
Codeforce Round 916(div3)

Codeforces Round 916(div3) [Problem - A - Codeforces]:Problemsolving Log A.题 直接看样例进行分析,发现每一次出现的字符代表着用了1分钟来看这道题,每道题都有固定的解题时间,只要达到了这个解题时间,就可以将这题解出来 , 答案 ......
Codeforce Round div3 916 div


A An array a consisting of k integers is strictly increasing if $a_{1}<a_{2}<⋯<a_{k}$. For example, the arrays $[1,3,5], [1,2,3,4], [3,5,6]$ are stric ......
codeforce 3100 1183 4261 527

atcode abc318,codeforce 1861

题目链接 题解 目录AtCoder abc318_a Full MoonAtCoder abc318_b Overlapping sheetsAtCoder abc318_c Blue SpringAtCoder abc318_d General Weighted Max MatchingAtCod ......
codeforce atcode 1861 abc 318


题目链接 []( 题解 [toc] ## A CodeForces 1859A United We Stan ......
codeforce 800
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