomcat 的根目录 ......

It is probably not running问题的解决

问题描述 启动zookeeper集群之后,再使用./zkServer.sh status命令就发现了这个问题; 问题解决 发现是由于我的三个连在一起的集群没有全部启动,全部启动之后就好啦! ......
probably running 问题 not It

export ‘Vue‘ (imported as ‘Vue‘) was not found in ‘vue‘

export 'Vue' (imported as 'Vue') was not found in 'vue' (possible exports: $computed, $fromRefs, $raw, $ref, BaseTransition, Comment, EffectScope, Fra ......
Vue imported export found was

Apktool编译后安装报packageInfo is null

使用Apktool正常编译apk后,安装时报:解析软件包时出现问题(33),详细信息:packageInfo is null 解决方案 这是由于应用程序的签名不正确。使用签名工具对apk签名一下就行。 ......
packageInfo Apktool null is

FirewallD is not running 原因与解决方法

解决方法关于linux系统防火墙: centos5、centos6、redhat6系统自带的是iptables防火墙。centos7、redhat7自带firewall防火墙。ubuntu系统使用的是ufw防火墙。防火墙导致服务不正常的问题: 在服务器安装某些服务之后,服务无法连接、无法正常启动等情 ......
FirewallD 原因 running 方法 not

Navicat连接oracle时,提示oracle library is not loaded

一、背景 本机配置:win7 64位 本机同时安装了oracle服务器端和客户端 服务器端:11gR2; 客户端:oracle10g32位(由于项目需要,必须安装此客户端) 二、报错描述 先安装的11gR2,用Navicat连接正常,后面再安装10g32位的客户端后,连接报错:oracle libr ......
oracle Navicat library loaded not

pytest运行警告问题解决:DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API

# 前言 最近在运行pytest的时候,经常出现这个警告DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API See https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/pkg_resources.html from ......

evil-winrm:An error of type OpenSSL::Digest::DigestError happened, message is Digest initialization

使用evil-winrm无法连接主机,出现以下错误 Info: Establishing connection to remote endpoint Error: An error of type OpenSSL::Digest::DigestError happened, message is D ......

AnnotationTransactionAttributeSource is only available on Java 1.5 and higher和windows同时安装jdk7和jdk8

AnnotationTransactionAttributeSource is only available on Java 1.5 and higher和windows同时安装jdk7和jdk8 出错原因: 因为spring core org.springframework.core.JdkVer ......

关于SpringBoot 启动失败 Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Ambiguous mapping. 的问题解析

Application run failed org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'requestMappingHandlerMapping' defined i ......

uni报错TypeError: uni[a39_0x592c5e(...)] is not a function

![](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/3137473/202309/3137473-20230908111720457-359759142.png) 本次报错是因为不知名原因导致第三方的插件进行了混淆 故重新将报错的插件进行安装即可 如上图所示 为uni.tran ......
uni TypeError function 592 c5e

Why Kiki's Delivery Service Is The Perfect Coming of Age Story

# Why Kiki's Delivery Service Is The Perfect Coming of Age Story Studio Ghibli is well known for producing timeless classics that have engaging protag ......
Delivery Service Perfect Coming Story

floccus bookmarks sync 同步报错 Syncing failed with E034: Bookmarks file is unreadable. Did you forget to set an encryption passphrase?

使用floccus bookmarks sync 同步不同浏览器中的书签时候,第二个浏览器同步时报该错误: Syncing failed with E034: Bookmarks file is unreadable. Did you forget to set an encryption pass ......

habase2.5.5解决ERROR: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.ServerNotRunningYetException: Server is not runnin

hbase的master和regionserver启动都正常但是出现错误 org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.ServerNotRunningYetException: Server is not runnin之后我翻阅logs里面的启动日志 解决方案 在hbase-site.x ......

How to tell which version of HW your Tesla Model 3 is using All In One

How to tell which version of HW your Tesla Model 3 is using All In One 如何判断你的 Tesla Model 3 使用的是那个版本的 HW ......
version Tesla Model which using

It is strongly discouraged to install anything else in the base envionment

For both mamba and conda, the base environment is meant to hold their dependencies. It is strongly discouraged to install anything else in the base en ......

docker 打开报错 windows hypervisor is not present docker desktop is unable to detect a hypervisor. ..........

docker desktop - windows hypervisor is not present docker desktop is unable to detect a hypervisor. hardware assisted virtualization and data executio ......
hypervisor docker desktop windows present

Java Socket IO流关闭问题: Exception in thread "main" java.net.SocketException: Socket is closed

## 先说结论 问题: 明明执行的语句在`socket.close`前, 却出现**Exception in thread "main" java.net.SocketException: Socket is closed**报错 结论: 在Java中关闭一个包装流会导致它的底层流也被关闭所以一般使 ......
Socket quot SocketException Exception closed

安装cocoapods: Error installing cocoapods: The last version of activesupport (>= 5.0, < 8) to support your Ruby & RubyGems was Try installing it with `gem install activesupport -v`问题解决

问题描述: 在终端命令行安装cocoapods时,可能出现如下问题: Error installing cocoapods: The last version of activesupport (>= 5.0, < 8) to support your Ruby & RubyGems was 6.1 ......

TypeError: cb.apply is not a function 解决gitbook报错问题

TypeError: cb.apply is not a function 解决gitbook报错问题 编译报错内容 报错信息如下: /usr/lib/node_modules/gitbook-cli/node_modules/npm/node_modules/graceful-fs/polyfil ......
TypeError function gitbook 问题 apply

遇到的错误之“Could not copy property 'repositoryId' from source to target; nested exception is java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException”

[ERROR][2023-09-03 21:54:10] | Combination收入费用数据导出异常 org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException: Could not copy property 'repositoryId' from source ......

Failed to start bean 'documentationPluginsBootstrapper'; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException 转载哈!!

2023-09-03 22:53:53.622 WARN 20788 [ main] ConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext : Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling ......