Oracle 19c 升级错误【verify_queryable_inventory returned ORA-20001: Latest xml inventory is not loaded into table】

作为一个数据库爱好者,手里的数据库没几个月就得升级一次。 升级收尾运行【datapatch -verbose】的时候,经常遇到这个错误【verify_queryable_inventory returned ORA-20001: Latest xml inventory is not loaded ......

The Evolution of Smart Car Technology: A Glimpse into the Future of Mobility

In the last decade, the automotive industry has witnessed a transformative shift towards smart car technology. Once a futuristic concept, smart cars a ......
Technology Evolution Mobility Glimpse Future

设置 scroll-into-view 无效

1、校验scroll-into-view的赋值是否和view的id一致,因为id一般包含变量,很容易和预期的值不一样 2、数值改变才会触发滚动。比如scroll-into-view的值是'id-40-view',我们手动滚动到其他位置,然后想滚动回来,就再次给它赋'id-40-view',是不会触发 ......
scroll-into-view scroll into view

C++ mysql libmysqlcppconn-dev insert into table

#include <chrono> #include <ctime> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <mutex> #include <random> #includ ......

insert into select 遇到的一个坑 Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value

INSERT INTO a( aax, aaz) ( SELECT aax, aaz FROM b WHERE x IN ( 1,2,3 ) ); 类似一个这种数据迁移的sql 如果用了where 条件请在条件上 完全遵从数据格式 如果偷懒 直接输入数字类型的 1,2,3 的话 就会报错runcat ......
Truncated incorrect insert DOUBLE select

insert into 表名 set

#insert into 表名 setCREATE TABLE `tbl_str` ( `id` INT DEFAULT NULL, `Str` VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT NULL ) ##批量 INSERT INTO `mytest`.`tbl_str` (`id`, `Str`) ......
insert into set

uniapp vue3版本的scroll-view的scroll-into-view方法不生效解决

问题代码如图 bug原因 建了vue2版本和vue3版本的uniapp分别测试,vue3版本的scroll-view存在scroll-into-view不生效的问题,目前未修复(23.12.20) 解决方法,换了个思路,如图 思路:获取当前选中元素的left值,并动态绑定给scroll-left实现 ......

Partition into Groups 题解

原题链接:Partition into Groups PS:这是今天上午NOIP模拟赛的T3。 题意 N个小朋友,每个小朋友最多有3个敌对小朋友, 问是否能把他们分成两组,使得这N个小朋友最多只有一个敌对小朋友在一组。 思路 考场上想肯定与二分图有关,最后没想出来,打了15分暴力就走了(最后还只有1 ......
题解 Partition Groups into

MssqlServer与Oracle里的Merge into 里的and与where

从oralce9i开始,oracle 引入了Merge into。 而在Oracle10g中 ,Merge into 可以在update与insert 后添加where以增加额外的条件 具体的语法可以看oracle文档,这里不详细介绍 用法 接下来,介绍MsSQLSERVER中的Mergeinto ......
MssqlServer Oracle Merge where into

SQLite instert into

INSERT INTO 语句语法 语法1 INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME[(column1,column2,column3....,columnN)] VALUE( VALUE1,VALUE2,VALUE3...VALUEN); 语法2 不需要指定列名,确保值顺序一致就行 INSERT ......
instert SQLite into

2023.12 ~ After the ice turns into water / the sea I hang upside down will be your sky.

COCI 2023.11 LOJ3999 考虑把填数过程倒过来做,那么就变成了覆盖。 设 \(f(i,j,0/1)\) 表示目前填进去 \(i\) 个数,且最后一个填的数是 \(j\),并且 \(j\) 的位置在最左侧/最右侧的方案数。以 \(f(i,j,0)\) 为例,转移有: \(f(i,j,0 ......
the 2023.12 upside After turns


1. 前言 myql的INSERT INTO...ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE语句,简单点来说,就是如果记录不存在,则插入,如果记录存在,则更新。 那怎么判断记录存在否?—— 主键、唯一键。 那不是可以使用replace语句吗?—— 原理上可以,但是sqlalchemy orm中的 ......


SQL SELECT INTO 语句 SELECT INTO 语句将数据从一个表复制到一个新表中。 SELECT INTO 语法 将所有列复制到新表中: SELECT * INTO newtable [IN externaldb] FROM oldtable WHERE condition; 只复制 ......
SELECT INTO 语句 技巧 数据

LINQ: group n by 和 group n by into g的区别

见stackflow上的答案: ......
group LINQ by into

SQL INSERT INTO 语句详解:插入新记录、多行插入和自增字段

SQL INSERT INTO 语句用于在表中插入新记录。 INSERT INTO 语法 可以以两种方式编写INSERT INTO语句: 指定要插入的列名和值: INSERT INTO 表名 (列1, 列2, 列3, ...) VALUES (值1, 值2, 值3, ...); 如果要为表的所有列添 ......
新记录 字段 语句 INSERT INTO

Error: install profile containers-default-0.50.1: generate default profile into pipe: get AppArmor version: convert AppArmor patch version: strconv.Atoi: parsing "0~alpha2": invalid syntax

Bug #2040082 “error parsing AppArmor version” : Bugs : golang-github-containers-common package : Ubuntu Bug #2040082 “error parsing AppArmor version” ......

C++ insert into tables of pgsql via libpq-fe.h and compile by g++-13

1.Install libpq-dev sudo apt install libpq-dev locate libpq-fe.h /usr/include/postgresql/libpq-fe.h 2.create table t1 create table t1(id bigserial not ......
libpq-fe compile insert tables libpq

Get environmentally friendly, biodegradable plastics into the market

Now digital techs empower plastic pollution combat in China, and our new material combined with non-enzymic hydrolysis, water dissolution and biodegra ......

ORA-01403未找到任何数据select into

问题: 执行SQL,当无返回值时,会提示“ORA-01403未找到任何数据”。 create or replace trigger tri_kf_trial before insert on kf_trial for each row declare v_id varchar2(25); begin ......
数据 select 01403 into ORA

"Grain for Green" program: turn sand into green

"Grain for Green" program: turn sand into green One specific measure that has been effective in tackling desertification is the "Grain for Green" prog ......
quot program Grain Green green

prometheus Error on ingesting samples that are too old or a re too far into the future

目录prometheus Error on ingesting samples that are too old or a re too far into the future磁盘问题时间问题版本问题历史prometheus旧数据 prometheus Error on ingesting samp ......
prometheus ingesting too samples future

SQL server 中Merge Into的用法

从备份表中更新字段到正式表中,使用 UPDATE 批量更新大量的数据,会出现效率低下,有时候甚至卡死的情况,后面通过使用 MERGE INTO 代替 UPDATE 执行批量更新,会提升执行效率。 MERGE INTO语法如下: MERGE INTO table_name alias1 USING ( ......
server Merge Into SQL

mysql create table and insert into via c++ and lmysqlcppconn

//create table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`author` varchar(40) NOT NULL,`comment` varchar(40) NOT NULL,`content` varcha ......
lmysqlcppconn and create insert mysql

[911] Read Data from Google Sheets into Pandas without the Google Sheets API (.gsheet)

ref: Read Data from Google Sheets into Pandas without the Google Sheets API import pandas as pd sheet_id = "1XqOtPkiE_Q0dfGSoyxrH730RkwrTczcRbDeJJpqRB ......
Google Sheets without Pandas gsheet

【转】dive into golang database/sql(1)

转,原文: 数据库操作是一个应用必不可少的部分,但是我们很多时候对golang的sql包仅仅是会用,这是不够的。每一条语句的执行,它的背后到底发生了什么。各式各样对sql包的封装,是不是有必要的,有没有做无用功? 这是go ......
database golang dive into sql

【转】dive into golang database/sql(2)

转,原文: 当我们拿到一个DB实例之后就可以操作数据库了 ......
database golang dive into sql

【转】dive into golang database/sql(3)

转,原文: 上一章中我们一起探讨了golangdatabase/sql包中如何获取一个真实的数据库连接。当我们拿到一个数据库连接之后就可以开始真正的数据库操作了。本章讲继续深入,一起探讨底层是如何进行数据库操作的。 上一章 ......
database golang dive into sql

[907] Merge multiple PDF files into one in Python

You can merge multiple PDF files into one using various Python libraries. One common approach is to use the PyPDF2 library, which allows you to manipu ......
multiple Python Merge files into

Build ASP.NET Core applications deployed as Linux containers into an AKS/Kubernetes orchestrator

原文: ......

Make PDF into TIFF with PhotoShop CS 5

Make PDF into TIFF Either open the PDF directly in your graphics software or right-click on the PDF's filename, select “Open with...”, and select the ......
PhotoShop Make into TIFF with