
CUDA memories

Global There's a large amount of global memory. It's slower to access than other memory like shared and registers. All running threads can read and wr ......
memories CUDA

20230818 CHAPTER 5 Thanks for the Memories arm64汇编内存使用

.data 段的内存引用实例 十进制数不要以0开头,否则会被认为是8进制数 一个数前面可以加-负号或者~取反符号; 申请一个内存块; 重复! 转义字符! 内存对齐 The offset from the PC has 19 bits in the instruction, which gives a ......
20230818 Memories 内存 CHAPTER Thanks


title: Memories mathjax: true date: 2090-07-28 23:26:42 tags: feature: true categories: 随笔 cover: ......


读《城南旧事》 Created: 2023-05-25T18:30+08:00 Categories: ReadingNotes 最近在看《Happier》、《毛毛》,感觉不同书里一些词句和记忆中的文字相通了。 最早接触林海音的文章,可能是来自《童年·冬阳·骆驼队》: > 老师教给我,要学骆驼,沉得 ......

Sample-Based Learning and Search with Permanent and Transient Memories

**发表时间:**2008(ICML 2008) **文章要点:**这篇文章提出Dyna-2算法,把sample-based learning and sample-based search结合起来,并在Go上进行测试。作者认为,search算法是一种transient的算法,就是短期记忆用了就忘了 ......
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