
使用推测解码 (Speculative Decoding) 使 Whisper 实现 2 倍的推理加速

Open AI 推出的 Whisper 是一个通用语音转录模型,在各种基准和音频条件下都取得了非常棒的结果。最新的 large-v3 模型登顶了 OpenASR 排行榜,被评为最佳的开源英语语音转录模型。该模型在 Common Voice 15 数据集的 58 种语言中也展现出了强大的多语言性能,在 ......
Speculative Decoding Whisper

【论文阅读笔记】【OCR-文本识别】 LISTER: Neighbor Decoding for Length-Insensitive Scene Text Recognition

LISTER ICCV 2023 读论文思考的问题 论文试图解决什么问题? 由于长尾效应和错误累积等原因,现有的文本识别模型对于长文本的识别能力较差 如何提高模型对于长度较长的文本的识别能力? 文章提出了什么样的解决方法? 提出了 LISTER 模型,引入了 neighbor matrix 的概念, ......

docker exec 报错 decoding init error from pipe caused \"read parent: connection reset by peer\""

复现方法,限制容器内pid个数 docker run --pids-limit=1000 -d centos sleep 100000 docker exec -it id bash 3.执行 for i in $(seq 1 2000); do (sleep 100&) ; done [root@ ......
quot connection decoding docker caused

Decoding Genome

prologue 到底是谁查 UB 查了半天啊,原来是菜鱼啊。 analysis 这个题目我们不难推出来这个转移方程: \[f_{i, j} \gets \sum_{k = 1} ^ {m} f_{i - 1, k} [k \in j \text{后面的合法集合}] \]我们看到 \(n\) 的值很 ......
Decoding Genome

Go - Decoding Data with a Customized Binary Format to Structs

Problem: You want to decode the customized binary format back to structs. Solution: Use the encoding/binary package to take data from the binary forma ......
Customized Decoding Structs Binary Format

Go - Decoding gob Format Data to Structs

Problem: You want to decode gob format data back to structs. Solution: Use the encoding/gob package to decode the gob format data back to structs. fun ......
Decoding Structs Format Data gob

Image decoding on the web

Image decoding on the web Inian ParameshwaranJun 12, 2019 What is decoding Image decoding is the process of converting the encoded image back to a unc ......
decoding Image the web on

Using base64 encoding and decoding for file transfer in AX 2012

Base64 BinData If you want to transfer small file data using AX and do not want to make use of shared folders or file uploading, sending your file dir ......
encoding decoding transfer Using 2012

Decoding Genome CF222E

需要构造一个符合如下条件的字符串: 长度为 n,并且只包含字符 1∼m (n≤1e15,m≤52) 满足 K 个要求,第 i 个要求为 xi 后面不能是 yi 现在问你,有多少种字符串符合条件。 F[ i ][ j] += F[i -1] [lk ]* a[k][j] 用矩阵快速幂优化 即 F[1] ......
Decoding Genome 222E 222 CF
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