
论文阅读 Generalized Focal Loss: Learning Qualified and Distributed Bounding Boxes for Dense Object Detection

原始题目:Generalized Focal Loss: Learning Qualified and Distributed Bounding Boxes for Dense Object Detection 中文翻译:Generalized Focal Loss:学习用于密集目标检测的 Qual ......

2023ICCV_Generalized Lightness Adaptation with Channel Selective Normalization

一. Motivatetion 跨域效果不好:在已知亮度的数据集上表现良好,在未知亮度的数据集上表现不好,泛化性能较差。 挑战:如何识别和亮度相关的通道并进行选择,并且获得泛化能力 归一化:从给定特征中提取不变的良好的良好特性,特别对于亮度分量 [ 归一化和亮度相关的特性: 1. 亮度一致性: 实例 ......

GLoRA:One-for-All: Generalized LoRA for Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning

# GLoRA:One-for-All: Generalized LoRA for Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning ## O、Abstract 本文在 LoRA 的基础上,提出一种广义 LoRA (GLoRA,Generalized LoRA)。与 LoRA 相比,G ......

迁移学习(COAL)《Generalized Domain Adaptation with Covariate and Label Shift CO-ALignment》

论文信息 论文标题:Generalized Domain Adaptation with Covariate and Label Shift CO-ALignment论文作者:Shuhan Tan, Xingchao Peng, Kate Saenko论文来源:ICLR 2020论文地址:downl ......
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