
提交时报错 Some of your tasks use ‘git add‘ command

在提交代码的时候忽然出现这样一条报错 之前都可以提交的,忽然就无法提交上去了,但是跑项目的时候却没有报错。而且改动点只有一个背景颜色,所以应该也不存在改出问题的情况。 查了一下,看到这篇文章 ......
时报 command tasks Some your

error: failed to push some refs to如何解决

## 解决办法 ### 方法一 对于error: failed to push some refsto‘远程仓库地址’ #### 1 使用如下命令 git pull --rebase origin master #### 2 然后再进行上传: git push -u origin master ......
failed error push some refs

Some demos of supervisor conf

# conf files in /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ ## Version Supervisor is installed by apt, and it's version is: ``` sudo supervisord --version 4.1.0 ``` ## Co ......
supervisor demos Some conf of

Some details for the Shell which I think is important

拼接字符串, 在定义好变量之后, 输出时候的拼接, 注意无意输出一些空格 。 比如: #!/bin/bash a1="China" a2="${a1}, Japan and Korean are the three important countries in east asia. \n" a3=" ......
important details Shell which think

Some small issue about STM 32 f103 core board

One connection problem: after the core board is bought back, the pin header needs to be manually soldered to the board. Originally I thought it could ......
small issue about board Some

selenium-some code

from selenium import webdriver driver = webdriver.Chrome() driver.get("") #driver.quit() from selenium import webdriver option = we ......
selenium-some selenium code some

循环依赖导致编译或者服务启动报错问题:The dependencies of some of the beans in the application context form a cycle

错误如图: 我的是服务器启动服务时报错: ***************************APPLICATION FAILED TO START*************************** Description: The dependencies of some of the be ......
dependencies application the context 问题

vue3 打包超出限制 Some chunks are larger than 500 kBs after minification

vite.config.ts , build: { // 如果自己分片的话,就会生成37个文件 // chunkSizeWarningLimit: 1000, // rollupOptions: { // output: { // manualChunks(id) { // if (id.inclu ......
minification chunks larger after vue3

遇到的问题之"数据库编写SQL-》子查询中加入limit报错:This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'LIMIT & IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery'"

一、问题 > 1235 - This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'LIMIT & IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery' 二、原因/解决方案 这个错误通常是由于MySQL版本太旧导致的。在旧版本的MySQL中,无法在子查询中使用LIMIT和 ......
quot 39 subquery version support

twisted some demo

from twisted.internet import defer, reactor from twisted.web.client import getPage def response(*args, **kwargs): print('返回页面内容') def callback(*args, ......
twisted some demo

Cheems. Would you like going to the dock later to order some French fries?

Prologue " So, where are we going? " " I'm going to the dock later to order some French fries. " " No, you misunderstood... I mean, what is the ultima ......
Cheems French Would going fries

Python check whether a list includes some value All In One

Python check whether a list includes some value All In One ......
includes whether Python check value

some basic operations on mysql8

it's my first time using version 8. keep a note just for practice. $ sudo docker images | grep mysql mysql latest 8189e588b0e8 6 days ago 564MB $ sudo ......
operations mysql8 basic mysql some

解决Some index files failed to download.They have been ignored, or old ones used instead报错

使用ping测试一下网络,如果出现:ping: Temporary failure in name resolution就是网络问题了 以下是解决办法,修改两处后重启即可,下面详细说明 第一处修改的地方: sudo vim /etc/syst ......
download ignored instead failed index

some information about the origin of the OPT folder

In the old days, "/opt" was used by UNIX vendors like AT&T, Sun, DEC and 3rd-party vendors to hold "Option" packages; i.e. packages that you might hav ......
information the folder origin about

vue项目在打包时Some chunks are larger than 500 kBs after minification(一些区块在缩小后大于500 kB) 加上适应的配置项 根目录上vite.config.ts 文件 outDir: BUILD_DIR, // 指定打包文件的输出目录 emptyOutDir: true, // 打包时 ......
区块 minification 500 项目 chunks

R语言:Some 'from' names in value not found on 'x' 报错

升级了dplyr后运行命令inter=inter %>% rename("gene"="V4") 就一直报错:Some 'from' names in value not found on 'x',如下所示: Error in rename(., gene = "V4") : Some 'from' ......
39 语言 found names value

第九篇 手写原理代码 - 数组 【 实现 forEach、map、filter、every、some 】

1、forEach Array.prototype.my_forEach = function (callback) { for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { callback(this[i], i, this); } }; 2、map Array.prot ......
数组 原理 forEach 代码 filter

报错 SystemCheckError: System check identified some issues

这个错误是指在运行 Django 时系统检查发现了一些问题。通常这些问题涉及到模型定义、数据库设置或其他配置方面的错误 这个错误可能是由于模型定义中的字段关系导致的。具体来说,可能是模型中的两个字段拥有相同的 related_name,导致 Django 找不到正确的字段引用 解决这个问题的方法是使 ......

MySQL导入数据库1118错误解决方案[ERR] 1118 - Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB

MySQL导入数据库1118错误解决方案[ERR] 1118 - Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB 编辑sql文件,在开头设置一下innodb_strict_mode为0 SET innodb_str ......
1118 Changing 解决方案 错误 columns

JS中的 map, forEach 无法跳出循环, return和 break不起作用,可以使用every 和 some方法

JS中的 map, forEach 无法跳出循环, return和 break不起作用,可以使用every 和 some方法 敲代码的TKP 于 2022-09-01 15:52:47 发布 1711 收藏 1分类专栏: javaScript es6 文章标签: javascript 开发语言 ec ......
作用 forEach 方法 return break
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